Intense Talks

That day, as class finished for lunch, Shouto was called to the staff room. He entered, much less nervous than his first visit. Approaching Aizawa, he stole some food off his desk as he came to a stop.

"You wanted to see me?" he asked. The other nodded.

"Yeah, the police want you to do the statement tomorrow after school. Is that okay?" he said. The younger nodded mutely, munching on a carrot stick.

"You'll come with me, right?" he asked timidly. Aizawa nodded seriously.

"Of course. I'll be there the whole time. Are you sure you want to do it?" he asked, concerned. Shouto merely rolled his eyes with a small huff.

"Yes, I'm sure." Aizawa growled playfully with an annoyed scowl painting his features.

"All right, now get out and stop eating my food." the younger simply grinned, snatching more carrot sticks as he left.

The next day, the pair found themselves in the police station.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Aizawa asked in a low tone. Shouto nodded, adjusting the tie of his suit.

"I can do this." his heart was pounding in his ears and grabbed at his throat mercilessly.

"But you don't have to." Aizawa murmured, fixing a cowlick at the back of the younger's head.

"I want to." the black haired male hummed.

"Okay. Good luck." and with that, Shouto entered alone.

"Todoroki Shouto?" a man in a suit asked, standing as the boy walked in.

"Ye-yes," he steeled himself, willing the internal pounding to cease, "I'm here to give a statement." they both sat.

"You will be recorded visually and audibly for the duration of your statement. You may leave, stop or pause at any time. Do you understand?" the man asked, preparing the recorder.

"Yes." Shouto was clear this time. The official nodded.

"Please give an account of the incident, and any previous incidents you wish to disclose." he asked stoically. Breath in. Breath out. Again. You can do this. And he began. Every detail came out. The escalation, the violence, the neglect. He told of his fear to return home each night; fear of the man he called his father. He was so scared it made him sick deep in his stomach. It wasn't something as shallow as a pit. No, it was much worse-

"-I don't feel safe with him." and that was that. They ended the session. Shouto left on unsteady feet. His eyes found Aizawa immediately and was engulfed by long, comforting arms. The smaller heaved a breath, as if the action itself took all the energy he had. Aizawa hushed him, rocking him back and forth.

"Are you okay?" he mumbled into white and red locks.

"Yeah- just overwhelmed." Shouto said back, muffled, "can you come in the room with me when I speak with his lawyers?" he asked.

"Of course I can. Take all the time you need and then we'll speak with them." Aizawa said, rubbing the boys back soothingly. They spent five minutes standing there, Aizawa talking the younger through breathing exercises the whole time. They pulled apart and Aizawa fixed the others hair; parted red and white again, "you ready?"

"Yeah." they entered a conference style room, where a group of men in suits were sat on one side. The pair sat opposite.

"I'm here to inform you that I will be taking no deals from my father or his lawyers." he said. The other side reeled slightly but came back again milliseconds after.

"Is there nothing we can offer you to change your mind?" one of them asked.

"No. After we finish here today, please do not attempt to contact me again." Shouto said firmly. It was not a request.

"Please, one statement from you could save your fathers career-"

"His career can rot with him. What I want- what I want is justice. And what I want is to be far away from him- anywhere but there." the room came to a stop; and the pair left.
