The Year

Blake was in bed, trying to go back to sleep. That's all she wanted to do now, just sleep till Yang gets back.

That is until Sun walked into the room. "Blake, get up." He said, staring at her blankly.

"No, let me sleep though the year!" She said, turning over, putting her face in the pillow.

Sun walked over, and sat on the side of the bed. "Get up an shower, I'll be waiting in the living room, come out, SHOWERED AND DRESSED, we're going somewhere, be out in an hour!" He said, walking out.

Blake turned over, looking at the door, ajar. Fiiiiiine, whatever, the sooner I do this, the sooner I can sleep! Blake thought, getting up.

She closed the door completely, and turned on the lights. She went over to the dresser, and opened a drawer.

She saw yellow shirts, with little hints of black. "Oh, yeah, this is Yang's dresser." She grabbed a shirt, and got a pair of pants and underwear from her dresser and walked into the bathroom.

She turned on the shower, and brushed out her hair as the water hot warm. She felt the water, warm.

She got undressed and got in the shower. After her shower, she got dressed, and dried her hair with a towel a bit, then used a blow drier, and went back to the room.

She grabbed her phone off the charger, and walked out into the living room.

"Ok, I'm done, what do you want?" "FINALLY! Let's goooooo!" He said, grabbing her wrist.

He dragged her out the door. "Can I put on shoes first?" Blake asked. Sun let go and she put on flip-flops.

She walked out, and started walking down the sidewalk. Sun tried to get Blake to talk a bit, but she wouldn't budge.

They stopped outside a small clothes store. "Stay here, I need to grab my gift for Nep." Blake nodded and stood outside the door.

A man walked out, with tiger ears, in a leather jacket and blue jeans, with a white shirt underneath.

His hair was brown and messy, and put on sunglasses. He put a bag over his shoulder and looked around.

He saw Blake, and walked over to her, he was surprisingly muscular. He smirked as he put one hand on the wall behind her.

"She'll hello there, kitty, what's your name." His voice was condescending, and his smirk showed his true intentions.

She looked up at him, "Blake." She said, no emotion in her voice. "Aw, come on pretty kitty, the names Axl, nice to meet ya!" He said, pulling down his sunglasses and winking.

"Not interested." She said. Pulling out her phone. "Don't be like that, I can show you a good time kitty."

Blake ignored him, if he called her "kitty" one more time, she might snap.

He grabbed her phone, and help it above his head. "Don't ignore me, kitty."

"I said I'm not interested!" She said, glaring at him, she jumped up, and grabbed her phone back.

Sun walked out with a small box in hand. "What the fuck is going on here?!" He demanded.

"You her boyfriend or something?" Axl asked, his tiger ears going to the sides out of anger. "No, my boyfriend is at home." He said.

Axl backed up in disgust. "You fucking queer!" "Don't call him that!" Blake said, anger and demand in her voice.

"What, he's gay!" "I have a girlfriend!" She said, angrily. He smirked, what hell is up with this dude?! "Don't worry, I know exactly what will turn you straight."

She backed up a bit, a disgusted look on her face. "No, go the fuck away!" He took a few steps closer.

Sun grabbed his shoulder, "DON'T FUCKING TOUCH HER!" He thew a punch but Axl cought it.

He picked up Sun and thew him on the ground. He turned back twords Blake.

He grabbed her arm, and she intently felt fear take over. "Now then, where where we?!" He ask, pulling her closer.

"Get the fuck off of me." She said, calmly. "You can't tell me what to do!" He said, smiling. Blake lifted up her led, and kicked him in the one area she knew, could make a man cry.

He fell to the ground, and cried out in pain, and sure enough, cried. "You bitch!" He said in pain. "Don't try to take advantage of women, and maybe, you won't get kicked in the dick." She said, stepping over him to Sun.

She picked him up and put one arm around him supporting him. "I didn't think you had it in you." "Well I do, he's an asshole, and a potential rapist." "How do you think Yang would react?"

"Probably try to actually murder him." "Don't blame her, I tried to fight, but, I guess I wasn't strong enough."

"It's fine Sun, what did you even want me to come out here for?" Sun got up, and stood straight up. "We're just going out, walking around, so you get some exercise."

"So, you're going to drag me around?" "Yep, basically, but, we can continue tomorrow since, you know, you almost got raped."

"Eh, I don't want to get out of bed tomorrow." "Cool, I'll get you tomorrow too."

~Time Jump~

Blake was on the couch, she didn't have a costume on, nor did she want to have one on, she was fine in Yang's shirt, and sweat pants.

She heard a knock on the door, and she grabbed the bowl of candy, and got up. "HAPPY HALLOWEEN BLAKE!" Sun said, in a vampire costume.

"You're a bit old to trick-or-treat, don't you think?" Ren popped his head out to the side, dressed as a ninja. "No we are not, now, what kind do you have?"

Nora jumped in front as Sun, dressed as Thor. "CANDY!" Blake jumped back "what the hell!" "Nora!" Neptune said.

Neptune didn't have a shirt on, just shiny pants, and a tridant . "Who are you?" "I'm Neptune, the Roman god of the sea!"

"Where's you costume Blake?" "I don't have one." Ruby gasped. "WHAT THE HELL, WHERE DID YOU COME FROM, HOW DID YOU EVEN GET INTO MY HOUSE?!" "I'm little red Riding Hood!" "I never asked."

"How did you get here?" "The back door." "Ok, I'm officially done with Halloween." "Noooooo!" Sun said, walking in.

"Look, let's just watch horror movies, and take turns handing out candy, ok?" Blake rolled her eyes, and stepped aside for them to come in.

They all walked in, and sat down, and Nora went thew the horror movies. "THIS ONE!" She said, holding up, "Nightmare on Vale street"

"Ummmm, no" Neptune said "fine, this one." She held up. "Kids Play" "Dolls coming to life, Fine."

~Time Jump~

Blake sat at a table, a turkey sitting on the table, different sides.

"Let's go around, and say what we're thankful for!" Neptune said. "Nora!" Nora stood up. "I'm thankful that I've gotten to know Blake more, and I'm thankful for my friends, and husband."

Ren stood up. "I'm thankful for my wife, and my friend and family." Sun stood up. "My friends, family, and my boyfriend, that's what I'm thankful for." Neptune stood up. "I'm thankful that Ren was teaching me how to cook, and for my boyfriend, and my family and friends."

Ruby stood up "I'm thankful Yang is doing ok, for my wife, and my friends and family." Oh yeah, Ruby is the only one who can see or talk to Yang, but she can't tell me what's happening, she can't even come offten, like holidays

Blake thought. Weiss stood up. "I'm thankful for the time and effort put into this meal, my lovely wife, who was able to make it tonight, and for my friends and... sister"

Blake stood up. "I'm thankful that this year is almost over, and we get to see her again, I'm thankful for my friends who have been trying to make this easier for me, and my family."

Everyone say down, and started eating. They talked, laughed, and had fun.

By the end, Blake was exhausted, emotionally, and physically. "Well, it's getting late, good night guys." She said, getting up. She put her plate in the dishwasher, and left.

She got home, and took her jacket off. She was full, and ready to lay down.

~time jump~

Every one was sitting around the room, in Christmas themed sleeping clothes.

"Ok, Christmas Eve!" Sun said, excitedly. "Who's ready to eat!?" Neptune asked, bolting to the kitchen.

You see, what they do, is have Christmas dinner, on Christmas Eve, and then do nothing but open presents and watch Christmas movies on Christmas.

Everyone got up, and walked into the kitchen, sitting down at the table.

"Dig in, we're going to have leftovers tommorow!" They started eating, and Blake couldn't help but think of Yang, how she would enjoy this.

"You ok?" Ren asked, looking at her concerned. Blake nodded.

"You sure, you don't look it." "I'm fine, just got a lot on my mind is all." She said, looking back at her plate of food.

As everyone kept eating, Blake was the only one to stay silent, she felt drained, and just wanted to sleep.

She got up, and walked away, to the front door. She reached for the door handle, but her wrist was caught by Nora.

"Where you going?" "Home, I don't have the energy for this." Blake said, looking at her.

"Let me guess, Yang?" Blake nodded. "I just, I feel empty without her here, like, I can't do anything." "You can do stuff, come-on, let's sit on the couch."

Nora dragged Blake to the couch as they sat down. "No, go on." "I just, I'm always tired, and I don't want to be awake, I want to go to sleep and never wake up, but I don't want to miss Yang coming home."

Nora nodded as she listens. "I miss her, and I want to see her again...I almost killed her." "Blake that wasn-" "but it was, I could see everything, hear and feel everything, I felt the knife hit her skin, and go through it."

"Wh-" "i-i-i wanted to stop, I tried to stop, I tried to speak, I tried everything I had the power to do, but I wasn't in control of myself, I should have been stronger."

"Blake, I don't know what you went through, and I'll never know, but I can tell you this" Nora grabbed Blakes hand, and lifted it up. "It wasn't your fault, you couldn't do anything, and Yang, well, she wouldn't want to see you like this."

Blake nodded, as Nora put her hand down. "Now, let's go eat, I'm hungry"

Blake chuckled, and got up to follow Nora into the kitchen. Maybe she's right Blake thought, sitting down again.

But unbeknownst to them, a shadow hid among the trees, and snow that covered the ground.

It slipped away, with it's eyes still peering into the window, as anger grows within them.

YOOOOO, I'm done, unedited, and not proof read, and there is a bit of cringe in there because I'm busy with school and military training and stuff, so sorry if the chapters are a bit late, โœŒ๐Ÿป๐ŸคŸ๐Ÿป
