Doctor Talks

The car pulled up and within a minute the pair were at the desk.

"We're here to see Aizawa Shouta." Yamada said. The receptionist nodded, typing something on her computer.

"What is your relation to the patient?" she asked.

"We're family. I'm his husband and this is his son." Yamada answered impatiently. The woman nodded, typing something else in. Another minute passed, Yamada tapping the desk while Shouto bit the inside of his lip.

"All right, he's in room 30b-"

"-Thank you." he cut the woman off with a tight smile; walking as quickly as his large strides would allow. After a few minutes, they reached the room and slid open the door.

There Aizawa was, fast asleep. He had bandages wrapped around his head with a pained expression on his face. The only other thing in the room was a vital signs monitor that beeped regularly. Yamada placed the bag on the floor and slid it under the bed with practiced ease. There was a knock at the door, soft but measured.

"Come in." Yamada called. A man in the traditional white jacket entered.

"Are you his family?" he asked. The blond nodded and swallowed his nerves.

"Yes, we are." he said, managing not to stutter- just. The doctor picked up the clip board at the end of the bed, scanning the pages for a few seconds before speaking again.

"As soon as he's awake, he can leave. Just sign him out at the front desk when you're ready," he flipped over a page, "Mr Aizawa here has a concussion. Please keep an eye on him for the next 48 hours. He's going to have headaches for the next few days. Do not give him Aspirin or any other anti inflammatories. Paracetamol is ok. He might also be dizzy, unsteady or clumsy and may suffer from memory loss. If his symptoms get worse, come back. If they don't improve after two weeks, come back. He may experience headaches, dizziness, problems concentrating or problems with memory, unsteadiness, behaviour changes, anxiety and depression for the next few months." he listed off methodically, turning another page, "He also has minor bruising to the ribs which should go away in the next few weeks. He has eye strain as a result of overuse of his quirk. I'm sure he's aware of how to treat that himself. I believe that's all. Thank you for your time." the man bowed and left.

"The next few months...?" Shouto echoed. Yamada smiled.

"That's only in worse cases. It might not be serious enough for that." he reassured. Pulling up two chairs, they sat down. After a few minutes of silence, Shouto pulled out a few books from his bag.

"You wouldn't know anything about the Endocrine System, would you?" he asked. It was the biology homework.

"That's not due today, is it?" Yamada said, leaning over to read the sheet.

"No, it's due tomorrow." the other replied with a small pout.

"Is this the earliest you've done the homework before it's due?" he said jokingly. Shouto scowled.

"Maybe." Yamada rolled his eyes.

"I'll help you if you get stuck, all right?" he offered. Picking up his pen, Shouto started.

After an hour, the biology homework was complete and Aizawa was putting his shoes on; having woken up ten minutes prior. They got home at around 5am. Shouto went back to bed, waking up at 6:30am for school. When he entered the kitchen, Yamada emerged from the pair's shared room.

"Shouta and I are staying home today. Have a good day at school." he said, ruffling the boy's hair. Shouto grunted, brushing at his hair to split it evenly again.

"I just brushed this!" he complained, pulling his hands away again after a few seconds.

"I like it better this way." he said, ruffling it again with an adoring smile; earning another groan.
