Argumentative Talks

The pair ended up waking up to Yamada cooking dinner, having fallen asleep half way through Four Weddings and a Funeral. They had jacket potatoes and salad for dinner. Aizawa took a sip of his water, glancing at Todoroki.

"I spoke to Recovery Girl and she advised that you take it easy for a week or two while the bruise heals properly." he said. Todoroki stopped eating, his full attention on his teacher.

"But what about the practicals? I can't miss them." he questioned, a frown beginning to adorn his face.

"You're going to have to miss them. We can't have you getting injured even more before you heal." Yamada backed up his partner.

"I'll be fine." he tried to argue. His eyebrows were pulled together as he swallowed anxiously, nothing actually going down his throat.

"We can't risk that." Yamada replied. His leg was now shaking under the table slightly, but only Aizawa could feel it.

"It's my choice to participate." the boy argued again, his grip on his drink tightening.

"We're your guardians and we don't want you to take part." Aizawa said, placing a hand on his partners knees; gripping it lightly.

"But that's not fair!" he raised his voice a little.

"Tough." Aizawa said coldly, finishing the argument. Scowling, Todoroki stood.

"Sit back down. You haven't finished your food." Yamada said. The boy huffed, but sat and continued eating; opting to sulk silently.

"Look, I understand that it's frustrating, but part of training is learning how and when to rest. While the others are training, you can catch up on your studies." Aizawa tried to soften the blow. Todoroki finished his food, swallowing harshly.

"Do I have to?" he asked, defeated.

"Yes. End of discussion." Yamada said. He began stacking up the empty plates.

"Can I leave the table, please?" Todoroki asked. Aizawa nodded, standing.

"You may." Todoroki retreated to his room.

Aizawa sighed, hugging Yamada. He nuzzled his face into the others neck and breathed in the calming scent.

"Was I too harsh on him?" he asked, coming out slightly muffled. Yamada sighed, rubbing the others back.

"No, you weren't. It's for the best. Let's just give him some time, yeah?" the other replied. Aizawa nodded and they stayed like that for a few minutes in peaceful silence.

After sorting out the dishes, the pair ended up on the sofa. Yamada was slouched down slightly, settling into Aizawa's side easily while the other wrapped his arm around him. Aizawa's other hand had found one of Yamada's, slowly brushing his thumb over the other's knuckles every now and then. They'd opted for watching Friends.

A few hours of this went by before Todoroki emerged from his bedroom. Biting the inside of his lip, he stood in front of the pair.

"I'm sorry for shouting earlier." he said.

"That's all right. You wanna watch with us?" Yamada said with a soft smile.

"You're not mad?" he asked, eyes wider than before.

"You apologised. It's not a big deal. Come sit down;- you're blocking the tv." Aizawa said. Yamada patted the spot beside him; Todoroki taking it. Another episode began, the familiar theme tune being the only sound in the home.

I'll be there for you~
