13.0 lo que sufro por ti


ok so like, i start classes today? yes today its past midnight as of this posting. idk how the schedule is gonna look like cuz its a new program. anyways just wanted to post something in between just so i dont disappear for too long hopefully... so thats why its a short chap

anyway, thanks for reading, i'll be back once i have a more set school schedule, thanks))

"Yumeko I need you to-"

"Fujiwara-senpai isn't here yet." Akane interrupted the blonde second year. There was no point in questioning further.

Teru frowned at the revelation. He'd stopped by her classroom but had been informed that she'd already made her way out to the student council room. Not only that but she wasn't answering any messages or calls. It irked him that she had all but disappeared without letting him know. This was becoming a habit.

The second year left his school bag on a vacant seat, keeping his sword with him. "I'll be back. Don't screw around and work properly alright?" Smiling at the first year vice president, Teru walked out of the room.

He couldn't sense her nearby, maybe she was at the old building with that particular ghost again. It irked him how she so eagerly went to him, was it possible she was feeding from him? Could ghosts bleed the same way humans could? He wondered why he was so irritated at the thought of the vampire feeding off of someone else. She was merely a pawn in this whole situation. Someone who would be able to protect his siblings when he couldn't.

Teru stopped just outside the bathroom, he couldn't sense her on the current floor but Yumeko appeared to be close by. There was another presence near her as well. It gave off the same feeling as she did, making Teru wonder if it was the man from the other day or if it was the same people from the festival.

He didn't like this.

Teru was not a man who cared for otherworldly affairs. As long as his siblings were safe, he'd tear down each and every last ghost if that meant taking care of it for his siblings.

"You haven't fed in so long... if it weren't for Yuto informing me, you... don't you know how dangerous... haven't you fed?"

Though his ears were not as keen in such a remote distance from his objective, he could only catch bits and pieces of the conversation.

The oldest Minamoto frowned. How long had it been since he'd allowed Yumeko to feed from him? It felt as though it's been far too long. Perhaps that was why she wasn't joining his patrols lately, as well as avoiding him the best she could. Though their contract was not that he would exclusively feed her his blood, where else could he acquire blood without raising suspicions?

"...drink... be a ..." his footsteps began to hasten their pace. He did not like what he was hearing, not one bit.

The door practically flew open, startling the two vampires hidden in the shadows of the building. The blonde glared at the pair of vampires, though Yumeko wouldn't be witness to it having her back towards him. The dark haired male grinned at the human, as if amused by the situation.

The two vampire siblings were sitting on the floor, it was unclear to Teru what exactly was transpiring. "So you're the oh so famous exorcist? Can't say I see much. I'd like to give my gratitude for taking care of my darling little sister for so long." In a clearly mocking tone, the elder voiced his 'gratitude' towards the human.

It became clear, the two were somehow related. To Teru, the only similarities would be their eyes, that gorgeous ruby color that seemed to captivate you the more you looked into them. Teru was merely a few feet away from the two and only then could he see that Yumeko was holding something in her hand and drinking it. As he neared even further, it brought Yumeko's attention towards him.

He had never witnessed the silver vampire's face as she drank blood or even the aftermath. The sight he was witnessing, felt as though he were intruding in something intimate. Was this how she was with his blood? The flushed cheeks, the disoriented gaze heavy with hunger... what an alluring sight.

Teru would have flushed at the realization of his own thoughts had he not been in front of a possible enemy.

"I'm not sure what your end goal is but do keep in mind, Yumeko is still part of the Minamoto family."

"I'm afraid you're the ones who are mistaken. My, I wonder if starving my dear sister is what you would call proper care. Not to mention her sole attachment to you and your blood. How long were you planning on keeping her caged like a pet?" His banter had begun teasingly but became harsher the more he spoke.

The older vampire grimaced at the thought of his younger sister being starved. Well, in human standards, if she was being fed normal food it would have been alright but as vampires, they gained nothing from eating human food. If they could, they would be able to blend in almost perfectly.

From what Luka could tell, the blonde human had placed some sort of enchantment on his sister; he had observed how despite being more beautiful than the rest of her classmates(and the insufferable blonde in front of him now) many did not see in her that beauty. He had been witness to the oldest Minamoto son be engulfed by the entire student body. It made no sense to the dark haired vampire how the human mind would blatantly ignore his darling sister for this... this... this human.

"You humans really are the same. If you don't want us dead, then you want to keep us as some sort of trophy. You disgust me." Teru flinched unconsciously as Luka glared at him.

Dare he say it but the gaze of the older vampire sent shivers down his spine. He didn't feel fear and yet his body shook as his senses began to fight his mind. Leave, leave right now, they were telling him. His body frozen, unable to defend the accusations being presented because he didn't care enough to have thought he was imprisoning Yumeko. Even so, he had never prevented her from leaving, right? But wasn't that what he was doing?

Teru held her tied to him by an unwritten contract, by which she could only feed on Minamoto blood. He kept her almost locked away at their home and even though she did hold her own room, it was barren from what people would decorate to make their rooms feel more at home. But more than that, he truly did not know her. He didn't even know her birthday, only acknowledging the day he came into contact with her.

How unfair was he?

"I don't know what you want to hear from me and you may as well be correct that it appears we're keeping Yumeko caged but what else do you suppose a group of exorcists to do? Our livelihood depends on keeping us, humans, safe." He cleared his throat giving another glance at the silver haired vampire who was attentively listening to him speak.

"As exorcists, no, as humans we fight to survive and thrive. It doesn't matter the danger as long as our family is safe-"

"How can you say that?!" Blue eyes widened, it hadn't been the older male but Yumeko who had spoken in an outburst. He was confused about her question and was about to interject when she continued.

"I have endlessly made sure that Kou has been kept safe, have treated Tiara like the little sister I never had. Have helped you and all the other exorcists, even when I was at my weakest and could barely control my hunger. Do you know how painful it is, to be attracted to someone solely because of how long I have drunk their blood? How my body is rejecting anything else but you and all I wanted was to have at least some form of gratitude from you? Tell me, Minamoto Teru," her tears began to fall blurring her vision.

She hated this feeling, hated this whole situation. Hated absolutely everything about it. "Tell me why no matter how much I want to hate you, I can no longer feel such a thing for you. Why was it that my heart had to fall for you?"

"Well, that's that. Tell me little exorcist, can you answer anything my darling little sister said? Ah, that's right. You can't." Luka didn't allow Teru to respond to Yumeko because the damage had already been dealt. He stood and picked up his younger sister, her tears falling silently onto his shoulder. It hurt him to see her like this; he should have searched for her longer, then she wouldn't be so hurt.

"Take my warning with great caution, little exorcist. If you dare hurt my family again, I will give you the same pain."

With a flair, the two vampires left the building, leaving in their wake nothing but a confused but thoughtful exorcist. He thought about the words Yumeko had uttered. She had only been attracted to him because of his blood. She had only ever drunk his blood... how interesting.

Though they were bound to each other with invisible chains, the blonde exorcist could not help but feel remorseful towards the vampire. He really had not been the kindest to her, had he? No of course not. It was a wonder how she hadn't thought of revenge yet.

Maybe he should consider himself lucky, to not have to face the wrath of an angry vampire. Now how was he going to tell Kou about his lovely 'nee-san's' disappearance.
