
Yang POV

I sat on the couch, bored out of my mind, I tried playing games, didn't work, reading, didn't work, I tried to take a nap, didn't work.

Everything seemed boring, and everything felt so, bland, like something was missing, but what is it?!

Know what, I will put on real clothes, and go visit Ruby, why not? I get up, and walk to the room, and change into a yellow t-shirt and blue jeans.

I walk out the door and grab my keys, and walk to my bike. I get one and start the dive down to Ruby's place.

When I get the, I knock on the door and Ruby answers with White. "Oh, hey Yang, I didn't expect you to visit today?" She said, White playing with Ruby's hair.

"Need help?" I ask, Ruby shook her head, and pulled me inside. "So, what did you come here for?" "What? I can't spend time with my little sister?"

She looked at me with a face that said "I'm not dumb". We sat down on the couch, and White crawled over to me.  "So, why did you come over?" She asked.

"Because I'm bored." She looked at me confused. "Then play a game or something, read, take a nap, hang out with people, something." I looked at her, a grin on my face.

"I'm hanging out with you aren't I?" She sighed, and shook her head, "what about Ren and Nora?" "Don't know." White crawled back to Ruby.

"Well go bother them, Weiss and I have tonight." I smirk, and walk to the door, not even here for 5 minutes, and already being forced to leave, "you sure you don't want me to babysit?" "Yang, I love you, and I did miss you, but not today."

I walked out and sat on my bike, I love Ruby to death, but hanging out with her was just boring for once. Not only that, she kicked me out.

Maybe meeting my new neighbors will be interesting. I start my bike, and get to my building, and sure enough, I see a new car out front, one I don't recognize.

I get inside after parking, the landlord grunts at the site of me. I give them a wave and a evil grin on my face, and head upstairs.

I was about to get into my apartment when I heard a familiar voice, belonging to a redheaded girl.

"Yang?" I turn around and see a face I thought I'd never see again, Pyrrha Nikos. "Pyrrha?! You the person moving in?!" "Well yes, Jaune and I are here."

"I was so prepared to hate my new neighbors!" She looked at me confused. "Why would you hate them, you like almost everyone."

I explain the whole ordeal with the landlord kicking out Blake so they could move in. She covered her mouth out of shock.

"I'm sorry!" "It's not your fault, and she just moved in with me." I say, trying to make her feel better. That when Jaune came over.

"Yang! I didn't think I'd see you again!" "Hey, how are you?" He tells me how he proposed to Pyrrha, and that they still need to give out wedding invitations soon.

I invited them in, and we talked for a while until about 12:00 when we heard the door handle. In walked Blake.

"Hey Yang, there's a new car outside, hello?" She said, noticing Jaune and Pyrrha. "Hey Blake, this is Jaune, and Pyrrha, old friends from high school, and our new neighbors."

Blake waved, nervously. "Hello." She walked over and sat down next to me, "so, I'm on lunch break, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?"

I did want to spend time with her, and just talking to Jaune and Pyrrha wasn't boring with her just being around, it was a bit of a drag before.

"Sure, I'll talk to you two later?" Jaune chimes in with, "oh, how long have you two been going out?"

We both just look at him, "Jaune, we aren't dating..." He looked shocked. "Oh, you just give off a romantic vibe, sorry for assuming"

They walk out, and Blake and I are left in an awkward silence, why would he just say that then just leave? Does he just want it to be awkward?!

"Sorry about having people over without you knowing!" I say quickly, to break the silence, she looked at me confused, like I was crazy.

"It's your apartment, why would you have to tell me if you have people over?" I rub the back of  my neck, "well, I mean, we share an apartment, so I just thought..."

She puts her hand on my shoulder, "Yang, it's fine." She said, with a reassuring smile. I sigh, and walk into the kitchen. "I'll make us lunch, them I'll walk you back to work."

I look back at her, and she nods. "Sounds like a plan." She says, I smile. I open the fridge, and look at what we have. "How do you feel about BLT sandwiches?" I ask still looking in the fridge.

"Sounds great." I hear her say, she was now behind me, talk about silence. I get our the eggs and lettuce, close the fridge and get the bacon out of the freezer.

I get 2 pans out, and put them on the stove, turning up the heat, and putting butter in both. I put the bacon in some hot water, and put 2 eggs in the pans.

"Do you want you egg yolk broken or not." I ask, turning to her. "Not broken, and don't cook it all the way through please, or not, you're the cook."

I nod, that's how I usually make my eggs so yeah. I do what I need to and put the eggs on different plates. I get bread and put the eggs on some bread.

I get the bacon, still frozen of course, I'll just thaw it myself. I thaw it, and put some in each pan after adding a bit more butter so it doesn't stick.

"How much bacon you want?" I ask, "2 maybe 3 pieces." I nod, and put 3 in each pan. I cook it, and put in on the sandwich.

I add some lettuce to both, and some cheese, you can't go wrong with it. I add the top piece of bread, and give one to Blake.

"Your lunch madam." I say, handing her the plate. She chuckled and took the plate. We walk to the couch, and start eating.

"How's your side?" Blake asked, taking a bite of her sandwich. "It's fine, doesn't even hurt." I say, she nods, and looked at my side for a second.

"Blake, it's not your fault, how many times do I have to tell you this?" I ask, she sighed and looked at me. "I know, I still feel bad."

I look at her, her face had a sad expression on it. I wanted her to smile, I need her to smile. "Hey, don't worry about it, know how you can make it up to me?"

She looked at me, and her ears perked up. "Smile more, it looks good on you." She just looked at me for a second, but nodded and smiled.

Something about her smile and her eyes, just made me get butterflies, and made my day just so much better. Her eyes always made me melt, just looking at them made me want to make her smile....holy shit, I do like this girl!

I didn't realize I was staring till she waved her hand in front of my face. "Earth to Yang." I shake my head, I can't think about that right now.

"Sorry, I was just thinking." I say, the thought still lingering in my mind. "Ok, but just don't get to lost in thought, please." I nod, I can't focus on it to much.

We talk a bit longer until Blake's phone rings, she looked at it and sighed, "I have to head back to work." She gets up and starts to walk twords the door and I follow.

"Yang?" "I said I would walk with you." She chuckled again, and we walked out the door. We talk a bit more, and get to the daycare.

"Well, that was fun, see you at home." She says, turning to me. "Yeah, I'll see you-" I was cut off my Blake, giving me a kiss, not on the cheek, but my lips, not the first time but still.

She tried to walk inside quickly, but i stopped her by grabbing her hand. I didn't know what I was going to do, but let go, and she basically runs inside.

I stand there in shock, I accepted the truth that I actually like this girl, and this happened. I just....I don't know what to do with my life right now.

I walk back to my apartment, and just lay on the couch, thinking about my life decisions, and what led up to this moment.

I mean yeah, I had relationships in highschool, but this girl just dose something else to me. Maybe we can go on an actual date, there a new restaurant I can take her to!

Blake POV

I got inside, and sat at the little table in the back for the rest of my break, if you could even call it that, it was 5 minutes.

Great, I just made a huge mistake, I just did that. Now, I have to deal with this at home, I LIVE with her, so of course I have to.

I mean, I like her, from the little amount of time I've known her, I like her, I know almost everything about her, it's not ok.

So now, I'm regretting every life decision I have ever mad, leading up to this moment. How do I know if she even likes me back, how do I know she doesn't just see me as a friend.

I can't deal with this right now, I just can't, I have to get back to work. I was stupid and I can apologise later, and try not to make things not so awkward between us.

Time skip

I finish my shift at the daycare, and grab my book, not that book, but a different one. I walk out only to be met by Sun.

"Hey Blake!" I didn't look at him, I was thinking of what I was going to say to Yang, how to explain myself. "Helloooo" "hmm, oh, sorry."

"Something wrong, Blake?" I nod, still thinking, I have to deal with this at one point, so I have to get it over with now. "What's up?"

I explain what happened, and I see the light in his eyes get brighter. "You two should totally date!" He said, putting an arm around me, really, now of all times?!

"She probably doesn't feel the same way about me..." He looked at me as if I'm stupid for saying that. "Blake, listen to me, she grabbed your hand after that, right" "yeah." "She is a bit protective of you with that one time with Liam."

"That happened twice." "A. What the hell, B. She cares about you and helps you." "Well, yeah, but she's just being a good friend."

"Ok, well, she flirts with a lot, right." "Yeah" "she tried to kiss you at the bar, and apologized... while she was drunk." I say nothing, I can't explain that.

"She cooked for you twice." "Yeah, what's wrong with that?" "Ok, fair enough, but she has fought a guy, no, actually 2 guys for you!" "Yeah, she'd do that for someone else, too."

"She said she was in love with you, drunk." "She was drunk!" "Yes, exactly, she was just more open to say what she really wanted to!" I mean, he's right.

"Blake, she rejected a girl, you described as really pretty, and she  showed 0 interest in." "Non of that means she likes me!" He just looked at me in disbelief.

"Blake, you are not this blind, we both know it!" Does she like me, like, is that even a possibility?! I blush a bit, if there's even a possibility of her liking me, why?!

"You know I'm right, don't you?" He asked, crossing his arms. "Yeah, and?" "Blake, you have told me how she makes you feel, just ask her out already."

"I can't!" "Blake, I know she likes you!" "How would you know?" "Blake, I have eyes!" "How long have you known?" "Like, when I first saw her with you. She had this look in her eyes."

I think for a moment, he has a few good points. But I mean, she could just be being nice. "Blake, talk to her, you never know." He waved as he separated from our walk, and I was alone with my thoughts.

I couldn't stop thinking about what Sun said, dose she feel the same? Was she just being friendly? If she dose, why did she like me?!

I get to the building, and walk in, the landlord scoffed at me, piece of shit. I get to the front of Yang's apartment, wondering if I should even put my key in.

I decide to just do it, get it over with, and if I need to move out, then I need to get my stuff. I put the key in, and slowly opened the door.

I quietly close the door, and turn around to face the rest of the room. I then see Yang shoot up from the couch and look at me, a bit worried, exited, and scared.

I try to just walk off before Yang spoke. "Blake wait!" I froze, fear forms inside. "Can we talk about it.....please" I turn twords her, making eye contact.

"I'm sorry about earlier..." She got up and started walk twords me, flashes of Adam going through my mind, everything he did to me.

I know she's not him, and she's not anything like him, but I can't help it. She was right in front of me, looking at me. I flinched as she made a quick movement.

I feel her arms around me, holding me closer. "Blake, it's not the first time we kissed, you remember Ruby's place?" My face instantly goes red, yeah, I definitely remembered that.

I hug her back as she rested her head on mine. We stayed like this for a but longer, I didn't want to leave the embrace, and I feel like she didn't either.

Yang did step away first, and smiled at me, "let's talk on the couch." She said, gesturing for me to follow.

I sit down, we should talk about this, this is our what, 3rd kiss now?  "We have got to stop the kissing don't you think?" I say half joking. "But you such a good kisser."

Yang winks, but leans in a bit. "Am I? Like, am I really?" "I would be more than happy to be the judge of that." "Aren't we supposed to not be flirting and actually be talking about what just happened, and how this is the 3rd time that happened?!"

"We can change that number if you want" she said, her voice getting lower, FUCK! "Not helping Yang!" "Sorry sorry, I'll stop flirting, but I am being honest, you are a good kisser."

At this point, I have become one with the tomatoes. "T-thanks, but that's not the point." "You're right, don't worry about the whole kiss thing." I nod, it was just a stupid mistake, nothing more.

"Yeah, that's fair, but still, I'm really sorry about the entire thing I should've-" next thing i know, we where kissing again, but I didn't start it this time, and I'm not finishing either.

Yang had cut me off with a kiss, like I did to her. Is this revenge for doing it to her, know what, not complaining, I deepen the kiss actually. She grabs my hips and pulls me a bit closer, not breaking the kiss.

I gasp as she did this, trying to get some air and she took the opportunity. Her tough exploring my mouth.

I put my arms around her neck, letting this all happen, and I do NOT want it to end. I start to run out of breath so unfortunately, I have to separate.

God damnit, I was enjoying that to. Shit, no, we aren't even dating, and here we are making out. I have to keep a good clean mind.

"Sorry about that, I just wanted to get a tiny bit if revenge, didn't expect it to turn into-" I cut her off again, screw the good clean mind, this is what I want in life right now!

We pick up right where we left off, neither of us wanting to leave. I slipped my tough in, I wasn't about to just roll over and take it all.

Yang inevitably won, as we laid down, Yang on top. That is until she stopped, and separated. I look up into her eyes, but then I saw her face. She was extremely flustered.

"I-i'm sorry, I can't do that." She said, she was not her self, we at up, my face now getting red. "It's fine, I think we both got a little carried away there."

She chuckled a bit, rubbing the back of her neck, a bit embarrassed. And awkward silence filled the room, until I broke the silence.

"I actually didn't want to keep going when we first separated, but did enjoy the first part." "Then why did you start it again?" "I don't know, I just started it again, and the thing is, I didn't do it because I thought you wanted to."

She looked at me, confused. "I did it because I wanted to, I wanted to keep going for some reason." She chuckled, a bit. "Well, it was enjoyable while it lasted." She said, my face getting redder.

"It's weird how today went, don't you think?" She asked, I raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to continue. "I was planning on asking you out on an actual date tonight, and then, well, you know what happened."

She was WHAT?! "Wait, you where planning on asking me out on a date date?" She was a bit flustered. "...yes.." hold, the fuck, up.

Awkward since yet again, "so, would you like to join me for dinner tomorrow?" "I would love to" we didn't exactly know what to say, after what just happened.

"Uhhh, so, that, was a thing." Yang said. "Well, it started with a small kiss, to a full one make out, to asking you on a date, that was kind of weird."

It was, I didn't expect any of that to happen today, let alone, make out with Yang, just a little. But still, I didn't expect that to happen.

"Well, let's not think about that to much now, how was your day?" She asked, trying to make things less awkward.

"Well, today was paint day, and it is the first time in a long time I didn't get paint in my hair from the kids." Dexter tried to get paint in my hair, but failed, thank Gods.

"Well, that's good to hear. I just read a bit while you where gone, talked to our new neighbors, contemplated life after the entire... Yeah, just had a normal day."

We talk a bit more, things still a bit awkward, but a lot less awkward so we can hold a conversation for what seemed like minutes, but turned out to be hours.

Ok, that is the end if this chapter, it may not seem like much, but I really do work hard on these, even if it seems low quality.
