0.2 creatures of night (halloween special)

today's special comes based off this image from aidairo's twitter event, there's no correlation with the current plot and can be read as it's own. it's still halloween in my timezone (albeit it ends in like, 15 minutes rip) but here ya go!
mentions of blood towards the end, thanks


Fujisaki Yumeko would have never thought in her lifetime, she would have ever been witness to a supernatural in the works. However, as she hid behind a closed door trying to calm down her heart, she was no longer sure.

Curiosity had gotten the best of her, after she had heard rumors about someone appearing in the old school building at night. She had invited a few other friends but in the end it had only been Yumeko, herself, that appeared. To make matters worse, it was hallows eve, the night made a deep chill run down her spine.

She had heard old stories and rumors about the school's old building. The original building where classes were taught, where celebrations were held; it was an old building that had been used for practically everything.

Yumeko glanced around the hall, it looked rather clean for an old building but guess she shouldn't be surprised. The students were in charge of cleaning and probably cleaned this building too, albeit not as often as the main building. The ruby eyed teen ran a finger along a window, lifting it and seeing there really was no dust.

A stair creaked from down the hall, making the teen flinch inadvertently. 'It's an old building, it was probably the wind or something.'

She wanted to see the infirmary, it was where there was a rumor that you could see a handsome boy there. Though Yumeko wasn't one to pay attention to that, she wanted to know. Her curiosity always got the best of her and this rumor was no different.

"But rumors are always just that, rumors." Another loud creak, this time a bit closer. The girl paused, trying to level her breathing. She had come too far now, she wasn't about to back away.

She stopped at the bottom of a small staircase, and pondered about going up but decided against it; this place gave her the creeps and as much as she was curious about it, she didn't want to miss her older brother's cooking for the night.

Speaking of brothers, even her younger brother had ditched. He wasn't blood related to her but with his looks, he could pass off as her relative. Yuto, that scaredy cat, how he just leave his older sister to fend for herself... there was nothing to be afraid of, she mused. Yup, nothing but an old building with creaky floor board-

The wooden boards behind her creaked again and the wind blew... but there were no open spaces for wind to be blowing from.

Yumeko gulped, now wasn't the time to be scared but she was certain, there was someone else with her. A hand on her shoulder made the girl flinch and let out a scream. As quickly as she yelled, the teen took hold of the hand on her shoulder and with all her strength flipped whoever it was towards the ground.

"Wa-wait! Senpai! I-it's me, Amane! Ow!"

Yumeko was panting heavily, kneeling on the floor next to Amane's fallen body. Her eyes wide in fright, however they closed as she only saw the dark locks from the younger student.

She allowed her body to drop onto the floor, sitting with her hands holding her up. "God, Amane you scared me, what the hell."

Okay so maybe she had just been pulling a facade she wasn't scared but truly, Yugi Amane was a force to reckon with. He was normally tame and meek for the lack of better words (even if he could sass back everyone when he was in the mood) but sometimes there was something odd about him. Like just now.

"Sorry senpai, I thought you heard me calling your name." He sat up rubbing a hand on his sore back. "Wait, what are you doing here?" Yumeko questioned the first year boy, there was no reason why he should be in the old building.

"Hu-huh?? Uh,me?? Uhhh," He began to panic, his face flushed a nice scarlet color. It was endearingly cute. His eyes desperately looked around trying to find an excuse. Yumeko raised an eyebrow.

"Well, whatever I guess. Now that you're here, come with me." The second year girl stood up, patting down her skirt of any dust that might have gotten on and extended a hand to the boy still on the floor.

Amane blinked, blush calming down to a pink hue, though his ears remained a fierce red.

Taking the hand, he stood and began to let go but the older girl didn't. Blinking at the hold, he said nothing. He had already scared her might as well just go with it for now. "I just want to check out the infirmary. There's rumors of a really handsome guy appearing during certain days. I wanna see if he really is handsome or not."

Amane sweatdropped at the mention of a handsome guy. "You sound like Yashiro."

"Hm, Yashiro? Is she the girl you like?" The two students walked down the hall, Yumeko holding Amane's arm tightly, hoping there weren't more surprises to scare her. At the mention of Yashiro being his crush, the poor boy flushed again. He moved his free arm in a flustered manner.

The sound of a door harshly closing could be heard in the distance behind them. "I-I'm gonna go check it out, senpai stay here!"

"Ah! Wait a minute!" Amane fled the hall, in both a scared and flustered manner. He fled in order to avoid further questioning mainly but also to make sure no one else was there. If anything, Yashiro would protect him somehow; she was a ghost after all.

Yumeko sighed and frowned while hugging herself. Guess she would continue her search alone again. It's fine, she was fine without Amane and she'll be fine just by herself like she was before he appeared.

Though his appearance had not been unwelcome , his disappearance was strangely odd to the ruby eyed teen. Maybe he really was more of a scaredy-cat than she thought. As she slowly walked again down the hall, towards what she believed was the infirmary there was another floor board that creaked.

Yumeko paused and gulped. "Just the wind, it's just the wind.." she kept muttering to herself, as if that would fix everything. Finally reaching what looked like the administration rooms, she sighed in relief. The layout appeared similar as that of the current building. The infirmary shouldn't be too far off then.

As Yumeko turned a corner, she felt someone's gaze on her back. Her head turned but there was no one there. In fright, and in a manner to calm herself, she placed a hand onto the wall moving slowly but never removing her hand from the wall. Even with her self reassurance, she hardly felt self. Ah, why did she have to be so curious about the possible handsome guy in the old building's infirmary even if he didn't possibly exist...

But she had come so far, she was so near the room. Just a few more steps. She could see the sign hanging ahead with the inscription for the infirmary.

Yumeko paused just outside the door. Her breathing was shaky and her hands trembled. Placing her hands in her chest in a way to calm her heart, the teen inhaled deeply while closing her eyes. As quickly as she could muster up her courage, she opened the room and was met with white walls.

Or rather white sheets of fabric.

Tentatively taking a step inside, Yumeko shakingly stared around. "Uh, hello?" The floor boards behind her creaked and she turned around flustered. However there was no one there.

She sighed in relief, the building was just old, it was just her being paranoid. She stared at the empty hall, it glowed red from the evening sun. It would be pretty if it weren't the eerie feeling it had. Yumeko turned back into the infirmary but saw a flash of black near one of the windows.

"Um, hello?"

"Well this certainly is a surprise." A figure in a black coat called out. Yumeko screamed before slapping her hand over her mouth. Her breath quickened as her heart began to beat faster. There hadn't been anyone inside when she had first peeked inside so how was there someone there now?

"Oh! I apologize for startling you. I dropped something and was picking it. Perhaps you didn't see me?" The figure stepped closer, revealing blond locks and what looked like a different version of the school's uniform. His arms covered by the long sleeves of his button up and if she looked closer, the black coat was sitting upon his shoulders. Overall, this was a really handsome guy. Maybe too handsome for mortal standards.

Yumeko flushed a soft pink, her eyes became starstruck. "Oh, uh, no I'm the one whose... sorry." The dim lighting didn't illuminate much in the room but what made Yumeko falter was a small plastic bag on the table. She wouldn't have noticed it but it was directly behind the blonde. The teen would have dismissed it but inside was stained a deep red. A few droplets looked like they had been splashed onto the table but were smeared.

The smear looked like dried blood.

Yumeko gulped and returned her gaze at the handsome blonde besides her. It was starting to become chillier or was it just her? "Um, sorry to barge in here. I was just, uh, curious about the rumors going around."

"Rumors?" The blonde gazed at the silver haired teen, taking in her features and noting her nervous movements: stuttering, shifting eyes and lip biting.

"Yeah, there's a rumor that in this building's infirmary there's a really handsome guy. Or something like that." Her cheeks darkened as she informed him of the rumor. When she said it out loud it sounded a bit silly.

He simply smiled and turned away. "Handsome guy, huh." He spoke softly, so the girl wouldn't hear him. As he neared the window, he felt his fang poke his lip. Well, he had been interrupted during feeding time...

"Say, Miss, I was in the middle of something important. Do you think you could help me?" His voice seemed to put the girl in a trance as her mind began to grow hazy and unfocused. She could hear her voice reply that she would help him. Her body began walking forward and towards the blonde in front of the window.

He stood in the shadow of the wall as Yumeko slowed to a stop directly in front of a window. The sky had gone from a vibrant sunset orange to a dimming red. It was a beautiful sight.

"You're allowing me to help myself, correct?" Yumeko couldn't quite understand the question but again, her mouth opened and said yes. It was all confusing, it was as though this person was asking for consent for something but for wh-

Her uniform collar was tugged a bit to reveal her neck further and suddenly there was a hot pain flashing on her neck. It was a quick sting before she felt her knees began to buckle, having lost the strength to continue upright.

Just before her legs could no longer support her, she caught the reflection on the window and only saw herself and yet, there was someone behind her. She knew it. But then why was there no reflection.

Before the ruby eyed teen could think about it further, her body lost consciousness. Her eyes closed slowly, the sight of the blonde smirking above her was the last thing she saw before her eyes closed again.

She felt someone shaking her gently. A hand tapping on her cheek and a panicked voice calling her name. As Yumeko's eyes slowly opened, the blurred sight of Amane trying to wake her caught her attention.

"Amane?" Her voice hoarse from sleep as she took notice of her surroundings. She was just outside the old buildings infirmary, leaning on a wall. How had she gotten there? The last thing she remembered was Amane leaving her to check out a noise, wait, right Amane- "You left me alone! How could you!"

"A-ah! It wasn't intentionally, it's not like I was afraid of the noises coming down the hall okay?" He gave his excuse, unsure if she was just saying that or if she had to talk to her about what she had experienced.

"Uh, forget about that, are you okay? Why are you sitting here?"

"Huh? I actually don't know." She leaned onto the wall for support. It was odd. How had she gotten here and why was she suddenly not remembering anything after the younger boy left her.

No matter how much she wrecked her brain for an excuse, nothing was found. "Hm, guess I can't remember. Well, whatever, let's get out of here, the place is starting to creep me out."

And so the two left, making jokes to pass the time and disguise their fear. This time Amane made no comment about Yumeko holding his arm close. However his concern for the girl remained. He could only think back to what Yashiro had said.

He had gone to inspect the noise, only to find a pouting Yashiro who had caught him and Yumeko. He had to explain the situation before asking if there was anything he should be worried about.

"Well, not really. I mean there's this super handsome guy that likes to hang out in the infirmary. But he can be a little scary to humans sometimes. He's pretty nice to me but last time some humans stopped by they left really spooked. Ah, actually the infirmary is in the direction you came from."

With that he bolted towards the direction whence he came from. He hoped he wasn't too late. And that's when he found you leaning on the wall.

He was thankful nothing had happened but it was strange.

From a nearby window, two pairs of eyes watched the students walk away further from the building. "You really had to take a bite didn't you. You sure she won't remember?"A teen sporting glasses asked the blonde.

"Well, who knows. She was quite tasty. I'm sure she'll be fine." The blonde, a vampire known as Minamoto Teru stared at the girl leaving with the dark haired boy. True to his words, the girl's blood had tasted delicious but who knows when he would have such an opportunity again.

The two watched the students leave, Teru focusing his gaze onto the girl's neck, where if one looked closely enough, two marks marred her skin.
