17.0 lamentation

me: when was the last time we had an actual blood drinking chapter

also me: Β―\_(ツ)_/Β―

CW: blood drinking

Yumeko sauntered off into the courtyard. The evening sun glaring its rays onto the earth. The vampire grimaced, staying as close as she could to the shadows for protection. Exams were finally over!

As Ibara had asked to meet after exams, Yumeko decided she could comply to this request.

"You sure took your time." The ex vampire hunter sat on a bench hidden away from the field. She glared at the vampire who approached but didn't say much else. Yumeko had come with her bag, ready to go home afterwards. Thankfully the bench was in a shaded area giving both privacy but also protection.

The two girls sat in silence for a few minutes. The weather had gotten warmer as summer approached. It was a calming silence.

"I would apologize but I still don't see where I went wrong." Ibara began talking, mumbling her thoughts. Of course she wouldn't see the wrong. "But I guess it was wrong of me to kidnap you for a petty reason. So I'm... ry."

Yumeko's brow quirked upwards. Even with super hearing she couldn't quite catch the words. "Excuse me, mind repeating that?"


"Oh, was that all? Thank you." She made way to stand but paused, feeling a hand latch onto her wrist. Sitting back down again, dull eyes stared into a reddened face. Hands grasped her one hand tightly, trembling in some unknown emotion. Was it embarrassment or fear?

"Wait! I- I apologized sincerely and you don't even say anything except thank you?" Furukawa Ibara was enraged. Here she was, expressing her deep regrets but it didn't seem to make the vampire budge.

"We're not friends. Even though we visited the cafe together and pretended to get along, we will never be friends. You made yourself perfectly clear. Your apology? Even a grade schooler would give a better apology than that."

Now, instead of trembling in embarrassment, the human girl was trembling in anger. "I knew I shouldn't have come. I knew i shouldn't have come to apologize to someone like-"

"Someone like who? Like me? Might I remind you the truth that your grandfather so graciously gave the other night? Because if anything I should be the one angry at you and your family. Be glad that Luka didn't come across what happened. Because he is not as merciful as I nor Yuto. Humans like you who live in their own disillusioned world without care of their consequences on others, I despise humans like you."

Ibara gulped loudly, the vampire's sole presence intimidated her in her seat, holding her captive. A cruel smile played on her lips, crimson orbs seemingly glowing. The power she exudes, it scared the human girl more than she realized.

How had she not shown this aura days ago? How had she been so calm before but now she was so... terrifying.Her heart beat so strongly in her chest, Ibara was afraid it would burst from her chest then and there.

She let go of Yumeko's wrist, body trembling in fear as she scooted away from the vampire. "St-stay away!"

Her body backed into the bench's armrest. At the touch of being unable to escape, she froze, numerous possibilities of what was to happen running through her mind. How was she so confident before only to cower away now?

Yumeko stared and the longer she did, the less she was aware her eyes glowed dangerously with hunger. Then, the intimidating aura dissipated and was replaced with an alluring one, an open invitation to fall into the vampire's arms. Before the two knew, Yumeko had attached herself to the girl's neck. However the skin was only nicked enough to bleed a few drops, nothing very severe. It was merely meant to scare the girl.

Pupils dilated in fear, Ibara's face flushed in shame as the vampire retreated away. A scare tactic mainly but seeing the blood, her blood, drip from the corner of Yumeko's mouth made her mouth run dry.

"So, little human, are you still so strong that your legs are trembling like so?"

The vampire mocked the human girl. It was true vampires struck fear into their victims but they weren't completely heartless.Β  To lessen the trauma, it was ideal to appear as tempting to the humans as possible; turn their fear into attraction.

A choked sob escaped Ibara's lips, though no tears left her eyes. How big of a fool she had been... "I-I'm sorry."

Yumeko sat on the bench, eyes swirling with emptiness. The human girl who had caused so many problems screeching about how she shouldn't have bitten her among other colorful words, fear replaced. Just as she screeched about how she only wanted to apologize, a hand was placed on her shoulder.

"I think it might be best to leave your apology for another day, wouldn't you say so, Furukawa-san." There was no smile on his face. There wasn't a need for pleasantries when she was already aware of who he was. Ibara frowned, doubt marring her mind if she should just go or not. However, one glaring look from the blonde caused her to 'eep!' and promptly ran away.

The exorcist held a handkerchief out towards the vampire. "It's unsightly to see you with blood from others on you." Yumeko ignored his hand, bringing out a small packet of disposable tissues to rid herself of the blood.

"It's not like I would drink it. Then again, what would you know."

Teru neared, grimacing at her statement. Had she really not fed since the last time he had given her blood? Impossible, she would have collapsed from fatigue by now, right? No, once he was close enough he could see her pale pallor, well paler than her usual coloring.

"Take this time to feed." He sat next to her, adjusting his tie. The bench was situated in a more obscure part of campus where not many students would pass by. It was a good place for now; he just had to hope there were no stragglers nearby, it might be difficult to explain the situation.

However, Yumeko didn't budge. "Why are you really here?" She just couldn't believe that he would voluntarily give her blood like so. Sure there were times he would initiate the process, but that was mainly after a difficult fight with some apparition. She hadn't gone with him to fight anyone in some time, there wasn't a reason for him to act so... kind towards her. It was just not his nature to do so. Something she had unfortunately gotten used to.

"I can't have you dying now, can I." Was he being sarcastic? Or was he being serious? Since when had he cared about her? Why was he being so confusing? Why were humans like this... maybe it would have been better if her brothers hadn't found her. Maybe then she could continue living in her naive world. The feeling of being hurt, it left a detestable taste in her mouth.

"Hurry now, before any student-" unlike previous times when Yumeko would hold Teru gently, she only tore up his neck for access to her lifeline. Was she cruel for causing him pain?

Teru gasped and grunted in pain, grabbing fistfulls of the vampire's uniform. It was different. Why was it different from before? Before, though the biting was painful at first, it became a gradual pleasurable sensation. The burning he felt now, it hurt far more than anything he had experienced in the past. It hurt more than being knocked down by a giant apparition.

Butβ€” did he have any right to complain about the pain? Teru was sure the amount of physical pain he was feeling was less than what he had put Yumeko through. He was aware of his shortcomings and of his less than friendly attitude towards the vampire.

Little by little, with Yumeko's lips still attached to his neck he wondered how much longer it would take for him to lose consciousness. Though he wasn't weak, blood loss would still hinder him, painfully pointing out his mortal weakness.

"Y-Yumeko," his voice weakly stuttered out his complaint but his strength was failing him. At the pull of his hair, the oldest Minamoto winced.

"Don't speak." She bit into his neck harshly once more, the sound of her lips meeting his skin silent. Subtle sucking and the sound of her lips smacking against his skin was the only sound he took note of.

His grip on her uniform began to weaken as dark spots began to cloud his vision. 'Huh, what a strange feeling.' He was never one to show weakness, ever, but recently he didn't think he'd mind allowing himself to do so with Yumeko.

Yumeko slowed in her blood intake, feeling Teru groan less. Maybe she had been too harsh? She inwardly scowled, after all they had gone through and all he had put her through, it should be fine... right?

As she pulled away she couldn't help but feel a pang in her chest. Teru's breathing was heavy, eyes half lidded with fatigue and he was now leaning on her for support. The vampire lapped and kissed the wound gently, not wanting to bring more pain.

"... Sorry, I took too much," she apologized, holding the blonde's body close to her own like an anchor.

In his half conscious state, he shook his head. Did he feel regret for his past actions? Was that it? No, it was...

His eyes closed before they opened and turned to her face. Sorrowful, ruby eyes filled with wavering tears met his own blue. They were both hurting albeit in different manners.

Her voice small and cracking towards the end, he could hear her question, "Why do you keep your distance when you have no intention of letting me go? When can we stop this charade and put an end to this cruel relationship?" His consciousness slipped.


"Teru, do you think there will be some good between us in the future?"

"Who knows."

"If there's something good between us, isn't that a good thing?"

"If we do become friends or something, it's the day apparitions disappear."

"... what a cruel thought. Well, then again, it is you who said it."


this is the last chapter of the year wow! i'll be back with closing chapters later but we are so near being done! would prolong it more but uh yeah

thank you to everyone who has read thus far and for those who have been here since the beginning, seriously thank you! means a lot!

stay safe everyone, happy (technically early for me) new year!
