4.0 everlasting (memories)

Yumeko stared out her window. It was early morning, around the time Kou would wake up to make breakfast and their school bentos. Teru had just gotten back around 2 hours ago, the Minamoto parents had been gone since early morning as well. She was sure Tiara was still squirming around in her sleep.

Using her hands as supports, she allowed her body to lean into the open window. It was around this time of year, when she had last seen her parents wasn't it? Memories of those days always plagued her mind, as if to torment our protagonist.

After so many years, how long was it that she felt so lonely?

Her memories of the days prior to being captured always made her smile. She wondered, could that young boy she met still exist today?


"Luka, you shouldn't tease your sister too much." A tall woman, with gorgeous dark locks, stood in front of two children. One of the children, equally gorgeous dark locks and ruby eyes, pouted. He had not meant to tease his younger sister so much, but she was so cute! He couldn't resist!

"But mama! Yume's so cute when I tease her!" He whined and gripped his mother's hand, an attempt to act cute and get off with only a small scolding. The family of three was currently waiting for someone out in the garden.

"Mama, it's not fair... why is big brother always teasing me about Papa?" A young girl, ruby eyes and silver hair, questioned her mother. Her looks she received from her father, a gorgeous person in his own as well.

Their mother laughed, wondering if the habit had formed from watching her and her husband. Her children were so cute, how much she wished their time together would last like this for a very long time.

Keen ears picked up gunshots, the smell of gunpowder fresh in the air. Ruby eyes turned scarlet. The children stop their whining, eyes widen at the new sensations entering their young bodies. There is no movement from their mother, they do not know what to do.

The moon glowed brightly overhead, ignoring the chaos below.

The bushes behind them rustle loudly, their mother stands in front of them, shielding the children from any possible danger. A sharp metallic smell entered their nose, it was familiar and unfamiliar at the same time. Emerging from the rose bushes, a man with silver locks moved towards them. A small child in his arms, blood dressed his sleeves.

"Darling!" The woman hurried over to her husband. The kids could only stare, assessing the situation. The adults talked it over, ushering the children inside. That would be the last time the two siblings spent any time together in the garden.

Hunters had appeared once again. The child their father rescued was still golden eyed, not yet having awakened his powers. Extra surveillance was placed, the children played indoors now, entrances heavily guarded.

The new child, Yuto, played along with the other two quite well. Almost as though they had been siblings from the very beginning. Even so, nothing could prepare the vampire family of the war that was to come. Of the pain that they would soon experience.


"Mama?" Ruby eyes opened sluggishly, not aware of what was awaiting outside. "Yes my dear? Mama's here. Come, let's wake up your brothers." The small girl was pulled away from her covers quickly, rushing to the beds across and next to her. Small hands rubbed sleep out of tired eyes..

"Yume. . .? Whas wrong? No sleep?" Her older brother slurred in his words, sleep heavily affecting his system. He sat up, thinking it was his younger sister wanting comfort from him but was met with his mother smiling sadly.

Yumeko meanwhile, was waking up Yuto, who also rubbed his eyes and yawned as he sat up. He did not speak, waiting to see what the problem was. Yumeko pulled his hand into hers, urging the younger boy to get out of bed to follow.

Their mother smiled brightly, not wanting to startle the children any further. "I'm sorry for waking you so early. Your father and I have decided this is for the best."

All three children felt the sleepy feeling run off once they heard those words. Yuto was still in the dark to the true meaning, but he would soon understand. "Mama, is there no other way?" Luka questions his mother, not wanting to believe.

Yumeko held tightly onto Yuto's hand. She sought comfort, even if there was no feeling of hope left in their current situation. "Nee-chan, we'll be okay?" Yuto was still learning how to speak properly but he wanted to distract the older girl.

The small girl brought him closer to herself, petting his head, comforting both of them. "We'll be okay. Don't worry, mama and papa will take care of everything."

Lying through her teeth, she wanted the younger boy to feel safe in her arms. He didn't know what mother was referring to much less wanted to know. He liked the comfort of being in the arms of his big sister.

"Mama, what about you and Papa? Will you guys follow or . . . ?" Luka disliked the question, but he had to ask. Needed to know. What fate awaited the siblings without their parents. It was tough living for vampires, but they were still children. Even in human years, they didn't reach the double digits and yet. . .

Their mother held back a sob, she wanted the children to remember her as strong but knowing they may never see them ever again, it hurt her more than she thought. She did not answer her first born.

She took Luka by the hand, he then took grasp of Yumeko's smaller hand. Their little chain of hand holding dangled, providing warm comfort as she led them into a hidden room.

One by one, she helped lay each child into a coffin. The family insignia on the cover. The first child she put to sleep was Yuto, the youngest. Though he had not been with the family long, she had wished they were parting on less painful terms. Followed by Yumeko, her darling little girl. She was only sorry she wouldn't get to see her become a fine young lady.

But before she managed to properly lay Luka to sleep, multiple loud bangs could be heard from the path they had taken. His tiny hands in her own, he could feel her tremble. Making haste, one last forehead kiss and the oldest child too was asleep and covered. All there would be left to do was fight and protect their children, that is what their mother thought.

Her husband entered the room, clothing torn and bloody. He grimaced seeing the coffins line next to each other, the children out of sight. "Are you ready my darling?" He questioned his beloved, sadly smiling as her tears finally shed.

Holding each other's hands tightly, they left the room, a loud click marking the room as sealed off to the rest of the world.

A few decades later, Yumeko emerged alone. The coffins beside her still closed, her brothers would be safe. Taking a small inhale, she could not smell any gunpowder, much less sense anything that could potentially be dangerous. In fact, she couldn't sense anything at all.

Scouring around the room, it looked just as the night as she had entered. The sight made her frown. How much time had passed? She wanted to go outside the room but what if her brothers woke up and she was not there?

A few days passed, she paced around the room, hoping her brothers would wake up. It was finally that her hunger struck harshly, that she decided she would go outside.

Wearing only her sleep dress, she hoped it would be ok to wear while outside. Had clothing changed a lot since then? Had anything changed?

More and more thoughts gathered inside her mind, she walked down the corridor mother had led them through. There were very old signs of fighting, seals littered through some of the walls. Exorcists had probably allied themselves with the hunters, believing they too were monsters.

But. . . Vampires still held a heart that beat, other humans could see them. Why were they so dangerous in the eyes of hunters and those exorcists? Was it because they needed blood to survive, the power they held overwhelmed the power humans potentially had?

The small girl frowned. Stomach grumbled in protest, it desperately needed food. The only problem: she had never been taught how to properly hunt. Being too young, she had always been fed accordingly but who could she possibly turn to now?

Wandering outside, the stars littered the sky. The sky held such a pretty color, glowing pink from the sun as it set, leaving its place for the moon to shine. Small feet began to walk, wandering around, catching sight of no one and nothing. No dog snarling at her nor barking in the distance. No human chatter making its way through her ears. She was completely and utterly alone.

Eventually, she made it into town, or what she believed to be town. There were a few large buildings, reminiscent of her old home, that which was now in shambles.

There was a large gate ahead, with a couple of auras clearly not human, gathered. A tilt of the head in confusion. Her parents had informed the kids that they were the last living vampire clan, at least in Japan. They weren't quite sure about other countries, as they liked living their peaceful life.

Yumeko's stomach growled, reminding her why she had left home. Wandered through the hallways and discovered it was a school of sorts. The classrooms were empty, a bit of dust here and there but it was clean overall. She caught glimpses of Mokke scurrying around hiding things.

Hm, were there other supernaturals here? She walked more and more, yet she didn't find anyone. Had her senses been wrong? It hurt her head to think about it.

Turning around, her feet led her back to the entrance. Maybe she should go back. Try and see if she could sleep once more. . .

She couldn't sleep. Hunger pains kept her eyes from closing. Ruby orbs were now constantly scarlet. Heh, how many people could she scare- no no, that wasn't what mama had taught her.

Roaming around during the evening, Yumeko kept returning to the school building. Kamome. . . She was glad her mother had taught her to read and write. Once again, she stepped into the school grounds, sensing a few students here and there, hiding as to not be caught. Somehow she entered a room on the second floor. There wasn't much.

Or at least, she thought there wasn't much. Near one of the windows, staring out into the sky was a short boy, choppy hair and a bit bruised up. Her nose could pick up the scent of dried blood; was he injured? Did he need help?

The boy turned around abruptly, startling Yumeko and himself in the process. The boy whimpered as Yumeko hid behind the door, head slowly peeking out to see inside.

Glowing scarlet eyes stared into amber eyes. How peculiar, the young vampire thought. She had never met a human with such pretty eyes. Both children were at a standstill.

As the boy gathered his thoughts, he wondered why there was a child like her roaming around the school. Was she here looking for a sibling or something? But, those eyes. . .

"H-hey, are you lost?" He gathered his courage, it would be ok. It would be ok...

How to answer his question. She wasn't really lost but if she said yes, what if he took her to bad people and they took her away? What if she couldn't return to Luka and Yuto? Scarlet eyes began to water at the thought of family.

She shook her head going back inside the class, albeit still wary. She was really hungry and the boy's scent was really nice too. Would he think it weird if she asked for his blood? Mama and Papa had both warned humans didn't take too kindly when they asked for blood, but this boy looked nice.

The young boy felt anxious, both at the feeling of something strange about to occur and the fact that he was speaking to a stranger and hadn't run away just yet.

"Do you want me to help you?" Oh if he could slap himself for asking that, why was he involving himself in others business?

"Onii-san, I'm hungry." Realization of her words, his amber orbs widened. Of course, he hadn't thought of her being an orphan but looking at her attire, that would make more sense now.

However, "I'm sorry, I don't have any food." Oh, that was right. Humans had other sources of food. . . Again, her small head shook. Now that she was closer the young preteen could see her more clearly. Silver hair, a long dress that looked cleaned but she was bare footed. What was more startling was her eyes, so scarlet and glowing. He gulped nervously.

There was an old legend the elders liked to tell, about a time when there were vampires and other creatures who lived in their city. But those were all stories, right?

Closer and closer, the young vampire approached him. Not knowing what to do, he merely backed up into the wall unknowingly. "Onii-san, please feed me." She was being polite, it would be okay to feed from him right?

Taking a chance, the scarlet eyed girl trapped him, taking his wrist and harshly biting into it, not knowing how to control her strength. "O-ow. . ." Amber orbs widen and close in pain, tears appearing in the corner of his eyes. Losing strength in his legs, he slid down, nearly toppling over the shorter girl.

She was so hungry but this human was so weak. His breathing felt short and heavy. She had taken more than she should have. His head rested on her shoulder. Footsteps could be heard on the corridor nearby, Yumeko would have to retreat for now. Feeling sorry for the boy, she ripped the bottom of the hem of her nightdress and tied it onto the wrist that had been bitten and propped his body so it lay with the wall as a support.

She was still hungry but that would have to wait for some other time. The footsteps outside were louder, quicker too. She would have to escape using the window.

Once out, she couldn't help but wonder: why did that boy's amber eyes hold so much pain and sadness?

She had hoped to see him again and she did. Small body hiding from the adults, the young vampire would go out of her way and try to talk to the boy. He, at first, had been scared of her. Who wouldn't after being attacked? Though, after the first time, despite how much Yumeko wanted to drink his blood, she did not ask the boy to feed her again.

"You smell really nice, Onii-san. But I don't think I should bite you again." He still had a long life ahead of him, ending it shortly would be such a waste. Especially after all he told her about the stars. He was a good kid, really nice too. Along with his pitiful appearance, Yumeko didn't want to cause more trouble for him.

He reminded her of Luka sometimes. The gentle, older brother figure she wished was by her side right now.

They didn't know each other's names but that was okay with them. They kept each other company and even if just for a fraction of a moment, they felt less lonely.

That is, until the young vampire stopped showing up. To the point where the young star lover wondered if their meetings had even been real. The only evidence was the healing bite mark on his wrist.

Amber colored eyes sadly stared at the bite mark, "I never even got to tell her my name."
