12.0 the beginning of an end

Nothing is more pitiful than a ghost attempting to do normal things a human would do.

As a vampire, Yumeko knew that feeling well. While she held a physical body and could talk to and be seen by other humans, there were certain things she still didn't quite understand. Case in point, just now as Kurosawa Ibara gushed about yet another mobile game to the sleepy vampire.

She had been previously dragged into the pitfall of idols and such by the same girl, something that had taken her awhile to become accustomed but this new issue about the mobile games raised more concerns. Kurosawa spent how many hours playing? Not to mention the extras she had also mentioned.

"Oh! Maybe you might like this one more! It's a little easier to play for newbies." The usually quiet health rep was smiling wide enough, her cheeks resembled freshly baked bread.

Yumeko stared at the human while suppressing a yawn. She did find the topic interesting, it helped her understand humans better after all... but she was also tired from the evening prior. After the kegare incident and telling Teru off, they had been sort of awkward with each other. The silence had never bothered her before but now it was...

"Oh, there's also this type of game but I'm not sure if you'd like it? It's more like an otoge, you just have to choose the options you think are best."

Otoge? What was she referring to? Was it similar to those idol games from before?

"I feel bad for Fujisaki-san. She's too nice to tell Furukawa off. No one wants to play her otaku games." Though the vampire could hardly care less about what others said, it seemed the other person wasn't watching the volume of her voice, deliberately being loud enough for everyone in the class to overhear.

"Haha, yeah, look how bored Fujisaki looks."

Murmurs and whispers erupted as Yumeko stared at the source of all the commotion. "I don't mind Furukawa-san, please continue to tell me more. If it's alright with you, we can continue this at the new cafe down the street."

For someone who always seemed aloof and preferred the company of no one, it surprised everyone in the classroom. Even Furukawa who had reddened from embarrassment was now shyly smiling at the silver haired girl in front of her. Even though her gaze was not at her, it made her smile.

"O-oh! Yes! I-I'd like that!"

"Wonderful, now if you don't mind. I have something I need to speak about with our student council president. Please do wait for me at the gate, I'll join you shortly." Her ruby orbs glowed as she uttered those words. The group of girls that had been trying to cause trouble immediately shut up, flushed in either anger or embarrassment and seemed to be clenching their hands on the hems of their uniforms.

A few students remained but most went on with packing away their items and getting ready to either go home or to go to their respective clubs. There was no further need to meddle in this and besides, they weren't about to be caught for something petty.

Everyone in the class was aware of Yumeko being part of the student council. While some were a bit distraught that she could spend time with their beloved prince, others tried to gain her favor wanting to also be close with the second year president.

It was confusing to Yumeko at first. She hadn't bothered to interact with her classmates in the years prior but having read different books she wanted to see a different challenge. It was difficult at first but slowly, the vampire did manage to make a small group of friends.

However, they ended up in different classrooms the following year and ultimately Yumeko had no energy left to deal with the change. Furukawa was the only one who had approached her, wanting to gain a friend as she had transferred in from another school.

Students loitered in the hallways, some on their way to their clubs while others were doing the classroom chores before heading home. There was the stray mokke jumping around or playfully hiding some poor student's belongings.

As Yumeko passed by a busy hallway, her eyes caught sight of something she had thought wouldn't be seen again. A paper fluttered to the floor and a middle schooler picked it up. Though he tried to return it, no one seemed to hear him, his hand passing through the girl's arm. Grabbing the paper, her loud voice stopped the student who had dropped the paper.

"You dropped this." The girl's clubmates teased the girl as she bowed in apology. It wasn't long before everyone had left leaving the hallway bare.

The pink haired ghost stared warily at the vampire in front of him ready to throw any insults, sorry. Ready to defend himself if needed.

"You shouldn't be out and about so casually. Aren't you afraid of being exorcised? Rather, I thought you had disappeared that day." Pink eyes glared at her in confusion. What was this weird girl talking about?

"Normal humans can't see me... so why can you..? It can't beβ€” you're friends with that lame ass earring guy?" What? Now it was Yumeko's turn to be confused. What was he talking about? No it looked like he wasn't even aware.

"Lame? Well, guess it might look strange to some for Kou to be wearing that protective charm like that."

Mitsuba stared at the strange girl in front of him. She was... pretty cute (not as cute as him though!) and she seemed nice enough but he was still getting used to the whole, being a ghost thing. He wasn't sure what to think nor what to reply. He was lost... right, the whole reason he was out here was because he'd felt like he was unwanted.

"Hey, are you alright? Do you want me to go get Kou?" Her voice snapped the young ghost out of his thoughts.

"No, I don't need that guy. I just... don't really know where I should be." Was this guy losing his sense of self? To the ruby eyed girl, he looked like someone who had lost his path.

There was something about him, Yumeko couldn't place her finger in it but something about this ghost in particular seemed off. He had been classmates with Kou at one point and he had been the reason Kou had been so upset a while back. But seeing him like this, in such a vulnerable state, the vampire couldn't help but pity him.

"Don't know where you belong? A monster from the land of the dead, seeking a place in the land of the living. That's wrong. Why can't you understand that."

Oh, it was Teru. They were screwed.

The two hadn't spoken for days, only giving polite greetings here and there. Teru's sword was out in the open as well, there were no students, what did he have to worry about?

"Put away the sword Teru." Again she was defending a ghost. It angered the blonde exorcist. Why didn't she just behave. Her actions further confused the pink haired ghost. As he attempted to understand the situation, he stared directly into the eyes of the other male. Eyes began to water, a horrifying dread began to fill his heart as he began to shake from fear. This guy, he was scary. Even if he looked like the other blonde teen, their aura was completely different.

"Why.. is your face so scary?" He wanted to get away from him, from here...

Yumeko took hold of Teru's arm, preventing further movement. "Harm him and you'll be harming Kou."

Her ears caught the sound of someone at the corner, however she wasn't ready for what she heard next.


Um, what??

Loud thuds were making their way to their location hastily. Both males were even more confused now. Teru was unsure of who had uttered the words and thus attracted a large group of people and Mitsuba in that he wasn't about to disappear once again.

Grabbing the sleeve of his sweater, Yumeko turned and ran off with Mitsuba in tow, leaving Teru to be mobbed by people wanting to be his 'date'. She turned the corner and dropped him, letting Natsuhiko pick up the poor ghost.

"Natsuhiko-san. That was a bit overboard."

"What's the big idea, airhead?"

"Huh? He was about to exorcise poor Mitsuba. Hey kid, what were you thinking?"

The vampire leaned against the wall, watching her classmate scold the ghost. She had yet to question why or even how the teen could touch the ghost but it appeared that would have to wait for some other time. The loud chatter from people asking Teru for a date was not dying down at all.

In fact, it was as though the crowd was growing. Natsuhiko gave nervous glances towards the large group of people and back towards the vampire who didn't seem bothered by it. However, he couldn't let her know about their plans, what if she decided to tell the president... nah, she wouldn't do that right?

The two seemed to be at odds right now, it made him curious what had transpired between the two.

"I'm not sure what you're up to but don't let him run wild like that again. Teru isn't merciful towards apparitions. Consider him lucky this time. So, if you'll excuse me," she took off from the wall, heading into the chaos ahead. "I have a certain exorcist to save and a classmate waiting for me."

Marching forward, she paused just outside the ring of students. She was already tired and this whole ordeal made her even moreso. It was tiring being in the same area as Teru, how was it that she fell for him? There had to be some sort of explanation for it...

"Everyone, please give our dear president some space! He'll have enough time to answer everyone at a later date."

Grumbles erupted from everyone as they stared at the speaker in question. It was not fair, they finally almost had a chance. With a few complaints, everyone eventually dispersed. Some going back to their club rooms and others back to their classrooms to pick up their forgotten bags.

Teru fixed his collar, moving the bag containing his sword back over his shoulder. His eyes narrowed towards Yumeko, glaring harshly behind her. That apparition had escaped this time but there would be no next time. He huffed silently at the escape. "So glad I can count on you."

His sarcastic words hit her harshly. Arms became crossed, not liking the tone the blonde had used. "Right, because you had the situation under your complete control. Well, whatever. I was going to message you I'm not staying today and that I'll meet you home later. But well, you're here now. Do have fun with your paperwork, Mr. Student Council President."

Yumeko all but disappeared as she uttered her last words.

At the gate, Furukawa Ibara waited patiently, twirling the ends of one of her braids. She stared as students walked by, with the intent of either going home or going elsewhere to meet with friends. Friends, that was a concept the teen wasn't very familiar with.

"I'm sorry for the wait." The silver haired vampire walked over to Furukawa's waiting spot. "There was a sudden problem I had to help Teru with."

"Teru, that's President Minamoto, right? You guys must be pretty close for you to call him by his first name." Her glasses glinted, curiosity on her face. Many people actually wondered how this, seeing as the two were rather close.

"Hm, I would suppose so. He has a younger brother in middle school. Calling them both Minamoto-kun would be rather confusing." She'd left out the fact she was technically living with them. Not to mention, Teru would have probably told her off already for using his name so nonchalantly.

The two walked in mild silence after that, Yumeko twirling her parasol from time to time. Something the other girl had taken into account. "Um, if you don't mind me asking, but why do you carry that umbrella with you?"

"I have sensitive skin, you see. I tend to burn easily and it can be quite painful to constantly be sunburned. Plus, it's a little cute don't you think?"

The glasses-wearing girl laughed awkwardly, "I suppose that would be a pain."

Though the silence was a bit hard to bear for Furukawa, it didn't seem to bother Yumeko as much. As such, the dark haired girl decided to not comment any more until they reached the cafe. Though it was new, it didn't appear to have many customers yet. Lucky them, they probably wouldn't have to wait in a long line to get inside.

The cafe itself was very cute but quaint. Soft beige walls, wood flooring. Even the tables, chairs and booths held a comforting charm. There was a clear crystal casing that served as a counter, different pastries on display. As the two girls looked around, a tall boy walked up to them and led the two over to a table; just a little ways away from any spots where the sun was hitting particularly strong but not completely hidden away. As he placed down the menus, he made comment he would be back soon.

"Oh! Everything looks really good!" As Furukawa scanned the menu items, Yumeko could only hum at her exclamation. What else could she really say, she wouldn't be able to taste anything regardless.

"Fujisaki-san, what do you think you'll get? I'm torn between the strawberry shortcake set or this fruity deluxe sundae. Aah, but I wonder if my allowance will be enough."

"Oh, please order what you like. It'll be my treat today, as an apology for making this sudden outing."

"N-no way! I can't let you do that!" Her braids jumped as she suddenly stood and rejected Yumeko's offer; well tried to. As her outburst had caused a sudden commotion, the glasses-wearing girl slowly turned to the other patrons in the cafe and bowed in apology.

"I don't mind. I have quite an allowance saved up. Please let me treat this time. If there's a place you'd like to show me, you can pay then." Although she wasn't fond of food, she'd have to pretend for the sake of the human in front of her. At her comment, which hinted at another outing, her hazel eyes shined.

Blushing bashfully, Furukawa flushed pink and nodded. Her eyes focused back on the menu, muttering about how yummy the treats would be. To Yumeko, it all made no difference. She wasn't human, she wouldn't be able to take a bite and exclaim how delicious it was.

As the two placed their order, the strawberry shortcake set for Furukawa and a soufflΓ© pancake set for Yumeko. Both girls decided for tea as their drink.

"Um, I'd like to thank you..." Furukawa Ibara was aware of her cowardly nature at school, something she wished she could change and yet... glancing up, a confused expression laid on the vampire's face.

"Um, about what Maya-san said back at the class. I know you probably don't have interest in mobile games or even hanging out with me in general. Ah, that's not to say I don't enjoy your company! It's just..."

She quieted down, wondering how to word it. "I don't particularly care about many things. Besides, humans can be quite fickle characters. There's a lot to learn from different people." Yumeko replied back, stopping only as a waiter approached with their food and beverage.

"Besides, what's there to worry about, I'm always looking forward to something new to learn. Our current world keeps changing, you know. It's a good thing to learn more and more when you can."

Furukawa looked at the vampire in awe. Sure she might have been hurt to hear the other girl didn't care about her company but she didn't mind it. Other than in the classroom, the two hardly talked to each other.

"Um, would it be okay with you if I took a photo of the food for my foogram account? I won't take any shots with you in them, promise!"

The longer she didn't have to eat, the better. And that was how the rest of the time went. Between eating (more like watching Furukawa choke on the cake) and talking about games and shows, laughing here and there, Yumeko felt a refreshing feeling hit her. She hadn't ever really felt like this before, made her wonder why.

The vampire hadn't eaten much of her own food before the human sitting across glanced at a nearby clock, before rushing to grab her school bag and phone. She bowed profusely, smiling before she left, claiming she needed to get home quickly before her parents questioned why she was late for practice. Something was strange about the way she said it. But without divulging further details, the black haired girl left Yumeko to her own devices.

The vampire stabbed a piece of the pancake with her fork, not touching it further before neatly setting down her utensils. "Disgusting."

As Furukawa left the cafe, her innocent student facade faded. Her glasses were about to fall off the bridge of her nose and a sudden ring from her phone broke away her smile into a more somber expression.

"Yeah it was her... no I'm on the way back home... no she didn't suspect... Yeah." She laughed as the other speaker gave more comments. "Don't worry. That vampire won't know what hit her."
