Titular Talks

"Uh..." Yamada tried to break the silence, and failed.

"You can call me Shouto," he cut in, "if you want." Aizawa nodded.

"You can call us dad, if you feel comfortable." he said. Shouto breathed out a sigh in relief, his shoulders dropping. Yamada grinned and held up a plate.

"Brownie?" Shouto smiled, eyes wider than before. Instead of taking a brownie from the plate, he took the plate.

"Thanks." he said, walking away. Yamada scowled, albeit playfully; following the boy to the sofa with Aizawa not far behind.

"Hey! You're supposed to share!" Yamada scolded lightly.

"These are good." he said, muffled by the brownies.

"Stop eating them. You'll get a stomachache." Aizawa said, stealing one from the plate.

"Hypocrite." Shouto said, swallowing. The other rolled his eyes, biting into the treat.

"Fine, eat slower then." he said. Slowing a little, his legs swung idly at the taste. He groaned as he took another bite.

"I didn't know anything could taste this good. I should cook more often." he said offhandedly. Yamada panicked for a second.

"Get one of us to supervise if you're gonna use the oven." he said. Shouto groaned again, turning to the man.

"Ugh But-"

"-you nearly burnt the house down!" Yamada cut off, deciding not to tell him about the batch filled with glass. Shouto held up a finger.

"First of all," he said, taking another bite, "It was just a little smoke," he swallowed and raised a second finger, "second, this isn't a house," Yamada growled, cutting him off.

"That's not important right now. Eat your brownies." the older grumbled.

"Yes, dad." he teased.
