
~Time skip~

Yang POV

I get up and stretch, and walk out to the deck of the boat, seeing a small island in the distance.

I got my arm on, that I had made yellow before I left, and waiting till we would pull into the port so I can find Blake.

I see the captain walking twords me out of the corner of my eye. "You know, it's kind of weird for a human to travel here." I shrug, I just want to find her.

"Mind if I ask why you're coming here?" "Looking for someone." "Maybe I've seen them." "Maybe, shouldn't you be in the control area?" "Should be? Yes, do I have to be? No."

I shrug and keep watching as the island gets bigger and bigger. "Why are you looking for them?" "Reasons." Does he not know I want him to leave me alone?

"Well, we should be there in about 10 minutes so, I'm going to head back to the control area." I nod as he walks away.

I look at the island and grab my bag tighter, I hope Blake is actually here, I want to know why she left.

After a while the boat was at the port and I got off. Sun said it was the big house but where is it?

I follow a dirt road, earning a few dirty looks from the people there, not surprised, I'm a human. Maybe I can ask someone where they are.

I see a man with rabbit ears, maybe I can ask him. I walk up to the man, who was significantly shorter than me. "Hello, you wouldn't happen to know where the Belladonna household is, do you?"

The man smiled, he kind of reminded me of Velvet. "Yes I do, it is over here." He said, walking somewhere. He pointed down the dirt road to a huge house. "It's that one." "Thank you sir, I owe you, if you need something let me know." He nodded as I walk down the road to the house.

I take a deep breath as I get to the door, and knock. To my surprise, Sun opened the door. "YANG!? You made it!" I nod and smile. "Thanks for telling me where she was, I wouldn't know where to start looking."

"No problem, ho-" "WHO'S AT THE DOOR?!" someone yelled, their voice deep. A large man, with black hair, and a beard walks over to the door.

"What do you want?" "Hello sir, is Blake here?" "Who's asking?" "Sir, this is Yang, she's actually really nice." Sun said, walking next to me.

"We don't-" "Honey, let her in, she seems nice, and Sun trusts her." A small woman, who looked a lot like Blake, but with short hair said. The man rolled his eyes and stepped to the side.

I walk in with sun, and the woman called up the stairs. "BLAKE HON, SOMEONE IS HERE FOR YOU." I heard a door open, and I watched Blake walk down the stairs, she had bags under her eyes, and she looked like she hadn't been eating.

Her eyes where red and puffy, like she had been crying, and she had the hoodie I gave her on. She got downstairs, and went up to the woman.

"Who-" she looked at me, and froze, tears in her eyes. "Blake...what happened?" I say walking twords her.

She took a step back, like she was scared of me. I take a step back, and look at her, my face saddened. "Is this a joke?" She asked the Man. "Is this some sick joke?" "No, I don't even know who this is."

She looked at me again, and at my arm, and covered her mouth. Tears started rolling, and I walked up to her. "Blake, don't cry." I say wiping her tears, and hugging her.

"This can't be real, you can't be real." She said, still crying. "Blake, look at me, i'm right here, I'm right in front of you." I say, lifting her head up to look at me.

"Blake, have you been sleeping? Or have you been eating? Have you even taken care of yourself?" She shook her head and looked away ashamed.

I pull her closer to me, as she cried into my chest. She wrapped her arms around me, "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry!" I use normal arm and place it on her head, "Blake, we can talk about this later, I want you to go to sleep."

She shook her head and held onto me tighter. "Blake, dear, is this the girl you told us about?" The woman asked. Blake nodded, and hugged me tighter.

I hugged her a bit tighter, and she started to calm down. She separated us, and looked at me, "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I thought you didn't want me around because it's my fault-" "Blake, I don't blame you, if anything, I blame Adam, he's the one who attacked us, and cut off my arm, and stabbed you."

"But, if you didn't know me, that wouldn't of happened." "If I didn't know you, you would of been taken, or worse, dead." She looked down at the ground.

"Let's talk about this later, ok?" She nodded and hugged me again, and I hugged her back. "I hate to rune the moment, but, WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" The man yelled.

I kept my normal arm around Blake, and held out my robotic one to the man. "Hello sir, I'm Yang Xiao Long." I say, he looks at my hand for a second, but takes it. "Ghira Belladonna, Blakes father."

The small woman stood next to him, as I extend my robotic arm to her. "Kali Belladonna, Blake's mother, nice to meet you." I smile, "it's nice to meet both of you too."

Blake let's go of me, and looks at my arm. "How-" "the General gave it to me, cool right?" "But, what about boxing?" "It's fine, there's an entire portion for people with robotic parts."

She nods, and I see the tears start to form in her eyes. "Blake, please, it's fine, how many times do I have to tell you, it's not your fault?" "I know you say that but, I'm still going to feel guilty."

"Can we talk about this in private?" I asked her, and she nodded, a bit hesitantly. She starts walking up the stairs, and turns to look at me.

"Come on, if you want to talk in private." I nod and start to walk twords the stairs till Ghira grabs my arm. "No funny business." I nod and walk up the stairs, and Blake leads me to her room.

She closed the door and I look around the room. The room itself wasn't decorated, and the bed wasn't made, but you could tell that she kept it clean.

"So, you wanted to talk?" I nod, and sat on the bed. "Blake...why did you leave?" She looked down and leaned on the door. "I thought you didn't want me around." "Why?" She tensed up, and kept looking at the ground.

"You lost your arm, because you knew me." "Blake, I don't blame you for this." "But I didn't-" "if you stayed, you would've known." I saw a few tears fall, but I didn't move.

"Why didn't you give me a reason why you left?" She didn't say anything. "I was going crazy, I thought you got bored if the relationship, and you went to find someone else."

She looked at me, a bit hurt. "I wouldn't do that, and I didn't get borde of the relationship, I couldn't get borde of the relationship!" "Well I didn't know, you never gave me a trace to lead me, you didn't do anything, you just left."

She looked at me, still a bit hurt, "I'm sorry, I left because I thought I was doing the right thing, because I thought you'd want me gone." "Well I didn't want you gone, I wanted you to stay with me, so when I woke up, recovering would be easier."

She looked at me, then to my arm. "I didn't want to do anything, I just wanted you back in my life, so when I knew where you where, I started to do what I had to to find you, so I could be with you again."

She didn't say anything, but she folded her arms, and looked down, "I didn't want to leave." "But you did, and that's what hurt the most, not my arm being cut off, no, it was the fact that you left."

I got up,and walked over to her, "And now, it hurts to see you like this, you have bags under your eyes from not sleeping, and you look malnourished." She looked away.

"Blake, I love you, I really do, but you need to take care of yourself." She looked at me, surprised. She hugged me again, "I'm sorry, for everything, for leaving, for not telling you, all of it, I'm so sorry." I hug her back and rest my head in her's.

"And I'm sorry I haven't taken care of myself, and that you have to see me like this." "It's ok, it's going to be a bit before things are back to normal, but it's ok." She separated us a but and smiled, the same smile that made my heart melt.

"I'm just glad things will go back to normal, how they where before he came." She said, leaning into me again. "So am I, I missed you." We hear a knock on the door, and we separated.

I open the door to see Sun standing there, "Did I interrupt something?" "What do you want?" Blake asked, a bit annoyed. "Oh, your mom made lunch, so I can to let you know."

I nod, "ok, we'll be down in a second." Blake said, closing the door. "I missed you, a lot, to the point I couldn't even sleep, I'd try and and I'd just wake up like, 50 times a night, I counted once."

"I'm here now, so let's go eat" she nodded, and we opened the door. She walked out first, and I followed. "When was the last time you ate?" She shrugged, and kept walking.

"Blake, i'm serious, when was the last time you ate?" She didn't say anything for a few seconds, "When Sun made me eat a few days ago." She said not looking at me.

"WHAT?!" She turned at looked at me, "it's only because I haven't been hungry." "Blake, you haven't eaten anything in a few days?!" "" I grabs her wrist and pull her to the kitchen.

"Are you actually going to join us for a meal, Blake?" Ghira asked. She nodded. Blake gets a sandwich and a few chips on a plate and sat down.

I did the same and glanced over at Blake to make sure she was eating a few times. At least she's eating something now, That's good.

I see Sun look over every now and then too, until Ghira spoke. "The food won't kill you." I nod and start eating.

A bit later, Blake finished and I took her plate with mine, and put them in the dishwasher. I sat back down next to her, Ghira was looking at me kind of funny.

"So, Yang." He started, "May we speak in private for a moment?" I nod and get up, following him to what I can only guess to be his office.

"Yes sir?" "Have a seat." He said, pointing to a chair in from of a desk. I take a seat, and he sits behind the desk. "Look, you seem nice, and I think u can trust you with Blake but, I have to know, what are your intentions."

I nod, a bit weird to ask, but then again, why would you want to draw attention to yourself during lunch?

"Oh, well, I just want Blake to be happy, and safe, no matter what the cost." He nods, and motioned for me to go on.

"I love her sir, I really do, hell, I lost and arm for her, and I'd do it again in a heart beat, as long as she's safe." He nods again, and smiles.

"That's good to hear, not the arm part, but, I'm glad to hear that you really do care about her, and you're not using her." "I promise, I'd never do something like that."

He stands up, and smiles, "Well, we should probably go see the others." I nod and stand up as well, he was actually a pretty reasonable guy.

We get out to the living room where everyone is, Blake was smiling, but, she still looked tired. I walked up to where she was, and smiled at her.

Ghira came up behind me and put a hand on my shoulder, and looked at Blake. "When's the wedding, and when am I a grandpa?!" I went red, and so did Blake.

"DAD!" "Oh, he actually found one he likes!" Kali said, smiling, and clapping a little. I look at Blake, and smile a bit, nervously, "I mean, at least I know I have his blessing." I said, half joking.

She laughed, and smiled at me. I smiled back and sat next to her. Sun ran into the room, with an exited look on his face. "DID THEY GET ENGAGED?!" Blake and I burst out laughing?

"What, it's an actual question." "N-no, we aren't." Blake said, wiping a tear away. He crossed his arms, and sat down in a chair. "And I got my hopes up."

"Sun, when I do ask, you'll be the first to know, happy?" He nodded, but still looked a bit betrayed. We talked a bit longer, untill it was about 5:30.

Kali made chicken, and we talked a bit more. Blake was a bit more touchy than normal, but I'm not complaining, she looked happy.

Around 8 Ghira went to bed, and Kali went soon after. "I'm going to turn in a bit early, don't go to crazy you two." Sun said.

Blake and I were the only ones left in the living room, as she started to fall asleep on me.

I picked her up, and put her in her room, and I went into the guest room the Kali let me use.

The room looked a lot like Blake's, but smaller, but it did have a window. I look out, seeing the leaves blowing in the wind.

I keep looking and a bit of water wits my window. Then another, then another, and soon, I was storming.

I change and lay down on my bed when I hear a loud BOOM. great, it's going to storm tonight. After a few more strikes, I hear my door open and close very quickly.

I sit up and look over, seeing a panicked Blake. "What's up?" "Can I sleep in here?" She asked, and I moved over. "Sure."

Another strike, and she was under the blankets. I lay down again, and wrap my arms around her. She leaned into me more, and soon, she was asleep.

She looked so peaceful, and like nothing was wrong. I pulled her a bit closer, and started to fall asleep.

Ok, I am done with this chapter, I published a few this week, but i'm going back to just publishing Wednesdays. Hope you understand, thanks.
