Cสœแด€แด˜แด›แด‡ส€ 24

They both reached at Manik's favorite restaurant

Nandini: So Mr. Akduu love Indian food

Manik: Yepp I love Indian food but most favorite is Punjabi food but right now im carving for Gujarati food

Nandini: So our lunch menu is gujarati nicee, you know Manik I have not eaten Gujarati food for a long time

Manik: That's good you will love gujarati food more today let's go inside

Nandini: Yepp let's go I can't wait now

Nandini: Wow Manik this place is really beautiful and I love the interiors they are awesome. How did you find this place

Manik: Yepp let's settled first than I will tell you

Nandini: Ok but where we will sit it's full

Manik: Don't worry I have book table for us

Nandini: So you know that we will come here

Manik: Yess Miss. Ladakuu

Mr. Verma: Hello Mr. Malhotra good to see you again your table is ready

Manik: Thank you uncle and she is my friend Nandini Murthy

Mr. Verma: Hello Miss. Murthy welcome to our restaurant

Nandini: Thank you uncle and uncle I must the interiors are really beautiful I love it

Mr. Verma: Thank you let me show you your table

They move towards their table which Manik has book for them *ษชษด แด˜ษชแด„แด›แดœส€แด‡ สŸแด‡า“แด› sษชแด…แด‡ า“ษชส€sแด› แด˜ษชแด„ ษชs แด›สœแด‡ษชส€ แด›แด€ส™สŸแด‡*

Mr. Verma show them their table, they both settled themselves and Mr. Verma called waiter

Mr. Verma: Mr. Malhotra what would like to order today

Manik: Uncle for me and Nandini Gujarati Kathiyawadi Thali

Mr. Verma: Ok Mr. Malhotra your food will be here in 15 minutes *sแด€สษชษดษข แด›สœษชs สœแด‡ สŸแด‡า“แด› แดกษชแด›สœ แดกแด€ษชแด›แด‡ส€*

Nandini: Manik now tell how Mr. Verma know you this much and how did you find this place

Manik: Actually Nandini as you can see this place is also not famous one but I really love the food they serve here and after meeting Mr. Verma I felt I know him from many years

Nandini: But how did you find this place

Manik: Actually one year back I was coming from office and my car suddenly stop and I couldn't find any mechanic and was hungry also as Mom and Dad both were out of town, so some people were passing from there they told that at that time you can't find any mechanic and there are not hotel near by but they told me that there is restaurant near by walking distance only. So I came here and when I saw the place I had same expression like you and the food was really awesome and Mr. Verma also help to me to reach Malhotra Mansion that night

Nandini: Seems like Mr. Verma is really kind hearted person

Manik: Yepp he is after that whenever I feel that I don't want to eat home I come here almost every month

Nandini: Nice you know Manik I will also come with you by seeing the place I felt so good

Manik: You know Nandini let's plan a day out with our friends and we all will come here

Nandini: Nice idea

Soon their Gujarati Kathiyawadi Thali came seeing the food nandini was like I can't finished this much

Nandini: Manik I can't eat this much food

Manik: Areey Nandini you are saying this now but first eat I guarantee it you will not leave anything

Nandini: So Mr. Akduu tell me what is inย Gujarati Kathiyawadi Thali today

Manik: Well today we are gonn eat Chaat, Patti Samosa, Kachori, Rajwadi Dhokli nu Shaak, Lasaniya Bataka, Dhudhi Dahi Wali, Kathiyawadi Gatta nu Shaak, Leela Chana nu Shaak, Dal, Bhaat, Kathiyawadi Kadhi, Kathiyawadi Khichdi, Gundar Pak, Phulka Roti, Bajra no Rotlo, Thepla, Ghee-Gud, Makhan, Lasan Chutney *แดกสœแด แด‡สŸsแด‡ แดกแด€ษดแด›s แด›แด แด‡แด€แด› แด›สœษชs ๐Ÿคค๐Ÿคค*uffff hasss

Nandini was still in shock how can she will eat this much and manik was just looking at food ready to attack it but he saw Nandini was still looking shock

Manik: Oyeee Miss. Ladakuu what happened don't you wann eat this

Nandini: Manik how will I eat this much and yes I wann eat this it look so tastyย  and just confused from what should I start

Manik: Haha you continue looking at food I will start im hungry and can't wait more now

Manik started eating and Nandini saw him shocked like how will he complete this much food but than she also started eating

Nandini: Wow manik it's awesome oh god I seriously don't have words to say it's so good

Manik: I know comeon I have order one more thing also it will also come in few minutes

Nandini: What I don't know if I can complete this food you have ordered one more thing

Manik: Areyy you will love that also

Nandini: Im going to be fat and all this is because of you only

Manik: Miss. Ladakuu don't blam it all on me you are eating im not forcing you if you don't want to eat than I can eat yours too

Nandini: Don't try to ok I will eat what is in my plate you eat what's in your plate

Waiter brings the desert which Manik has ordered for them, waiter served it and go back

Manik: Miss. Ladakuu here is the desert

Nandini: You know what I will call you whenever I want to try something new in food matter

Manik: Sure Miss Ladaku

Nandini: Stop calling me that now Im not even calling you with that name now but you continue calling me that

Manik: What name Miss. Ladakuu

Nandini: This name Mr. Akduu

Manik: Now even you are calling me that

Nandini: But you started it

Manik: Yeah yeah let me continue with my food

On the other side Fab4 and Navya and Abhi decided to meet at Navya's house

Abhi: So what's plan for today

Dhruv: Before that where is Nandini and Manik

Navya: They both are together

Others (except Cabir): WHAT

Mukti: Bhai didn't tell me that he is going with Nandini

Abhi: Why is he kid that he will tell you everything

Mukti: I didn't mean in that way ok

Cabir: Actually Manik messaged me that Raj Uncle and Raman uncle has given some work to both of them that's why they are together

Mukti: Ohhh

Navya: And Nandini message me about this

Alya: So now what should we do

Dhruv: Let's go for movie and than we all will have dinner together and if Manik and Nandini will be free than we will call them also

Cabir: Topiwale good idea

Alya: Let's get ready and will go in one hour

All agree with that and girls started getting ready and boys well they continue eating snacks and discussing about random things

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