it ends here! (pt 3)

Not proof read

"YANG!" Blake yelled, seeing what happened to her girlfriend. The tears that where forming, fell, she didn't know how much more she could take.

Yang let out a pained grunt, as she sat up. "I swear, I'm going to kick that goats ass when we get out of here." Yang said, looking at the ground.

She looked over at Blake, seeing the tears, but she didn't make a sound. "I promise I'll get us out of here." She said, wiping away tears.

They heard a voice from across the room, seeing Scar in his chair. "Not going to happen, Adam is going to kill miss dragon over there as soon as this thing is charged." He explained, as the ground below them started to glow.

"How are we going to charge it?" Yang asked, glaring at the man. "So glad you asked. You and your soul mate ov-" Yang cute him off.

"My what now?" "Soul mate, the person you are destined to be with... who you love the most...the one person, who will love you no matter what...any of this ringing a bell for you?" He said, raising an eyebrow.

Yang thought back to when she first met Blake, the tug at her heart when she saw her, how she just wanted to stay there with her, but she couldn't.

She thought back to how after just spending a little bit of time with her, she could have sworn she was in love.

"I can tell that range a few bells" Scar commented smugly. "Well as I was saying, the bond you and her share is a very rare bond" he said, walking over to the cages again, pulling out the taser.

"Your bond is a heart bond, meaning, your bond is rooted deep within your heart, allowing you to hear each other's heart beat, being able to find one another." He said, as he circled the girls. "This however, can only happen when you meet your soulmate. It's different for other people, but you too, your bond will charge this thing up very quickly!" He said excitedly.

He stopped in front of Yang, pointing the taser at her. "And I have a few things to test with you, Dragon" he said, pointing it at Blake.

"Now, I have been instructed to not hurt miss Belladonna over here, but I have a feeling, you'll never let that anything happen to her anyway." He started moving it twords Blake.

Yang's eyes went red, as she attempted to grab the man, but he jumped back before she could.

"If I touch her, I'm dead, and we don't want that, now do we?" "You're better off dead than near Blake!" Yang snapped, as he shook his head. "Still so protective, you do realize, I have more self-preservation than you, right?" He asked, as Yang kept her glare on the man.

He rolled his eyes as he slowly circled the cage, he lunged the taser twords Yang as she quickly moved out of the way, only for another to hit her in the back, as she yelled out in pain.

Blake knew she had to do something, but what, she wasn't nearly as strong as Yang. "I'm powerless!" She thought to herself, as she could only watch what was happening to Yang.

She looked around, and saw a small piece of metal on the ground near her cage, maybe she could..."got it" she whispered to herself, as she looked around, finding a lock to the cage twords the top.

"Just hold on a bit, Yang!" Blake silently begged as she reached up, only to hear something slam into metal, only to see that Scar was holding something yellow, then realize, he had pulled out a bit of Yang's hair.

"YOU BASTARD!" She yelled, as she lunged forward, attempting to grab the man, only for her hand to be met with a taser. Blake heard a click as she looked at the lock, only to see it unlocked.

She quickly grabbed it, and set it down quietly, as she reached up once more. She pulled herself up, as Scar taunted Yang, getting her angry, and jumped down. She found a hammer on the ground and picked it up, walking up behind Scar, raising it above his head.

"Now then, what do you have to sa-" Scar looked over twords Blake's cage seeing it empty, he turned around only to see Blake, giving him a kind smile and a wave, before being knocked out. "Fucking delusional creep!" She cursed as she broke the lock on Yang's cage.

Yang instantly hugged Blake, "oh you beautiful genius!" She cried out as she embraced her, Blake returning the hug. "Let's focus more on getting out before we celebrate." Blake said as they heard the door slowly open.

"You have got to be kidding me!" Adam yelled seeing the two. Yang smirked, thinking of all the ways to kick his ass, as she separated from Blake and took a step twords him.

Blake grabbed her wrist, glaring at him. "Don't, he probably has something." Blake warned as he walked twords the two. "I hired so many people to get you away from her, to kill her, and you're still with her, Blake?!" He yelled, his walking pace picking up.

Blake gritted her teeth, wanting to punch out all of his. "I'll deal with you later, for now, this bitch." He said, starting to run twords them. Yang pushed Blake aside and quickly threw a punch, barley missing him.

Adam quickly slid to the side, missing Yang's punch, as he quickly pulled out a knife, attempting to stab it into her side.

Yang jumped back, as Blake quickly came up from behind, throwing a punch into Adam's back. "Oh you BITCH!" He yelled out, before pulling out what looked like a dart.

He backed up as much as possible, throwing it at Blake, as Yang stepped in, taking it to the middle of her spine. She fell down as her legs started to shake. "Well, that's should knock her out for a while." He said walking twords them.

Blake put herself between Adam and Yang. "Come now my love" Blake felt a sharp pain in her side, she looked to see another dart in her side, as her vision started to blur.

"I didn't want it to come to this, but you have me no choice." He said, his voice becoming more and more distant to Blake, as everything was surrounded by darkness.

"Take them to the room, I think Blake needs a little more.... convincing" Adam ordered as 2 men can in and picked them up


Blake woke up, the room was dark, but had enough light to see. She looked around seeing Yang tied to a chair, still knocked out. Blake sat up, and tried to walk over to her, only to find herself confined to that spot.

She tried to speak, but it came out muffled, as she realized she had a rag in her mouth. "Oh, you're finally awake I see." She heard a voice say, as she looked around frantically.

Foot steps could be heard, as they became closer and closer, till she saw him, Adam, now kneeling before her.

He reached around her head as he untied the rag in the back. "There we go-" "YOU BITCH!" She snapped, pure hatred in her eyes. "Awww, someone still angry that their girlfriend's about to die? I told you, you're never leaving me, and you sure as hell, don't like girl"

"What are you going to do to her?!" Blake demanded. "Kill her, and make you watch, simple as that." Her eyes grew wide. "YES, THAT FACE, I LOVE THAT FACE! the absolute terror in your eye!" He said, quickly putting the rag back in.

"MhhhMHMhhh" they turned around and saw Yang struggling to get out, her eyes where red. "Ohhhh, and the main event is awake, lovely to see!" He said excitedly, as was walking twords her.

He took the rag out of her mouth, "how we feeling?" He asked smirking. "Like I was to kill you." Yang wanted in a low voice. "Good, let the fun begin then."

He walked over to a corner of the room, slowly pulling a rack of weapons twords them. "What the hell do you plan to do with that?!" Yang demanded as Blake started struggling.

"Kill you, slowly of course." He said, as he smiled at Blake. "Now then, shall we?"

Hello everyone, it's been a while, and sorry about the short chapter, I'll make the next chapter much longer.
