Cสœแด€แด˜แด›แด‡ส€ 66

Hey guys sorry I didn't update when you guys complete the target actually I slept while waiting for the target to complete ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…

And I wanted to tell you guys that I got little hurt in my right hand finger and on top of that my right hand was paining a day back so I need to make my right hand rest... ๐Ÿ˜ถ๐Ÿ˜ถ

Sorry guys but you need to wait little more than the time I usually update because I can't use my right hand continuously as I already have some problem whenever I lift too much weight with right hand or some kind of pressure... ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”

And I guess because of continuous typing it is paining... Shollyy guys you all need to wait little more ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿฅบ

Guys can someone help me with the photos for party decorations and elders outfits


Manik and Nandini got ready and leave from Manan Mansion to Murthy Mansion were everyone is there, Manik was driving little fast than the speed he used when they came to Manan Mansion...

Nandini: I hope no one is awake when we reach home

Manik: Yeah specially your twin otherwise he will never leave teasing me

Nandini: Ayee my twin is not like that ok so don't say like this about him

Manik: Yeah yeah

Soon they reached Murthy Mansion, Manik parked his car and both of them came out of the car... They went inside the Mansion and luckily no one was there in the living room...

Manik: Thank god no one is here

Nandini: Yeah comeon let's go

Manik: But Nandini what's need now let's just go in garden area and come back after few minutes

Nandini: But why

Manik: Aree even if someone comes and see us than they will think we were in garden

Nandini: Okayy

They both went towards garden area without coming in notice... While here Cavya were still in Cabir's room cuddling...

Navya: Cabir I will leave now

Cabir: Why stay for some more time

Navya: No Cabir everyone will come in living room or kitchen now

Cabir: Let them come

Navya: Cabir you sleep I will go now

Cabir. Fine

Navya rolled her eyes thinking this man can sleep and eat whatever is the time... Navya left the room and Cabir continue to sleep... While going towards her room she collide with Alya and Mukti...

Mukti: Are you ok Navya

Navya: Yeah I'm sorry I didn't saw you coming

Alya: It's ok but where were you going

Navya: Room to get ready

Mukti: Yeah come fast after breakfast we need to go to Fashion house also

Alya: Yeah I can't wait to go after so many days we will do shopping

Navya: Yeah I will come in 15 minutes

Alya: Ok cya

Mukti and Alya left from there and Navya signed in relief that they didn't saw her coming from Cabir's room, she went to her room to get ready now...

Here in garden Manan were enjoying their time and after few minutes as decided they enter into living room and found their parents and Uncles and Aunts doing preparation for today's party but it was more like fighting not discussing...

Nandini: Guys I think you all should first discuss what's work is done and what is remaining

Manik: Yeah Dad

Raj: We know Manik but the party we decided is on short notice that's why all this chaos

Aditya: Yeah and after all today we have to announce the world about you all

Mukti: Means

Suraj: Means that as you have found your life partners so we have decided to announce it to world

Dhruv: But what's the need to do this

Roshini: We are your parents and we just want the world to knows that we all have become a big family now

Zoya: Ha baccho and you all have one year left for your studies right after that you all are going to join the respective works

Nandini: Haa Aunty but we still have 1 year left

Raman: And we are not telling you guys to join today or tomorrow

Ishita: You guys will join after you all complete your studies

Cabir: What's happening people

Manik: Welcome Welcome Mr. Sleepy head you were only left

Cabir: Thank you Thank you but little correction I'm not sleepy head you are

Nandini: Yeah Manik bhai is not sleepy head

Mukti: Yeah he is Bhukhad and you too bhai

Cabir and Manik make a bad face while others chuckle seeing them and Nandini Mukti high five...

Alya: Mom when we are going to Fashion house

Maya: I'm sorry baccho I have a important meeting so I can't join you remember but my Manager will be with you all waiting at Fashion house ok

Nyonika: And do your breakfast now and leave it's already 9:30

Abhi: Aunty chill we all will get ready before party

Dhruv: Haa but we can't say about girls

Alya: What do you mean Dhruv

Dhruv: I mean you girl take more time to get ready nothing else

Navya: We don't take much time to get ready and even we take much time to get ready

Nandini: Than it's because we want to look great in the party ok

Manik: We will see in the party than how great you girls look

Ishita: Baccho you guys can continue this while going to Fashion house but right now let's have breakfast

Cabir: Haa Mom I'm really hungry comeon guys

Navya (in mind): Bhukhad Joker just half hour before he eat the desert that too early in the morning and now he is hungry wahhh

Nandini: Navya what's going on your mind

Navya: Nothing

Alya: Than let's go girls we need to leave soon

Aditya: Priya you have appointment today so be ready we will leave after breakfast

Cabir: What appointment

Priya: Yeah and whyyyyy

Ishita: Nothing to worry just check up don't worry

Priya: I hope that Doctor allows me to eat other than this healthy food now

Nandini (whisper to Priya): Aunty don't worry even if that Doctor doesn't allow you I will get you food others than this

Priya (whisper to Nandini): Pakka promise

Nandini: Pakka promise

Ishita: Ye kya baate chale rahi hai

Priya: Nothing Ishu

Raman: Aree nasta jaldi laao yaar nahi to mai khud nasta bana leta hu

NanBir/Raj/Ishita: Noooo

Raman: What happened why did you all shout together

Raj: Raman you relax yaar why are you taking stress about making food

Manik: Yeah uncle and breakfast is ready I guess we just need to eat

Raman: Beta ji to eat the food for that food should be in plate also

Abhi: Uncle breakfast is coming

Fab5 and Nanvbhi look at each other and signed in relief otherwise today someone would have been in hospital while others in party...

After breakfast Fab5 and Nanvbhi leave for the Fashion house which is own by Alya's parents to get their outfits for the party..

Mukti: Alya we have select the outfit or it is already selected

Alya: No we have to select it

Mukti: Cool so we can match the colours with our partners outfit

Navya: That will be good

Abhi: Yeah as our parents said they want to announce about our relationship

Manik: Yeah it will be good they won't get any proposal about their kids marriage and all

Abhi: I agree it's irritating when they the older people see us and ask us weird questions

Cabir: Yeah they pulled my cheeks also

Manik: Dono bhai behan ke cheeks hi aise hai to kya kare insaan

Navya: Ha golu polu jaise cheeks hai

Abhi: Acha hua mere nahi hai

Mukti: By any chance you had this type of encounter

Abhi: Yeah

Nandini: I remember Abhi had this encounter when we were helping our parents in hospital

Navya: Ohh yeah I remember now that old lady

Cabir: Tell us also what happened

Nandini: Bhai that old lady was having some problem with breathing so she was admitted for few days and unfortunately that was the time when we were helping our parents

Navya: And Abhi was helping that old lady and whenever Abhi help her she used pulled his cheeks with so much force that it hurts him

Abhi: Aur nahi to kya it would be paining for few minutes and on top of that sometimes she deliberately called me every now and than

Nandini: And pulls his cheek it was fun to watch Abhi getting torture by that old lady

Dhruv: I would be more funny if you guys had pics of that

Mukti: Yeah and I will post on social media when it's his birthday

Manik: Me toooo

Abhi: No way guys you all are not posting that pics again

Alya: One second you said again it means it's already done

Nandini: Yes and by me and Navya

Cabir: Dammn that means I need some more pics like that

Abhi: Your are not getting any pics of mine like that

Manik: Guys let's talk about this later we have reached now let's go and get our outfits now

All agreed and went inside the Fashion house where they met Manager of the Fashion house... It has different sections for different occasions so it was party so they went on 3 floor and right side has woman section while left side has mans section....

Nandini: Let's select boys outfit first than we will select our outfits matching with them

Navya: Ok let's go guys

Boys also agree to them as they know there will no choice of them if they say something here... Next one hour went selecting the outfits for boys...

Mukbhi and Dhrulya were done only Manan and Cavya were remaining because Manik was not liking anything and Nandini was getting frustrated... Cavya scene was same but roles revers because it was Navya who was not liking it and Cabir was getting frustrated...

Writer: Dono twins frustrated ho rahe hai aapne partners se ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ๐Ÿคญ

Nandini: Manik you have seen almost everything select anyone of them comeon

Manik: I know Jaan but I want to select something different and I didn't get it till now

Nandini: Ok fine you see others outfit also till than I will get mine but atleast tell me the colour so I can match

Manik: Noo you help me with my outfit and don't worry we will get your outfit also but I will select it

Nandini: Manik we don't have much time

Manik: I know achaa listen you see on that side I will find other side

Nandini: Fine

Both of them started finding and Cavya were also finding their outfits...

Cabir: Navya yaarr stop finding more we have already seen this many outfits

Navya: I know but still I couldn't find the outfits which catches my eyes

Cabir: And when will you get that eye catching outfit

Navya: Mil gayaaa... Comeon move and try this

Cabir: Finally

Cavya tried their outfits and they were perfect, both came out of the trial room and look at each other...

Navya: It's perfect

Cabir: Finally

Here Manik also found a perfect outfit for Nandini and luckily he gets the matching outfit for himself with Nandini's outfit which he selected... Manik went towards Nandini and tap on her shoulder, Nandini turn around and look at Manik confusedly..

Nandini: What happened

Manik: Well I found our matching outfits so we are done

Nandini: Great let me see it and I have to try it also

Manik: Jaan it's not needed I saw it it's perfect so you don't need to try it

Nandini: But let me see it

Manik: Nope trust me you will love and comeon let's go

Manik hold Nandini's hand and both of them left from there and found Mukbhi and Dhrulya waiting for them but Cavya were no were to be found...

Nandini: Guys where is Bhai and Navya

Mukti: I didn't see them they were here only few minutes back

Abhi: Let's look for them

Alya: Well not needed Navya is coming

Navya: What happened guys

Manik: Nothing we were waiting for you

Navya: Ok and where is Cabir?

Nandini: He is with you

Navya: No

Abhi: But he was with you right

Navya: Yeah but when I came back after changing I didn't saw him so thought he must be with you all

Mukti: We thought he is with you

Manik: Now where the hell this Joker went

Suddenly they heard Cabir's scream and everyone looked at with each other with worried expression...


How's the update?

Where did Cabir go now?

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Target: 80+ votes

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