The daycare break

Yang's POV

Normal day, wake up, do what I need to, grab my gym bag, head out the door, say hi to Blake, leave. Do the normal workout, shower, put on my normal clothes, and leave.

I walk past the daycare again, but I decided to say hi to Blake, I have nothing else to do today so why not. I see the same guy inside, Does Blake have a break around this time? Oh well, I walk in, the boy looks at me and says "Hello, welcome to the- HOLY!!" I look at him confused as he had a surprise look on his face. "Can..can I help you?" "Oh, right, um, I'm sun, huge fan" Oh, this is always fun... sometimes. "Oh, you're sun? Blake told me about you." "You know Blake?" "Yes, I came to say hi, and see if we could hang out during her breaks."

He looked surprised, then turned to the kids and said. "Ok, we are going to talk, I'll be back in a bit, for now, Scarlett and Neptune are in charge." He led me to the back, am I even  allowed back here. Sun opens the door leading in first, I see Blake reading. Sun grabs the top of her book, and forced it down. "Why didn't you tell me you know 'The dragon'" "My name is actually Yang" "Didn't realize you where a fan of Yang's" Blake said plainly. "Anyway, just dropped by to say hi, and wanted to see of you want to hang out, I have nothing else to do today." She closed her book and set it down.

"Yeah, why not?" "Cool, i really don't want to be alone today. Its gets really boring." Sun take a step towards us. "Blake, do you even realise who this is, it is The Dragon, famous boxer Yang Xiao Long. She crushed so many people in tournaments." He said taking a step towards Blake, "And she is asking you to hang out. Do you not realise what is happening. Do you know how many people would KILL for this opportunity.". He seemed very excited and concerned.

"Wow, you make me sound better than i am." I say, crossing my arms looking at him. He turns around to face me, and looks nerves, his face red, shit, please don't be another one. "I've watched every single one of your fights, i'm really a huge fan." He said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. "I was wondering if...if i could get you to sign my shirt.". Was not expecting that of all things.

I see Blake just put her hand to her face and grab the bridge of her nose. She let out a sigh, and looked down at the ground, a bit frustrated. "Yeah, sure, why not?" I say, grabbing a marker. He bent over a bit so i could sign. "There, done." He sits up and has the look of a child who just got a toy the wanted for years.

"I'm sorry about him, Yang." "It's fine, you don't need to apologize." Sun runs out, leaving me and Blake alone. "So, what do you want to do?" she asked, giving that small smile. "How long are you on break?" I ask, arms still crossed. "About" She looks at her phone. "Yeah, about 30 more minutes." She says, standing up from the chair she was sitting in. What to do, what to do?

"Let's head over to my favorite coffee shop, it's a cute little place, and i know the owners." I say uncrossing my arms. "Sure, as long as they have tea." She says, with a smile that could make me melt. "Cool, lets go." I say, grabbing her hand, and leading her out. i didn't feel myself dragging her, and she didn't pull away, Weird.

I let go of her hand and we walked and talked the 2 minutes it took to get there. We stopped outside of a small coffee shop called Chocolate Bunny. "I never expected you to like a place like this, the name seems to....cute." Blake says looking at the sign. "Yeah, but trust me on this, it's a great place." She gives a small laugh, and we walk in.

A small australian voice greeted us. "Hello, welcome to the- YANG!" "Hey Vel, how are you, its been ages." Velvet said her rabbit ears perked up. "I made a new friend." I say, gesturing towards Blake. She gave a small shy wave to Vel, and Velvet waved back. "Nice to meet you, i'm Velvet, i own this place with my wife." Blake looked surprised, then smiled. "I'm Blake, nice to meet you.".

We order our drinks, and sit down.  "This is really nice, i didn't know this place existed. seems like a nice reading spot." Blake says, looking around, she smiles and seemed to relax a bit. Sun light came through the window we sat next to, highlighting Blake a bit. Add a pair of wings, and i'd say she's even more on an angel.

Blake looks out the window, and i can't take my eyes off her, shit, was i staring. "Well, i brought you love birds your order." I felt my face heat up, and look over to the familiar voice. "COCO, I WILL-*Gasp* Coco, it's been to long." I say, standing up and hugging her. Blake was looking over, her face red.

"Yang, nice to see you again, it has been to long." Coco said, as we separate. "Oh, and who's this with you?" she asks. "This is my friend Blake, she's cool." Coco nods, and leaves. I sit down and take a sip of my coffee. "Who was that?" Blake asked, taking a sip of her tea. "That is the other owner, Coco." "Oh, so she's Velvet's wife?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "Yep. ya know, Coco threw a guy out the window for flirting with Vel, and then, she beat the living shit out of a guy for the way her was treating Vel." "Sounds protective." "Yeah, but, i don't blame her, if i had a partner and someone flirted with them, they wouldn't forget my face, or my fist." i say, in a half joking manner.

She looked down a bit, she looked like she was thinking. "Hey, you ok?" i ask, she jumped a little. "Hmm, oh yeah, just...thinking." well, that's blunt. "What you thinking about?" i ask, taking another sip of coffee. She took a breath, then sipped her tea. "Just wandering, wouldn't your partner be more concerned with someone flirting with you?"

"I mean, yeah. But i'd just get pissed of someone flirted with her." i say, shrugging a bit. Blake was taken back, was it something i said? "What's wrong?" "Nothing, i just didn't know you're gay." shit, she pays attention. "Oh, i'm gay. Sorry for not telling you sooner." i say, please, don't be homophobic.

She giggled raising a hand to her mouth. "It's fine, it's fine." she says, lowering her hand. "What's so funny?" i ask, with a playful tone. "I never tell people because i don't know how they'll react." "React to what?" i ask, crossing my arms. "I'm Bisexual, but you know...homophobic people are everywhere." "Meh, i've met a few, but most of my friends are cool with the LGBT community. My best friend is gay" Thank Gods for that.

Yang let out a small sigh of relief, trying to be quite. Blake heard, of course she would. "Something wrong with that?" She asked, a look on her face I can't describe. "No, just met a lot of homophobic people. One of my matches was with a girl who homophobic." I think back to her, her smug face as they where about to fight.

I felt something grab my hand, loosing my train of thought. I look and see Blake's hand on mine, and look up at her. "You ok, you look like you want to table to burn." She said, she's so caring, sweet, and- "YANG YOU BETTER NOT BURN ANOTHER TABLE!" We heard a voice yell from the kitchen.

Coco, was looking at us, a playful glare shot at me, Blake looked at me. "What does she mean again?" Shit, I forgot about that. "Well, um, you see, how do I put this-" "She can basically become a human torch" velvet said, placing down a cinnamon roll on the table. "How is that even possible?!" Blake yelled.

"Don't know, but it's how I got my nickname." I say, a shy smile on my face. "Can you control it?" She asked, guess we're talking about this now. "Yeah, but if I get to angry, it gets out of control." "Can I see?" She asked, raising an eye brow. "Maybe later, I don't want Coco to get to mad at me." She laughed and drank the rest of her tea.

We talked for a bit longer until Blake's phone went off. She look at it, pressed a button, and sighed. "My breaks almost over, I should head back, how much dose this cost?" She asked. Coco walked out. "Nothing, a friend of Yang's is a friend of ours." "Thank you so much, have a nice a she said." I put some cash on the table, and walked out behind her.

We walked back to the daycare, and went to the back. "Well that was fun, we should do it again sometime." She said, smiling. "Yeah, have anything going on over the weekend?" "No, I'm free." "Cool, we can do something then." I say, I was honestly excited.

Sun walks in, and sees us talking. "Blake, no fair, you get to go one 2 dates with her?!" I freeze from the shock, and feel my face heat up. I see Blake's eyes go wide, and her face go red. She quickly turned to the boy and yelled, "I-IT WASN'T A DATE!" O like this side if her. "Blake, let me handle this, please." I say, a sly grin on my face. She got the same grin and let me. I turn to him, and take a step forward.

"Keep quiet about the dates and I'll give you my old pair of boxing gloves." He excitedly nodded, and left. "Wait, that was a date?" Blake asked. " I mean, if you want them to. But I mostly said that just to get him to leave." She nods. "Thanks for not hurting him, I just thought you where going to scare him, not that." "I'm not THAT mean, jeez." She laughed and we walked out.

I left, and check the time, 08:15. I sigh and walk back to my apartment. I could help Nora and Ren unpack, or do a bit more training. I got up to my room, it's Thursday, so it'll be boring till this weekend. I get up to my apartment, and trun on the T.V. flipping through the channels.

I turn on my PlayStation and grab a random game. I just play a game for a bit. As I'm playing, my phone starts to go off, pausing the game, I look at the caller ID. It Ruby, she doesn't call offten so must be important. I pick up and the conversation goes as follows.

"Hey Rubes, what's up." "Yang you remember how you owe me a favor?" "Yeah, what's up?" "Well, Weiss and I are going to on a date and our baby sitter just cancelled..." "You need me to babysit... don't you." "Please Yang, you owe me." "Fine, when is it?" "Saturday" "Saturday, I have a date Saturday!" I'm panicking at this point. "A date you say?" "Not a date date, but a date. And are you sure you want me to babysit, I'm not the best with kids." "You'll be fine, and if you're busy, I understand." "Actually, I might be able to, she's good with kids I think" I mumbled. "What was that?" "Nothing, I'll be there Saturday, don't worry." "Yes, thank you so much!" "No problem, love ya, bye" "love ya bye!"

She hangs up, will Blake be willing to help me with White? I mean, she should be good with kids, that's if she even helps me. Great, I'm not good with kids, I can somewhat entertain them, but I don't know what they always need. I pry, please let Blake be willing to help me.

~la lazy time skip~

I heard a knock at my door, I get up and go see who it is. "Hey Yang, can I borrow something?" Blake stood in my door way, a sheepish smile on her face. "Yeah, sure, what do you need?" "Just need some supper glue, I thought I had some." "Sure, one sec." I walk to the kitchen and open a drawer of random stuff.

I grab the glue, and head back to the door. "Here ya go." She let out a sigh of relief. "Thanks, your a life saver." "No problem." She was about to walk away when I remembered the conversation between Ruby and I.

"Blake wait, I need to talk to you" "sure what's it about?" She said, turning around. "It's about this weekend." Her smile fell, Gods, why did you make her with this expression, it's killing me. "So, I have to babysit for my sister, and-" "no, no it's fine, maybe another time." "No, that's not it, I was wondering if, you could help, I'm not the best with kids."

She looked at me, her amber eyes looking into my soul, and she had a smile again. "Sure, how old are they?" "Oh, she's 1 and a half. That ok?". I ask, she puts a hand to her chest as if she's offended. "Of course, I love kids, and I literally work at a daycare." "Oh, my Gods, you have no idea how thankful I am, you are saving my ass right now." "It's fine, anyway, I'm tired right now." "Yeah, I understand, good night Blake" "Night Yang". With that, we went to our Apartments, and I crashed.

Yes, the ending may seem a little rushed, but oh well. Bye
