Cสœแด€แด˜แด›แด‡ส€ 67

Hey guys Hello Hello hope you are doing great... I hope I'm not late to do update hehe last time I slept while waiting for you all to complete the target but see this time I didn't slept ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜

And my hand is also not paining now and where I got hurt on my finger it's also healed now...

Ok so tonight will be the finale of Big Boss who do you think who will be the winner ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค” comments here guys...


They all went towards the direction from where they heard Cabir's voice and what they saw it was shocking for them... They went towards Cabir and try make him free from the middle aged woman...

That woman was beating Cabir with her handbag and Fab4 and Nanvbhi were giggling but seeing it was serious they went towards them...

Manik: Mam leave him why are you beating him

Woman: Are you with him

Manik: Yes

Woman: Do you know him

Abhi: Yeah we are his friends

Woman: Ohhhoooo you are not single man huhh you are having gang to kidnap me huhh

Saying this that woman again started beating Cabir but with this Manik and Abhi also gets some beatings...

Cabir: Ouchhh Mam please listen to us

Abhi Yeah Mam

Dhruv: Mam please stop listen to us first than you do what you want to do

Manik: Yeah mam we are not kidnapper's

Woman: You all are with this guy who wanted to kidnap but this guy forget that a woman is not weak

Navya: Mam why are you saying that this guys wants to kidnap you

Nandini: Yeah Mam they are not kidnapper's

Woman: Wait let me call police they will only handle you all

Manager: Mam wait please you are having some kind of misunderstanding

Cabir (crying face): That I was saying from the time she started beating me

Nandini: Mam just tell us what happened and also listen to Bhai what happened actually

Woman: Fine say

Cabir (staying little away from woman): Mam I didn't know it was you who's hand I was holding because where you standing few seconds back my girlfriend was standing and without looking back I hold you hand started walking and than you beat me with your handbag

Woman: Ohh I'm sorry beta I misunderstood you

Cabir (scared): It's ok Mam

Woman: But you are saying that you had girlfriend so who is she

Navya: It's me Mam I'm his girlfriend

Woman: You are so beautiful beta and I'm sorry for beating your boyfriend

Navya: It's ok Mam it was a misunderstanding that's why

Abhi: By the way Cabir don't you know your girlfriend's hand

Manik: Yeah Cabir there is a lot of difference between a Woman and a girl

Cabir (in mind): Ye aag mai ghee kyu dall raha hai nahi petrol dall raha hai ye to sach mai JIJA hona ka kaam abhi se kar raha hai ruk beta mai bhi SAALE aur JIJA ka rishta ache se nibhauga wakt aane pe

Dhruv (shout in Cabir's ear): CABIR

Cabir: What the hell Dhruv why are shouting

Alya: Because you were not responding the question which Manik asked

Cabir: Nothing actually I was in hurry that's why I didn't realize

Navya: Ohh

Woman: I will leave now and once again I'm sorry baccho because of me you all are hurt

Manik: It's ok Mam not your fault you did all this in your defense

Abhi: Yeah which every girl should do if someone tries to misbehave with them

Woman: I will leave now and you boys put some medicine where you got hurt

Cabir: Yeah

Woman left from there with Manager and now it was only Fab5 and Nanvbhi, they all look at each other...

Alya: Let's go guys

Mukti: Yeah

They all started moving outside and settled in the car and just than everyone was settle they all burst into laughter expect Cabir...

Cabir: Shutup guys

They all stop laughing for few seconds but again burst into laughter and Cabir made a crying face...

Nandini: Bhai I can't believe that you didn't realize that it was not Navya's hand

Navya: Aur nahi to kya ye to acha hua ki that woman didn't call police

Dhruv: Otherwise we would be in police station

Mukti: Yeah and not only that but I guess behind the bars also

Manik: But guys I must say that I'm not going to forget this day ever

Nandini: Matlab

Manik: Means we all know that today is NanBir birthday and this Birthday will never forget because

Abhi: Because on Birthday Cabir got beatings by a Woman

Cabir: Shutup guys kaise dost ho tum log yaar here I'm in pain and you all are laughing

Manik: Than what should we do tumne kaam hi aisa kiya hai

Nandini: Guys let's leave now we need to get ready also

Manik: Yeah Yeah mai sochu ye abhi tak boli kyu nahi

Nandini: Manik just shutup and drive now

Mukti: Ha Bhai we are already late

Manik: Ok

They all went to Malhotra Mansion as party is on Murthy Mansion and there workers are working on decorations and they don't want to be target of their parents angry if they saw them roaming around...

Girls were getting ready in Mukti's bedroom while boys were in Manik's bedroom...

Mukti's bedroom

Alya: What they think of themselves that it's easy to get ready

Navya: Alya they just have to wear their suit and set their hair that's it

Alya: Yeah and we have to see so many things

Nandini: True our make up hairstyle and by mistake our dress have some problem than we have to slove that also

Mukti: And if they have any problem than they can just change into different suit

Navya: And we can't change also because our makeup and hair style and everything is matching with the dress we have to wear not the one which we don't have to wear

Nandini: Girls forget it let's focus on us now

Alya: Yeah let's show boys that if we take time to get ready than we worth it

Mukti: I can imagine their shocked faces from now only

Nandini: Yeah and I bet on that Mukti

Navya: Girls let's talk less and work more

Alya: Yeah

They all started getting ready as only few hours are left now and here in Manik's room boys are not even started to get ready...

Cabir: Yaar Manik where the hell is first aid box yaar it's paining

Manik (laughing): Who said you to hold that Aunty's hand without looking at back

Cabir: Abe yaar I was tried by trying one after another outfit so that time I just wanted to get away from there

Abhi: But still it was fun to watch you like that

Dhruv: Yeah guys but I must say that lady was strong

Manik: Yeah but on a serious note for few minutes I was also scared of her and I thought today is the last day

Cabir: Haa yaar aaj ke baat kisi ka bhi haat bina dekhne nahi pakduga aur bhagwaan please mujoe todi dayaa karo

Dhruv: Kyu kare bhagwaan tujpe daya

Cabir: Because this type of things happen with me only

Everyone laugh looking at Cabir because it's true most of the things like this happened with him only...

Soon it was time for them to leave for Murthy Mansion well girls were ready in Mukti's room and were ready to go now...

Mukti: Girls did any of you know where are boys

Nandini: No

Navya: But what happened Mukti

Mukti: Actually I went to Bhai's room to tell them we are ready but they were not there and I have checked everywhere

Alya: They must be in garden guys

Nandini: Yeah did you checked there

Mukti: Yes but they are not there also now I'm getting tensed yaar

Nandini: Me too they can't go anywhere without informing anyone of us

Mukti: Yeah and not one all four of them are nowhere to be found

Suddenly Alya got message from Dhruv and after reading it Alya told girls that boys are waiting for them in Living room so they went downstairs...

Nandini: Don't know what they are thinking to do

Navya: Yeah first they got disappear suddenly and than Dhruv message to come in living room

Mukti: Yaar this is why I hate wearing heavy outfits

Alya: Don't worry you will not tripped

Mukti: And if I fall than it's your fault

Nandini: Mukti relax you will not fall and comeon let's go now

Finally girls reach living room and saw boys were talking among themselves.. To get their attention Nandini fake cough, Boys look at the stairs and saw their lady love standing...

Boys stood shocked seeing them their jaw drops, Girls saw their expression and chuckle and blush little...

Alya: Where were you all

This brought boys back from their own world..

Dhruv: Alya we were here only

Mukti: Liar I search for you all in the whole damm house ok

Navya: So tell us the truth where were you all

Cabir: Girls really we were only but in parking lot

Nandini: Bhai are you saying truth

Cabir: Comeon twiny why would I lie to you or anyone of you

Manik: Yeah girls we were here only

Mukti: Girls maybe they are saying true because I didn't search in parking

Alya: Ok than comeon let's go we are already late


Dhruv came forward and give his hand to Alya, Alya smile and put her hand on his... Dhruv kiss on the back of her hand

Dhruv: Alya today you really looking like a doll and I agree even if you take time to get ready or not you still look like a doll...

Alya (blush): Thank you Dhruv and I must say I need to keep you with me tonight

Dhruv: Why

Alya: You look handsome and hot and I don't want any girls to even flirt with you

Dhruv: Don't worry even if they than I will ignore them

Alya try to stop her smile but couldn't, Dhruv smile at her and both of them left from there...


Mukti came towards Abhi and stood in front of and raised her eyebrow, while Abhi put his right hand and act as he got an attack...

Abhi: Hyeee

Mukti: What

Abhi: Well I must say Ms. Ladybheem you don't look like a ladybheem today

Mukti: Oh really than how do I look

Abhi: A beautiful, gorgeous lady who walk

Mukti: Well thank you and you don't look bad yourself

Abhi: Well thank you so let's get going

Mukti: Sure Mr. Not bad looking

Abhi rolled his eyes and help Mukti to walk as she having problem in walking as her outfit was little heavy...


Cabir was looking at Navya moving his head from top to bottom and Navya was looking at Cabir confusedly...

Navya: Cabir why are you looking at me like this

Cabir: Because you are not Navya

Navya: What? Cabir not start now please

Cabir: Fine baba but still where is my black and white Madhubala

Navya (rolled her eyes): Do one thing you just wait here for her and I will leave for party and find someone else for me now

Saying this Navya started to go outside and Cabir walk behind her and hold her by her waist, Navya look at Cabir and saw him looking at her...

Cabir: What don't look at me like that ok no one can handle you other than The Great Cabir Dhavan I mean Murthy ahhh I don't know

Navya (pulling his cheek): Don't worry you are just Cabir for me ok and also no one can handle you other than me

Both of them chuckle and left from there...


How's the update?

Did you like what happened to Cabir? If yes than few words on it?

Few words on Dhrulya?

Few words on Mukbhi?

Few words on Cavya?

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