What will happen

Yang's POV

I wake up at the normal time, around 0500 (5:00am). I get up, my head killing me, and with a slight dizziness, but head to the bathroom anyway, if i can't deal with pain, i'm not getting far. I do the normal routine, brush my teeth, brush my hair, shower, brush my hair again, dry it, put on real cloths and not just PJs. I put on a Yellow T-shirt and normal blue jeans, black running shoes, grab my gym bag and head out the door.

As i walk out i see a familiar face, she was my neighbor i think her name was Blake(?). We make eye contact and i do what I usually do when i see her, say something nice, today was, "oh, i like your bow, looks nice." "Thank your, you look a bit nicer today then normal, anything special going on?" "Nope," i say popping the P "Hairs just a bit more brushed" That was the extent of our conversations, complement, compliment back, question, answer, leave, just like today.

I try to walk out the door when i hear the landlord say "you need to pay rent.". Was she talking to me, no, i payed yesterday, i payed with Blake, we had the longest conversation i can remember, just our plans for the weekend soon. "I'm sorry? I payed yesterday, i have a witness, Yang was there". Wait, she's giving Blake shit? I turn and walk back to the counter. "I heard my name what's up?" "Oh sorry, you can go do what you need, sorry." she said a small smile on her face and her eyes just asking me to leave. I shrug and walk out the door. She must not like me very much.

I start to walk as i see the Landlord explode, just yelling at Blake, what did she do? I turn back and walk in only to hear "YOU DIDN'T PAY IT ALL, YOUR SHORT 200$" "I paid the full 600, i had the extra 200 in there.." She didn't raise her voice, she just stood there, great, thanks for the sense of justice dad. "Ok, i can't walk away, what is going on here?" Blake jumped a bit, the yelling made it sound like i wasn't there in the first place. "I'm just short on rent is all, don't worry" "I saw your check, you had $200 extra." I didn't know what was going on, but no one is going homeless on my watch.

"Well she is still short 200, remember last month Blake?" She tilted her head down and nodded her head. "So she's just short 200?" I ask, what was i about to do?! "Yes!" Ok, i mean i have the money, i could just pay. But why, you barely know her, short conversations, nothing more, next thing i know i'm handing her a check. "Cool, that should take care of it." The landlord looked at me, confused, and so was Blake. "W-why, you don't have to pay, i can manage" "I'm being nice, let me do this." "You are doing more than being nice, that's 200 dollars!" "Yeah, and, i wasn't going to use it on anything, i just got 3,000 dollars last week, plus i could use the karma" "If you're making that kind of money, why do you even live here? What do you even do?!" "Nothing much, i'm just a boxer." I leave them with the check and leave.

~le time skip bitches~

I had my earbuds in, as i'm doing my usual work out, right now i was at a punching bag, I had broken a few in the past so i have to be careful, i was about to throw another punch when i feel a tap on my shoulder, i overdo it a bit and oops, another punching bag hits the wall as the chain broke. I take one earbud out and turn to see an old friend."Nora, how are you man?!" "I've been fine i saw your latest fight on T.V. Little too much power for the kid Yang!" "she's lucky i held back at all, she insulted Ruby, i shoved her words right back down her throat" "What was her name again?" "I don't know, Emerald? She wasn't to much of a boxer anyway."

We talked a bit, I showered there, and went back to my place. "So want to meet up sometime this week?" "No, can't, Ren and I still have a lot of Unpacking to do." She said, same big smile plastered across her face. "Ok, see ya later" "Bye, Yang!". With that, we left for our homes, it was 0900 (9:00am), not as long as i would of liked the work out, but oh well, It started around 0700 (7:00am). I had to visit Ruby today anyway. I walk past a small daycare, a tall blond man was looking at the tiny children, looking at what there drawing, talking to a few, just doing his job. It reminded me of Ruby and Weiss's kid, cute kid too. (Don't ask, Fanfiction logic ok?!)

I walk back into my apartment, looking for whatever I need, change of clothes, snacks for me just in case I need them, the basics when dealing with a small child. I put in into a smaller bag, and head out again. This time I take my motorcycle, it got a bit hotter and they live kind of far.

~Another le time skip bitches~

I arrive at a Ruby's house, it was huge by the way, and knock on the door. Weiss answers holding White (their kid) (also, they have the last name rose ;) -author) "Oh, hey Yang, didn't expect you to actually be here in 30 minutes" "You doubt me to much" "I doubt everyone except Ruby and Winter" "Well may I come in" "Oh, yeah, sorry.". I walk in, toys everywhere in the playroom, the living room was clean, with a nice carpet and a rug the had a weird pattern of red black and white. The kitchen was also very clean, you wouldn't find a single speck of dust in there, how much does Weiss clean, Gods damn. I sit down on the couch, witch is white, stupid choice with a tiny child, but not my place to say.

I hear footsteps running down the stairs as if a little kid is running down excited for Christmas, then i'm body slammed by a bunch of rose petals, only stumble back a little. "YANGOHMYGODSYOURBACKIMISSESYOUSOMUCH" It was all kind of mixed together, but Ruby was squeezing the living daylights out of me. She looks small and weak, but she is strong enough to squeeze me to death. "Hey sis, I just saw you 2 weeks ago" "so, am I not allowed to miss you?" "You are, but you body slammed me, you did this 2 weeks ago." "I don't care, I missed you so flipping much" "still too innocent to cuss but not too innocent to have a kid, I don't understand you." "You don't have to" "ok, let go of me now"

She let's go, and we see Weiss standing there holding White, "Ruby, I 100% expected that." "Awww, you love me all the same" "I hate when your right". I have to admit, they're cute together, wish I had someone in my life, last time I tried to date, the guy was a creep, and now I'm 100% gay. "Yang, what's the bag for?" "What was it for last time?" "Oh, so clothes and snacks?" "Yep" time passes, I do that thing where you throw the kid in the air and catch them with White, and talk with Ruby and Weiss. After a few hours, white eats, then gets put down for a nap. Weiss comes back down, sat next to Ruby, and I had to deal with hell!

"Soon, Yang, how's your love life?" "Same as last, I'm still single" "if you need-" "I can find a girlfriend on my own". Weiss was good at finding matches for people, but I always refused her help, I wanted a relationship I could find, not have someone found for me. "Ok, for example, what do you want them to be like" "well for starters, I don't want them to go through my underwear drawer"

"Yang, not everyone is like that." "Yeah, I know, but it's still on the top of my list." "Fine, fine, what else do you want?" "Them to be nice, to not need me, but want to be with me, I don't want it to feel forced for either of us. I also want them to talk to me whenever, and be comfortable talking." Weiss forms a smirk on her face, the smirk she gets when she thinks she gets a great idea. "I swear Weiss if I find out you fucking set me up with someone." "Fine fine, I won't."

A couple more hours and it's about 1500 (3:00pm). "Well this was fun, but I have to go." "What, you just got here!" Ruby said, a sad expression on her face. "I'll be back in about 2-3 weeks." I grab my keys. "See ya" I wave goodbye, and head on my way out. I get on my bike and leave, another 30 minute ride back, not so bad, but not enjoyable when your tired.

I arrive at my apartment, park my bike and get off, 1530, not so bad. I step inside, wave to my landlord, head up the stairs, and get to my apartment. I unlock the door, walk in and drop my stuff, and flop on my bed, i roll over on my back and have one arm on my forehead, and one resting on my stomach. I close my eyes a bit, then a bit more, then more. i was about to fall asleep when i heard a grunt, I lean on my elbows and look out my still open door. I see Blake carrying 2 boxes, 1 looks full of paper, the other i couldn't see.

I get up, and walk over to her, "Looks like your having trouble, need help?" I ask, she seems to nice not to help, anyone else i would let figure out on their own. She froze for a second, then looked at me with a sweet smile said "No, i'm fine, you helped me enough today". She looked kind of cute, (nope, nope, nope, nope, you can't catch me gay thoughts, Oh yes we can!) I see she already got the keys in the door, just couldn't unlock and open the door, and the boxes seemed heavy. Naturally i unlocked the door and opened it for her.

"Thank you, but you really don't have-" "I know, i'm going to anyway, sorry for cutting you off" I see what i think was a small bit of pink on her cheeks, but it went away quickly, must of been my imagination.

She walks in, and sets the stuff down, and i turn to leave but was stopped by Blake saying "W-wait, please" i stop and turn around to look at her. "Why don't you come in for tea, it's the least i can to to thank you..." I was shocked, and my eyes widened a bit, we didn't really know each other all to well. "I-i meen, if you don't want to its fine i-" "No no, its fine, i'd love to, sorry for cutting you off again.". She steps aside and gestures for me to come in. Her place was nice, not to big, had a small kitchen that led to a living room, a bedroom off to the side and a bathroom to the otherside. "Oh, sorry if you don't like it." "No that's not it, i like it, just looking around, i really wouldn't have a place to judge if i didn't like it anyway." I say, and smile. she walk ahead of me, and into the kitchen, got out a kettle, 2 mugs and started making tea. She left it on the burner until it was boiling. I was still standing, just kind of watching, i probably looked creepy.

She walked around the counter and led me to the couch, "Now, we wait till its boiling. Anyway, i just wanted to thank you for helping me today, you really didn't have to" "Like I said, I'm going to anyway" "Ok, helping with the door, i understand, but literally paying 200 dollars out of your pocket, i really don't." "It's simple, I wasn't going to let someone become homeless." "Ok, well, i'll pay you back, i'm sorry you felt the need to pay it for me." "Did you have the money?" "Well no, i don't get paid too much as i just work at a daycare."

Wait, does she work at the daycare i passed today? "you know, you apologize to much." "Oh, i'm sorry, i just don't want people to not like me is all." She looked at the ground and rubbed her arm. "Also, you always have a bow on, the same place all the time, why is that?" She froze, she looked like she was thinking. "I was hoping you wouldn't ask, but if you want to know the truth...." She paused. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." "No, no, you should know the truth, i'm fine with whatever you think of me after finding out." What? it's just a bow.

She carefully undid the bow, to show cat ears on top of her head. She looked at the ground, refusing to look at me, so i do the only thing i could think of. I put a hand on her shoulder, she looked up, tears in her eyes, but they refused to fall. "I really don't get why this is supposed to change how i feel about you, You have cat ears, oh well.". She looked shocked, like no one ever said something like that to her, a few tears falling. Shit, what do i do?!

"T-that's it? you don't care? You do see this right." "Yeah i have eyes, and why does it matter if you're a faunes or not?" There was silence, until a high pitched whistle filled the room. Blake got up took it off the burner, and set it aside to let it cool. She sat back down, "You really don't care about what i am?" "No, you seem nice, that's the main reason i'm nice to you" She was confused, I can understand why, faunes aren't the most popular. "Well, its get off the topic, what's it like to work at a daycare?" I ask, she gives me a small smile, and begins.

"Well for starters,it's not all that bad, the kids are well behaved for the most part. Not only that, i get to work with my best friend, His name is Sun, and also a faunes." Hmmm, she's probably straight. "Yeah, he's gay and has a boyfriend named Neptune, but it's fun working with him." "Tall, blond?" i ask, she nods, "I think i passed by one time on my way back from the gym." "Oh, you should drop by, say hi sometime." She smiles that cute small smile (Fuck, I'm so gay) then she looks at me and asks "you said your a boxer this morning, like professional?" "Oh, yeah, i got the nickname The Dragon, so you could look that up and find a few fights there, but they're also on T.V."

We talk for a bit longer, drink tea, talk more, and just have a nice time. Before i knew it it was already 2200 (10:00pm). "This was fun, just talking, we should do it again sometime, at my place." I say, giveing a smile. It really was fun, and Blake was actually a really interesting person. "Yeah, sounds fun, thanks again for all the help today." She says as we walk to the door, she opens the door, i take a few steps out then say "Yeah, it's really no big deal". She shakes her head "It was a big deal to me, but goodnight" "Yeah, goodnight" We wave then she closes the door.

I walk back into my apartment, close the door, and flop on my bed again. I turn over to lay on my back looking at the ceiling, i wonder what will happen.

It be done, kind of slow, and boring, but oh well, you still read it. Hope you enjoyed, things will pick up more next chapter.
