Cสœแด€แด˜แด›แด‡ส€ 60

Hey guys I didn't wanted to put the target in this story but you all didn't left me any choice so finally I have put what you all love the most means TARGET


You all have time to complete this target till 4 February because I'm having exams from 18 January....

From CHAPTER 57,58,59 and 60 this should have atleast 100 or atleast 90


Ishita: What you all wanted to tell us

Fab5 and Nanvbhi were shocked to see their parents at the door and now they know one thing for sure that they can't keep the truth from them....

Raj: Ha baccho what you wanted to tell us

Manik: Dad we will tell you later that

Elders came inside the room, Ishita and Nyonika either sides of Priya..

Ishita: Priya kaisa feel ho raha

Priya: I'm fine Ishita

Ishita: Priya I.. I don't know how to thank you if that day you didn't see that truck coming than we both would have be

Priya: Nahi Ishita it was our destiny to be in that accident

Nyonika: Priya do you need anything

Priya: No Nyo but I think everyone of you should tell everything to each other now

Zoya: What are saying what we should tell everything

Priya: Not you all but the kids what they have done behind our backs

Suraj (turning towards kids): What did all did guys? Did something happen

Alya: Dad vo..

Suraj: Don't stammer Alya say without stammering

Aditya: Abhi what's going on behind our back

Abhi: Dad actually

Than Fab5 and Nanvbhi tell them everything what they did after Priya was attack in the hospital... After telling everything to their parents they look at all of them but they didn't tell anything... Priya look at Ishita and remember she wanted to tell her the truth about Cabir being her son but thought to tell later on as all this is too much for everyone here right now....

Nandini: Mom please say something... Dad

Manik: Dad we know that we should have told you all these but

Aditya: But what

Abhi: But we didn't wanted to get tense you all were already tensed so we thought

Suraj: So you all thought that let's do this and not to tell our parents

Alya: No Dad it's not like that we just

Maya: We just what huhh and you all tell us that my secretary was involved in this

Mukti: Aunty we just came to know today morning only

Nyonika: Did you guys thought about us when you all decided to go with your plan

Dhruv: Mom... We just

Raj: We what Manik did anyone of you realize that what would have happened to us if something happens to anyone of you

This made them realize that if something happens to anyone of them than their parents would have suffer... They knew that their parents were correct in their place because they didn't share all this and if really something would have happened than none of them can forgive themselves...

Cabir: Mom... Maa... Uncle Aunty we all have realized our mistake and we are really sorry

Nandini: Yes Mom we are ready for any punishment you gave us

Ishita: Did you all really realize your mistake

Kid's: Yes

Meera: You will do any punishment

Kid's: Yes

Zoya: You want us to forgive you all

Kid's: Yes

Nyonika: you all will do whatever we tell you to do

Kid's: Yes

Roshini: Than be ready tommorow morning in traditional dress

Kid's: Yes.... Wait what

Maya: Don't look too shocked tommorow morning we are having pooja as Priya is completely fine now

Ishita: Ha we thought to do pooja day after tomorrow as it's Nandini's birthday

Nandini: Ahh Mom not only mine but Bhai's also

Ishita: Sach mai

Raman: Ha Ishu.... So it's done tommorow morning you all will be ready in traditional attire and will join us in pooja

Raj: That to start too till end

Fab5 and Nanvbhi looked at each other finding everyone of them have same expression on their... Actually none of them like to sit in pooja for long time though Nandini and Navya sit but others doesn't like much it's not they don't believe in god but sitting in pooja for start to end it's boring for them...

Writer: Guys no offense they are teenager like every other teenager none of them like to sit in pooja for long

Everyone agree that they will sit in pooja from start to end... Elders look at each other and again look at their children... Kid's look at them with confused expression...

Mukti: Mom why you all are looking us like this

Nyonika: Mukti beta is there something else you all want us to know

Zoya: Than say it right now only if we come to know afterwards than it will be not good for anyone of you

Priya: What's left now didn't they tell us everything

Meera: Priya don't worry it's not related to this but something related to their life

Fab5 and Nanvbhi have a little idea where this conversation is going on but still they wanted to see what's their parents are thinking...

Navya: Mom what you all are talking about we did tell you everything

Abhi: Ha we don't have anything more now

Aditya: Are you sure??

Everyone of them nodded their in agreement that they didn't have anything to say more (though they have to say about their relationship)

Ishita: Acha let's go have your dinner now

Priya: Yeah even I'm coming I don't want to sit here

Cabir: But Mom you should rest it's not good for you to move much

Aditya: Cabir it's ok if Priya comes to dinner area she will feel good

After hearing Aditya everyone agree, Manik Cabir and Aditya help Priya to come downstairs while Ladies went to kitchen and others kid's were arranging their dinner at living room....

Soon elders settled on the dining table where as Fab5 and Nanvbhi settled in living room... They all were talking on random topics when their attention went towards Meera....

Meera: Karan in morning Mom called us saying about Navya's marriage

Navya: Mom what are you saying

Karan: Ha Meera it's too soon

Meera: Yeah I know even I told her that only

Ishita: Even I remember few days back Maa called saying soon Nandu will leave this house

Mananbir/Raman: What

Ishita: Why you all are shouting we are just talking about it

Nyonika: Ha lekin abhi se dekhna start karege to koi acha rishta milega

Zoya: Baat to sahi hai ye sab mai hi 2-3 year kaha nikal jayega pata nahi chalega

Maya: But really we didn't realize how time passes soon

Suraj: Ha bacche kab bade ho jaate hai pata nahi chalta

Listing to their parents talk Fab5 and Nanvbhi were shocked thinking what the hell their parents are talking they all are still in college and they have work also in future... They should talk about their work and study but no they are talking about marriage...

Alya: Mom Dad we are still studying so we have time to get married

Raman: Aree Ishu you remember that Mr. Mehta son's

Ishita: Ha your client right

Raman: Yeah Mr. Mehta has ask Nandu's hand for his son

Manan: WHAT

Nandini: Dad say no I'm not going to married to anyone even if I want to married than I will choose the guy myself

Manik: Ha uncle Nandini is correct shouldn't she choose the person whom she wants to spend her life

Nyonika: Manik they have just ask and no one is forcing her

Raj: But Manik why are shouting we understand why Nandu shout but why did you shout

Manik: Vo... Ummm.. it's nothing dad

Aditya: Jo bhi baat sahi hai they will complete their studies in one year now than mostly after 2 years they all will get married

Suraj: Ha Adi... Even I'm thinking to start seeing some boys for Alya

Elders started to talk about all this marriage, boys, girls, etc... And here Fab5 and Nanvbhi were getting tensed if they really found someone for them than it's not good...

Nandini: Guys I think we should tell them

Manik: Yeah and I stand thinking someone's else with Nandini

Abhi: Let them finished their dinner than we will tell

Mukti: Guys but after dinner we will tell everything about us

Alya: Yeah and I don't want to marry someone else other than Dhruv

Dhruv: Me too

Suddenly Ishita's phone rang showing Mom's name in it, she picked it up and started to talk to her...

Ishita: Raman Mom called to tell us that she have fine a match for Nandu

Raman: Itni jaldi

Ishita: Aree she want them to meet that's it

Manik: What no way aunty

Ishita: Par kyu Manik

Manik: Aunty she will say no than why to waste time

Ishita: But what's wrong to meet, meet him talk with him than decide naa

Manik: Aunty I know even if she meet or talk to him she say no

Nyonika: Tuje bada pata hai

Manik: Ha pata hai bas

Ishita: But she will meet him that's final

Manik: No she will not meet him that's final

Raman: Raj tera beta pagal ho gaya hai

Raj: Sahi kaha

Nandini: Manik shaant ho jao

Manik: Kaise shaant ho jaau they are asking you to meet someone even after telling then that you will say no they are not accepting it

Priya: Why should she say no Manik maybe that guys will be her soulmate

Manik: No wayyy he will never be her soulmate

Maya: Why Manik

Ishita: Hn maybe he is the right one for her

Manik: Never he can never be the right one

Raj: Why Manik

Ishita: You know what I'm fixing Nandu's meeting with him tommorow

Nandini: Mom noo

Manik: Nooo

Nyonika: Why no Manik and it's Nandini's choice not yours

Manik: Because Nandini choose me... i Love Nandini... We both love each other

Listing to him Nandini close her eyes and Fab4 and Navbhi just looked at Manan and their parents... Manik realized what he has said and close his eyes...

Fab4 and Nanvbhi stood up seeing Manik moved towards Ishita and sit in front of her holding her hands... Everyone of them were looking at them

Manik: Aunty I really love your daughter, we both love each other and we know that we both are each other's soulmate... Aunty Uncle we didn't tell you earlier because whatever happened when we were in Mahabaleshvar... We were going to tell you all tonight but it come out like this

Saying this Manik look down and Fab4 and Nanvbhi were also didn't look at their parents... Suddenly they hear laughter's looking upwards they found their parents were laughing...

Ishita: Nyonika tumhare bete finally confess kar diya

Nyonika: Ha Ishu I thought he will not tell anything

Raj: Forget that I thought Alya or Abhi would confess us but he did

Abhi: What's going on

Zoya: Abhi we all were waiting for you all yo tell us about your relationship but none of you came forward to tell us

Navya: It means you all knew about us

Karan: Haa everything

Dhruv: How did you all come to know

Roshini: Beta ji roz raat ko der tak phone pe bate karoge to doubt to hoga hi

Maya: And the way you all look at your partner that tell us that how much you love them

Nandini: If you all knew than why this marriage talks

Ishita: If we didn't do all this than how would you confess because none of you came to tell us about your relationship so we thought to do this prank on you

Raman: So that you will confess and see Manik confess

Manik: So it was all prank

Ishita: Ha ji

Cabir: You all were enjoying our stat and we were thinking how to tell you all

Priya: Cabir we are your parents only not some Hitler who will give punishment

Meera: Kid's now continue your dinner than go to your rooms

Dhruv: Aunty it's early

Roshini: Don't forget you all have to sit in pooja from

Kid's: Start to end

Everyone continue their dinner with random talks in between elders use to tease kid's how they fall in their prank... Their day end on good note because that TL got caught, Priya is awake now, their parents knew about their relationship but still something was left that was how to tell Ishita about Cabir and who is the person behind all this....


How's the update?

What will happen when Ishita will come to know about Cabir?

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