Revision Talks

The whole class buzzed. It was finally Saturday; the last day of school for the week. Aizawa entered the classroom finally.

"Sensei! You're back!" they all cheered and began pestering him with questions. His hair started to raise in warning, and the class quietened down.

"I apologise for my absence the past two days. I was called in for hero work and got injured. That's all I can tell you regarding the situation." the class was completely silent, taking in the man's appearance fully. Satisfied with no visible injuries, their gazes made their way back to his face, "Now, you have your written exams from Monday. I'm sure you are aware of the expectations the school has of you." there was a tense air to the room after he finished; the consequences of failing hanging over their heads tauntingly.

The bell for first period rang and the day began. When lunch rolled around, the anxious feeling from homeroom still lingered with Shouto. He played with his food mindlessly, moving it from one side of the plate to the other. His teeth nibbled at the inside of his bottom lip, eyebrows furrowed. Izuku sighed.

"Are you all right?" he asked. Shouto glanced up, still biting his lip.

"Just worried." he said curtly.

"About what?" Izuku pushed.

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it." the other said, trying to brush off the topic.

"Come on. It's obviously bothering you." Izuku continued to pester the other. Shouto sighed, looking up at Izuku; his big doe eyes staring back sincerely.

"Wh-what if I don't pass the exams?" he stuttered.

"What?" he paused for a second, putting his chopsticks down, "Shouto, this is you we're talking about. Failing and you don't even belong in the same sentence." Shouto's shoulders dropped, slightly more relieved, "how about we study together tomorrow and we can go over everything?" he offered. The other nodded.

"Yeah, that sounds good. I'll talk to Dad about you coming over tomorrow- if you want." Izuku grinned.

"Sounds like a plan."


At the dinner table that night, he decided to cut straight to the point the moment the trio were sat down.

"Can a friend come over tomorrow?" he asked.

"Who?" Yamada responded.

"Izuku." he said.

"Give me his mother's number and I'll check it's ok with her." Aizawa butted in. Shouto bristled.

"I'm not a kid." he said, irked.

"And I'm not an irresponsible parent." Aizawa said sarcastically,  glancing at the other out the corner of his eye.


Sunday came with a shining Izuku knocking at the small family's door. Shouto answered it, ready for the day. As the smaller entered, Shouto noticed the uneasiness coming from him. They placed their things on the dining table, next to Yamada who was eating breakfast. The oldest grinned welcomingly at Izuku's uneasy smile. He picked up his now empty plate, swallowing the last of his toast.

"Hi Midoriya. It's good to see Shouto bringing a friend home," he turned to the other boy, "if you need anything just shout, all right?" Shouto nodded and Yamada disappeared down the hall.

They began revising the material for Maths first since that was their first exam. It took them a few hours; with Shouto explaining everything Izuku didn't understand. After three hours of revision (with suitable breaks in between), they finished the maths revision and Izuku's stomach took its opportunity, rumbling loudly. A light blush made its way to his cheeks. Shouto stood wordlessly and walked down the hall, knocking on a door. The sound of lips meeting lips could be heard on the other side of the door. Yamada answered, hair still as disheveled as a few hours prior.

"We're hungry." he said bluntly. Yamada smiled, exiting the room and shutting the door behind him.

"Well, what do you want to eat?" he said automatically.

"I don't know." the younger replied, not fully pronouncing the 't', allowing the words to merge fluidly.

"Sandwiches?" Yamada asked, entering the dining room. Izuku nodded with Shouto.

"Can I have ham and cheese?" Shouto asked. Yamada nodded, pulling out a cutting board.

"And you, Midoriya?" the blond asked, grabbing the bread.

"Um... I'll have the same, please." he answered quietly.

"How's the revision going?" a gravelly voice broke through the small silence. Izuku jumped, head snapping to the dark haired man leaning against the doorframe.

"Good. We've gone through maths so far." Shouto answered. Aizawa hummed, approaching the table to glance at their work.

"How long did that take you?" Aizawa asked.

"A-About two and a half hours." Izuku piped in. Aizawa's eyes flickered to the guest for a split second; before reading their exam timetable

"Math: Monday
Japanese: Monday
Physics: Tuesday
Chemistry: Tuesday
Biology: Wednesday
English: Wednesday
Japanese history: Thursday
World history: Friday
Computer Tech: Saturday," he paused for a second to process it,"So, you're going to study for Japanese today and then, do the rest later in the week?" he asked. Shouto nodded.

"We're goin' t' 'ave to." he mumbled.

"How about Midoriya comes round after school and you can help each other for the other exams?" Yamada suggested. Shouto's eyes lit up and he turned to the other.

"Do you want to do that?" he asked eagerly.

"As long as you don't mind-"

"-You're no trouble Midoriya- and you're welcome any time. You can tell your mother that we'll provide dinner so she won't have to worry about it next week." the blond cut him off, picking up four plates. He placed them down and the two adults sat down with them.

"T-thank you." they dug into their food, the older pair chatting quietly.

"Oh, Shouto, that reminds me. I want to you to take the Universal Sign Language exam as well." Yamada said abruptly. The younger groaned.


"-Universal Sign Language?" Izuku cut him off. Aizawa hummed, swallowing what was left in his mouth.

"Hizashi's teaching him. It's good for hero work." he said. Izuku's eyes shone, swivelling to look at the blond next to him.

"Can I learn too?" he asked.

"If you want to." he answered.

"For now though, I suggest you revise for that Japanese exam you have tomorrow." Aizawa reminded them, standing with his plate. The pair groaned and the adults quirked a smile.

Returning to their bedroom, Yamada kissed the other.

"I think they'll be just fine on their own." Aizawa chuckled, returning the kiss and directing him toward the bed.

"We've got a few hours. I'm sure."
