Getting back up

Yang POV

I step out side, and block the sun with my new arm, "oh, look who's up." I heard a voice say. I look and see my dad, chopping wood, Ruby sitting next to him.

"Morning Dad, Morning Ruby." Dad smiled and looked at my arm. "How's the arm feel?" I walk over and take my arm down and look at it. "It feels.... natural."

He smiled again, so did Ruby, "So, want to get back to training?" He asked, "NOPE!" Ruby yelled running twords the house. "Sure, I have to get used to this arm."

Ruby came out with a stool and sat down, while I walked over to my dad to train a bit. We got into our stances, and started circling each other. I threw the first punch and he blocked it.

He threw 2 and I blocked them, but he threw a third punch, and got me in the face. I thew a few more and he blocked them, until I landed a hit on his arm.

This went on for about an hour until he punched me in the stomach, and I fell down. I was breathing heavily, and looked at my arm, for a second, it felt like I had my arm was back.

"You know" My dad started, as I start to sit up. "I saw all of your fights." I raised an eyebrow, confused. "You got mad in every fight." "What's the difference between me getting mad and anyone else?"

"Well for one, when someone gets mad, they aren't basically throwing a tantrum." I think about Everytime I got angry before, he was right.

"And two, you use it to much, you use it like a crutch when you have perfectly fine legs." I guess he was right, I do use my anger a lot to my advantage.

"How about we train for a bit more?" I nod and get up. "That sounds like a good idea." We get up, and train a bit more, I got a few more punches in, but still couldn't beat him.

"You're getting better, I can tell you that." "Thanks, but, I can't beat you." "You will eventually, but I have to say, you're in a better mood than yesterday, something happen?"

"Oh, uh, yeah, but it's nothing." "What happened?" "Just got a bit of information." "On?" "Stuff, now let's head inside and take and eat."

We go inside and I take a shower while my dad cooks.

If I go find Blake, what would I even say? What should I do? Would she get someone else? Do I even matter to her anymore? Does she even want me anymore? Will she find my arm disgusting? WHY DID SHE LEAVE?!

I get out of the shower, and get dressed, then go downstairs. "Hey dad, what's for lunch?" "Just grilled cheese sandwiches." "Oh, ok." "You don't sound exited." "Dad, it's just cheese and bread." He scoffed.

"Well you have to eat something, and this is the best you're going to get." I rolled my eyes, and sat down as he set a plate in front of me.

"How's the arm?" "It's great so far, it has a lot of stuff so if feels like and actual arm." He nodded and sat down with his grilled cheese, and Ruby was already eating.

"How you feeling Yang?" Ruby asked, smiling. "A lot better." "That's good!" I nod and start eating, I think there's a port near here, I can get a ticket and go, but what if she doesn't want to see me?

Blake POV

I sat up, rubbing my eyes, I didn't sleep much, I haven't been able to sleep much at all, the thought of Yang keeps me up and I can't sleep, I'm starting to get bags under my eyes.

I stand up and walk downstairs, no one was up yet, so i decided a small walk around would help, maybe a little.

I change, and put on Yang's hoodie, it still smells like her, it's like she's still here with me a little. I step outside seeing the sun start to rise.

It looked nice, I'd nicer if Yang where here. I walk down the porch stairs, and start my walk. I walk between houses, looking at all the places I used to play, and grew up.

"Hey again." I heard a voice say behind me. I turn and see Ilia, smiling. "Oh, I didn't see you there, I'm sorry." She shakes her head, "No no, it's fine, really." "Ok, I just, have a lot on my mind.

She nods, "want to go talk about it?" "No, not really." "How about we head somewhere to eat, and catch up." "Sure, why not?"

She grabs my hand and starts leading me somewhere. "Here we are." She said, still holding my hand. I take my hand back, and look at were we where.

A small cafe by the water. We walk in and order and sit down. "This place is nice." I say, looking out the window. "Yeah, it really is." She said, looking out the window too.

We get out food, well, my tea and she gets French toast, with a fruit smoothie. "Why didn't you get anything to eat?" "I'm not hungry." I said, looking out the window still, taking a sip of my tea.

"So, how have you been?" "Fine I guess." She nodded, "I saw you on TV." I looked at her confused. "Yeah, The Dragon's fight, she waved to you." I nod, I forgot that that was live.

"How'd you meet her?" "We lived in the same apartment building." "That's cool." She said, taking a bite of her toast. "What's she like?" I froze for a moment.

"She's kind, and caring, but she also has a short temper, but she's warm, and beautiful, and she can be soft sometimes, but when she needs to be, she's very intimidating. She's protective, but she's a total flirt, but she does try to remember as much as she can, and she's just, amazing." I say, looking at my tea, "I miss her." I say, wiping a tear away.

"Sounds like you where really good friends." "We weren't just friends, she was my girlfriend." Ilia stopped for a second, her eyes went wide. "You screwed a boxer?!" My face face went red. "NO, no no, I'm still a virgin, we almost did a couple times, but no."

She nodded and sighed, relieved. "Let's just, stop talking about her, please?" She nodded, and there was a silence filling the room till I spoke.

"How have you been?" I asked, still looking at my tea. "I've been fine, I've been helping out around here, nothing much.

I nod, and take a sip of my tea, I put some money on the table and get up. "I should get going." I say, pushing in my chair. "Yeah, yeah, so should I." She said, pushing in hers.

I walk out and soon after, she's right by my side. "So, want to tell me why you have bags under your eyes?" I shake my head. "Why haven't you been sleeping?"

"Reasons." She nods, "ok but what are the reasons." "Look, Ilia, I know you're trying to help, but I don't want to talk about this right now." I say, walking faster.

I get home, and go upstairs to my room. I look at the stuffed animal and hold it, Gods I miss her. I can't eat I can't sleep, I can't do anything, I miss her to much.

I hear a knock on my door, as it opens, and I see a blonde monkey boy standing in the doorway. "Blake, did you eat?" "No, can I just be alone?" "To bad, I'm bringing you food!" He said as he walks away.

A few minutes later, he comes back with a plate of breakfast. "Sun, it's fine, I'm not hungry." "Like hell you aren't, I want you to eat, then sleep."

"Sun, I'm fine-" "Blake, you're going to eat no matter what." He walks over and sits on the bed, forcing me to take the plate, with a bacon egg breakfast sandwich.

"Eat." He said, pushing it twords me. I take a bite and set it down. "Happy?" "Eat all of it." I roll my eyes and finished the sandwich. "Happy?" "Very, I'll be back later with lunch."

He walks out with the plate, "sleep." He said, closing the door. I grab the stuffed animal, and lay down. I close my eyes, trying to sleep, but I can't.

~Time skip~

Sun walks back in, and I'm just sitting on my bed, crying with the doll in my hands. "Blake...." He said, I wipe the tears, and looked at him. "Blake, you look terrible." He said, sitting next to me. "I know, I just miss her, so much."

"Blake, go back to her then." "I can't, she's hurt because of me, she wouldn't want to see me." "Blake, you shouldn't have to be doing this, you're not taking care of yourself, you don't deserve this!"

"Except I do! Everytime I get close to someone, they get hurt, and it's all because of me, its always my fault." "Did I get hurt?" "Yes, you got stabbed in the shoulder for me once!"

"That wasn't your fault." "But that happened because of me!" "I don't blame you, Yang doesn't blame you, no one blames you!" "But because they knew me, they get hurt!" "Do you think Yang would want you to treat yourself like this?!"

I stop for a moment, "I... don't know." "No she wouldn't!" "How would you know?!" "Because I know her, I've known her long enough to know that she cares about you, and she would die for you!" "She almost died for me, she doesn't want me around."

"Look, we're getting no where, just eat, and come downstairs." He said, walking out, as I took the plate. Just a sandwich. I'm not hungry, I'll just go downstairs.

I walk out the door and head downstairs, and sat on the couch. "Look who's here!" I heard my dad say, he walks over and sits next to me.

"Hon, have you been sleeping?" "Yes." "The bags say otherwise." "It's fine dad." "Blake, I just worry about you." "I know dad."

Yang POV

I finish eating, and stand up. "How about we keep training in a bit?" Dad said, putting a plate in the sink. I nod and head upstairs.

I wander how Blake is doing? Is she ok? Is she getting into trouble? Is she dating someone else? Did he take her? "I miss you, Blake."

A bit later dad walks back in, "Ready?" I nod and get up. "Let's go." I say walking out of my room.

We get out into the yard as we take our stances. We start circling each other. He throws the first punch as I block it. He throws another and I block again, then punch, he blocks.

"That's a bit better." He said throwing a punch. I block and punch a few times, landing about 3 hits.

This continues for a while till I sweep his leg, and he fall, but I catch him by his hand. He looks up and smiles, and I smile back. "Good, now, let's keep going!"

~Time skip~

I knocked him down again, and again, and a again, but I got knocked down a few times. "You did really well, looks like that hand is helping you a lot."

I nod, I've been working with it a bit, and it feels like I have my arm back. "Yeah, it really does help, but, it's not the real thing." He nods and I help him up.

"Let's head inside, I'll make dinner." He said as he walks inside. I get in the shower again, and do what I need to.

I get out, change, and walk into the dinning room. Dad made Lasagna, and he and Ruby where already eating. I get some and sit down at the table.

"So, I'm heading back home tomorrow morning." Ruby said, a bit nervous. "It's fine, go back to your wife." Dad said, still eating.

"I'm leaving tomorrow too." No one said anything, but dad froze. "Like hell you are." "I'm going to leave, end of story." "No, if you think you're ready to enter the world again, you must of lost some brain cells along with that arm."

I froze, did he really just say that? I dropped my fork, and went upstairs, I'm not dealing with that. "Yang, Yang, I'm sorry, Yang, at least finish your dinner!" I heard him yell.

No, I'm not dealing with this. I sit on my bed, and pack the clothes I brought, and the book I brought.

I hear a knock on the door, "come in." Dad walks in. "What?" "I'm sorry, Yang, I was out of line, I'm just worried."

I nod, "Yang, you're my kid, I'm going to worry about you, I know what I said was terrible, but I just don't want anything bad to happen."

"Dad, I'm leaving, that's the end of it, I know you worry, but I'm going to leave." "Can you at least tell me where you're going?" "I'm going to a place called Menagerie."

He nods, "why?" "To find someone." "Who?" " girlfriend." He froze, and his face screamed excitement. "Why didn't you tell me you where dating someone?!" "This is why."

He hugged me, and smiled, "What's her name?" "Blake." "What does she look like?" "You'll meet her one day, Dad." He smiled, and let go of me.

"Ok, just, come finish your dinner." I nod and we walk down stairs. I finished my food, and went to my room to finish packing, then went to bed.

~time skip~

I wake up, and rub my eyes, and put my arm on. I grab my bag, and walk down stairs, seeing Ruby with her bag.

"Ok, I'm ready to go." I say, walking up to them. Dad turns to me smiling, "Have fun you two." "You too Dad!" Ruby said, hugging him, "You too." I say, joining the hug.

We all separate, and Dad smiles, "no go, you have places to be." We wave and walk out the door, we walk down the dirt road till it becomes asphalt.

"I guess this is where we separate." I say, hugging Ruby, she hugs back, "I guess so sis." "I'll see you soon." We go different detections, and I head down to the port.

"One ticket to Menagerie please." I say, "75 lien." I nod and hand them the money, and go to the boat.

I see the caption and walk up to him. "How long is the ride to Menagerie?" "About 2 days." "Thank you." I walk to a small room, I guess this is where the passengers stay.

Well, I don't care, I'm heading to Menagerie, and no one is stopping me. "I'm coming, Blake." I say, as I lay down again.

Blake POV

I had been talking with my dad for a bit, untill mom walked in. "You're here, and not in your room, that's good." She said, sitting next to me.

"Hon, you need to get more sleep." "I know, I've tried." Sun walked in from the kitchen, "IT WORKED!" I looked at him confused.

"You are OUT if your room!" I nod, he's excited. "Why don't we go to the beach or something?!" He said, exited. "Uh, no thanks, how about we just watch TV for a bit, relax?"

He nods and sits next to dad. We turn it to the news and saw that a boat the Menagerie is on its way. "More people are coming?" Dad remarked. "Yeah, it's a bit weird, but oh well, maybe they're visiting." Mom said.

I nod, it's rare for people to come to the island so it's kind of cool that there's a boat on it's way here.

We turn off the TV, there's nothing on right now. I just want to go to my room. "Blake hon, what does your girlfriend look like?"

That's a random question, and Dad doesn't know. "Your WHAT?!" "Blake has a girlfriend." "Mom!" "Who is she, can she protect you, can she fight, what does she do?"

"Dad just, don't worry about it, it's nothing." "Bu-" "she said it's nothing hon, we have to respect that she doesn't want to tell us." Mom stepped in.

"Can you at least tell me what she does." "She's a boxer, or, was a boxer." He nodded, "Which one?" "What?" "I want to know who she is."

"I don't want to talk about it." I say, holding back tears, I think he could tell "Fine, you don't have to talk about it."

Silence filled the air, "how have you been?" I asked my parents, I haven't really talked to them. "Hmm, well, I've been dealing with the business, it's been falling apart since the new CEO took over."

I nod, "What about you mom?" "I haven't done much, just been looking at a few new things to cook." "Like what?" "I'm make it tonight, it's just a new way to cook chicken."

I nod, nothing new. "Blake, what have you been doing?" Dad asked. "Oh, well, I worked at a daycare for a while, Sun works there, but, I quit, and I'm about to go back to college."

"Why are you going to college?" "I want to be an English teacher, so I'm going back to college." "What college are you planning on going to?"

I point to the hoodie I had on, "I went there!" Sun said, did everyone go here or something? "Yang went here to, that's why she gave me her old hoodie."

He nods, exited. "Blake, u should wash that soon." "NO, I mean, no, it's fine." Everyone looked at me surprised. "I just, it still smells like her." I say, holding the inside of the jacket.

Mom hugs me, and rubs my back. "You really miss her don't you?" I nod, I didn't want to talk about it, but I can't always avoid it. "Why don't you go back to her?" Dad asked.

"I would, but I messed up." "How?" He asked. "Adam came, and she got hurt because of me, and she wouldn't want me around anymore, so I left, it's my fault she got hurt."

"Blake, how many times do I have to tell you, she doesn't blame you, she would blame Adam?" Sun said. "She cares about you, or she wouldn't of tried to do that, she doesn't blame you."

"Look, can we just, drop it, I don't want to talk about it right now." "Fine" dad said, "ok hon" mom said, "Fine, but we have to talk about it eventually." Sun said, rubbing the back of his head.

I'm done with this chapter, this didn't take long, sooo, it's going to be uploaded a bit quickly. (Not proof read)
