is she here yet?

Blake was in bed, as she looked at the clock, Ruby had told her that Yang should be coming home around 5:00 today, currently, it's 1:00.

Blake sighed and got up, she went into the bathroom and brushed her teeth, and started the shower, she got undressed, and got in, she did what she needed to, and grabbed a towel, and got out.

She went back to the room, and got dressed, and dried her hair, then looked at her calendar, "you have got to be shitting me!" She said, seeing what's coming up in a week.

She sighed, and looked around the room, it wasn't really dirty, and at the most have a couple of Yang's shirts laying around.

She picked them up, and just started cleaning the house. When she finished, the house was spotless, and she looked at the clock, 4:39, great, 20 more minutes.

She heard a knock at the door, and opened it, seeing Sun standing there, with keys in his hand. "Blake you ready to see your girlfriend again?" He asked, smiling.

Blake nodded as Sun grabbed her arm, and dragged her to the van. She opened the door seeing Neptune in shotgun, Nora and Ren in the 2 seats behind that, Jaune and Pyrrha in 2 seats behind them, and Weiss next in the back row.

"There are 3 seats per row, why aren't you sitting together?" "Because why not?" Nora said, as Blake climbed in.

She sat next to Ren and Nora, wanting to be able to get out quickly.

They drove down to the airport, seeing the time, 5:06 Yang should be here soon.

They waited at the bottom of the escalator, as Blake grew anxious. "What if she lost interest after the year, what if we fight more, what if-" Blake was brought out of her thoughts.

"Hey Blakey!" Yang said, hugging her, she didn't even realize that Yang had arrived.

Blake hugged back, crying a bit. "I missed you so much, I didn't know what to do without you!" Blake said, crying a bit more. The 2 stayed like that for a while, before Nora tapped Yang's shoulder.

"You know, there are other people here to see you." She said, opening her arms. Yang smiled and rolled her eyes, giving her a 1 armed hug, still keeping her human hand on Blake.

Everyone gathered around Nora, and got a hug each, until it was Pyrrha's turn. "Where's the baby?" Yang asked, raising an eyebrow.

Her face turned red, she hadn't told anyone yet, and has mainly been taking care of the baby, while Jaune worked.

"Well, I was waiting to tell everyone untill you got back." "HOLD UP!" Nora yelled, grabbing her arm. "You where pregnant at one point, AND you had the kid without us knowing?!" She asked.

Jaune nodded, we where going to introduce you to her once Yang came back, and we hired a sitter for the time being." He said, scratching his neck.

"Oh, sorry for bringing it up then." Yang said, still keeping her hand on Blake's back. "How did you even figure it out, you where got for a year!?"

Yang just shrugged, "you turned down a beer, then we didn't see you for a very, VERY long time." They laughed nervously.

"Well, let's go home, I've been on a plane for 13 hours, and want to sleep in my own bed." She said, putting her arm around the back of Blake's neck.

Blake nodded, as looking at everyone else. "I brought the van, don't worry!" Sun said, holding up his keys. "I called the driver over here a while ago, so Ruby and I will be heading home together.

They all looked and saw the small girl, with black hair, and red tips, in skinny jeans, and a red t-shirt with a rose on it. She waved, and got to the bottom.

"What did I miss?" Nora hugged her, and everyone else just joined the hug. "I guess this already happened to Yang?" "Nope!" Yang said with a smile.

Ruby pouted, and Weiss walked up to her, and kissed her. "I've missed you, let go, I called the driver, privet window, can't see into the back, let's go." Ruby smiled and nodded, she hugged Blake, and walked off with Weiss.

"Jeez, I'm going to have another niece soon." Blake giggled, and smiled at Yang. "Gods I have missed you." She said, Yang looked at her, and kissed her."

"I've missed you more, now, let's go home." She said, kissing Blake again. "We're sharing a van, don't get all lovey dovey in the car." Nora said, walking ahead with Ren.

"Let's just go, then, we have the house." Blake said, kissing Yang. Yang smirked, "I feel like there's something you're not telling me." "It can wait till we get home."

Everyone started walking away, and the couple started to follow. "It's nice to be back, and it's nicer to have you again." Yang said, as they started getting into the van.

"What did I say, Yang, I WILL take your arm of I have to." Nora threatened. Yang smiled and nodded.

They got to their house, and unloaded from the van. Yang unlocked and opened the door, and stepped aside for Blake to enter.

"So, what was it you weren't telling me?" "Have a look at the calendar and fine out." Yang walked into the room, and looked at the calendar.

She walked back out, "what food do you want this time?" "I don't want food, I want to spend time with you untill my cycle kicks in."

Yang nodded, and walked over to Blake, and picked her up. "I like that plan." Yang kissed Blake, and Blake giggled.

"I thought you would." Yang started to kiss down her neck. "Yang!" Blake said, Yang stoped and looked up at her.

"Can I help you." She asked, a smirk on her face. "That's kind of dangerous to do, a day before my cycle, it might not have kicked in all the way, but a tiny bit is." "I know, but it's hard to resist, it's been to long since I felt you, or kissed you, or heard you."

Blake frowned, and cupped Yang's face in her hands. "I know, I've missed you too, I wanted to hear you, to see you, I wanted to wake up and see you on the couch, as if it where a bad dream."

"Let's just stay together for the rest of the day, I want to know you're here." Yang said, a couple of tears starting to fall.

Blake nodded, she wanted to ask what happened where she was, what she went through, all of that, but just for right now, she wanted to be near Yang, and to feel her there.

Yang went over to the couch, and sat down with Blake still in her arms. "How about dinner, I'm starving."

Blake said, getting off of Yang. Yang smiled, and nodded. "Just let me get ready." She said, walking into the room.

After about 10 minutes she walked out, she had ripped skinny jeans, a yellow T-shirt and a leather jacket.

"Ok, I'm ready to head out, just couldn't find a good shirt for some reason." Blake blushed and nodded.

"Let's head out." Blake said, looking away. "Ok, let's take Bee." Yang said, walking twords the garage.

Blake followed, and they headed out. They got on bee and got out of the garage, closing it behind them.

"Ready?" Yang asked. Blake nodded, and Yang started out slow, as she went, slowly picking up the pace. "You ok?" She asked, again, Blake nodded.

"I forgot the helmets today, sorry about that." They stopped outside of a restaurant, one Blake recognized.

"Isn't this Junior's place." "Yep, we don't have a reservation, but I have a feeling, we'll still be able to get in."

Yang parked the bike, and they got off, and went inside.

A man had a black suit on, with a red undershirt, and a black tie. "Can I help you?" "Yeah, I'd like to talk to the owner." Yang said, nicely.

"We, you're talking to him right now, what do you want?" "You're not Jr." "Yes I am ma'am, what the hell do you want?"

Yang pulled out her phone, and called someone. "Hey,...... yeah I'm, I'm at your I do, see ya in a few." Yang put her phone away.

"Cool, Jr. Said he had a table open for us, someone cancelled." Yang said, smiling at Blake. "I never said that!" The man said, clearly frustrated.

"You didn't, but Jr. Did, he wants to say hey since I've been gone for a year."

The man started yelling at the 2, claiming to be the owner, and that they need to leave, when Jr. showed up.

"What the hell are you doing you moron?!" He yelled. "This bitch is saying that, this restaurant is a scan and that, we're all low lives who don't matter, and should all off ourselves!"

He looked at Blake and Yang, then back at him. "You're an dumbass!" "It's fine Jr. I probably sounded pretty entitled when I asked to speak to the owner."

"What?!" "Yeah, then he said he was the owner." "Excuse me? Know what, let's just look at the tapes!"

He dragged the employee to the back, and then as Blake and Yang followed. "Not how I expected our first date in a year to go." Blake said.

Jr. Turned on a TV in his office, and rewinded, seeing everything that just happened.

"You." He pointed to the employee, "what the actual fuck is wrong with you, she didn't even do anything to you." The employee glared at him.

"You, I'll show you to your table." He said, getting up. "Sorry about home, I don't even know what he was thinking."

Blake and Yang followed him to a table, Jr. Left, and the 2 talked about what just happened.

They ordered their food, and kept eating, and talked about what they should do next, go see a random movie, or go home, or do something else?

"I'm fine with anything, you've been gone for a year, so you can choose." Blake said, smiling.

"Let's go home, and watch a movie there." Blake nodded, and they got the bill. Yang payed, and they left, getting on bee again.

"Ready?" Blake nodded, and Yang went full speed. She felt Blake squeeze tighter, and she chuckled.

They got home, and parked in the garage. "Why did you go that fast?!" Blake said, a bit angry, but happy at the same time.

"I haven't been on bee in a year." Blake rolled her eyes and smiled, "just, be careful next time.

Yang chuckled, and oped the door and waited for Blake to walk in first.

Blake walked in with Yang following behind her, closing and locking the door.

"What movie should we watch?" Yang asked turning on Webflix, then sitting.

"Don't know, just, nothing scary." "The bad dream before x-mas, got it!" Yang said, finding the movie.

Blake sat next to Yang, and laid her head on her shoulder. "I've missed you." She said, trying not to close her eyes.

"I've missed you too kitten." Yang said, putting one arm around Blake. Blake reached over, in an attempt to hug her, but gave up half way.

She let her arm fall, feeling Yang's abs, and slight bumps. "What the hell?" Blake asked, to no one in particular.

She sat up and got in Yang's lap, "what-" Blake interrupted her by lifting up her shirt about half why.

"Blake? Is your cycle kicking in or something?" Yang asked, confused. Blake looked, seeing the scars on her stomach.

Tears formed in her eyes, seeing what she had done. "I'm sorry." She said, holding back tears. Yang forced her shirt back down, and looked at Blake.

"Hey, hey, it wasn't your fault." "It was, I physically did this to you, you've been hurt so many things because of me, you lost your arm!" Blake said, stroll trying to hold back tears.

"Blake, I know you didn't want to do this, you weren't in control of your self." "But I should have been able to, I tried, but I couldn't do anything."

Yang wrapped her arms around her, and pulled her close. "Don't worry, I don't care what the cost, I will always love you."

"I love you too, no matter what, I promise." Blake said, hugging back. "Can you get off of my lap for a second?" Yang asked, and Blake nodded.

Blake got off, and sat to the side of her, and Yang adjusted. "You can sit back down if you want." Blake blushed. "No, it's fine." Yang nodded, and hit play on the movie.

"So, what happened over your year?" Blake asked, and Yang thought for a second. "Rested for a while, I lost my temper a few times , physical therapy, training, loosing my temper more." "What did you loose your temper over?"

"Well, the fact that I didn't get to talk to you was the main thing, it got so bad that Dad had to show me pictures of you just to calm me down. Actually, now that I say it out loud, it sounds kinda weird."

Blake nodded, and giggled, "it's fine." "What about you, what happened with you over the year?"

"I wanted to sleep through it, and wake up, and you'd be here, but, of course, being friends with Sun, I didn't get to do that." "So what did happen?" Yang asked, tilting her head, and raising an eyebrow.

"Kicked a guy in the junk for what I can only assume, about to rape me, and he hurt Sun, insulted gays, all that shit." Yang's body temperature got a lot warmer. "Don't worry, like I said, I kicked Axl in the junk!"

"His name is Axl?" "Yeah, buff dude too, tiger ears." "Oh?" Yang's temperature went down a bit, but her voice got lower.

"But, he won't bother us again, and if he does, I'll kick him in the balls again." "And I'll beat him to a bloody pulp." Blake laughed.

"Then every holiday, he, Neptune, Nora, Ren, Weiss, and Ruby sometimes would come in, or force me to go out."

"Wow, sounds like you had a fun time." "Tell me about it" Yang chuckled. "Well, it sounds like we need some alone time together." Hand said, holding Blake closer to her.

"Yes, we really do." "After your cycle though, actually, what happened while I was gone and that happened?"

"I just stayed in bed, and Sun gave me a pass." Yang nodded, "you want tuna melts again?" "Yes, very much." Blake said, smiling.

"And this time, can I see you more?" "Sure, just, don't jump on me to much." Blake chuckled, "no promises."

The movie went on, as Blake slowly closed her eyes, and started to drift off to sleep. Yang turned off the TV and grabbed the blanket on the back of the couch. "Good night kitten."

Ya bitch is back at it again with her bullshit, idk if I should do another heat wave thing, or of I should just skip that entirely, up to you, choose. Not proof read
