Cสœแด€แด˜แด›แด‡ส€ 9

Fab5 move towards their jam room

Cabir: By the way guys they don't look bad people

Dhruv: Yeah guys and accident happens and cabir's is right they don't look bad people

Mukti: Those girls were good but that guy thinks he is smart not smart but over smart

Manik: Miss. Ladaku is not less she didn't tell sorry also

Alya: Guys but it was accident right so forget it

Dhruv: Alya is correct guys lets forget it and let's jam

Cabir: Topiwale said correct let's jam guys

They take their position and started jamming, they were remembering their movements that they spent with each other be it bad or good they always support each other and trust each other more than anyone and they don't kept secrets from each other

They always says lies doesn't break them secret do. At last they did group hug and silently pray that they always stay together in both good and bad times.

On other side Navni and Abhi had completed their lecture and moves toward canteen and order some food for them and after taking their food they move towards empty table and sat there

Nandini: Abhi can you come to game tonight and for few days

Navya and Abhi looks confused seeing them confused Nandini said about that task and Navya also thought it will be great if Abhi comes and join them

Nandini: So will you come???

Abhimanyu: Yepp I will come to help you guys but what about your others friends

Navya: Don't worry Abhi they will agree

Nandini: Yep they will even two of them know that I was going to talk with my friend to help us

Abhimanyu: Hmmm ok I will meet you both and others tonight only

Nandini/Navya: Ok

Fab5 Jam room

Cabir: Guys I need to tell you something important tonight come over at my place after telling you that we will go to game

Alya: Guys Firefly told me and cabir yesterday night that she knows one of her friend who can help us he used to play but he left because he wanted to focus on his career

Manik: Will he really helps us I mean left playing the game right.

Cabir: She said she will talk to him

Manik: Ok so let's meet tonight at Cabir's place

They had a good day and soon college was over, they all left for their respective homes. As they all have decided to meet Cabir's place, so they thought to stay tonight there only. They inform at their house about staying night at Dhavan Mansion. Fab4 reached Dhavan Mansion they saw cabir is not in living room or in pool area, they saw one helper coming from dinning area

Manik: Where is cabir?

Helper: Sir is in dinning area.

Mukti: Thank you. Guys we should first see dinning area and than his room

Dhruv: We can only find him in this two places

They move towards dinning area but they stopped when they reached near dinning area because what they saw it's shocking for them. They stare Cabir in shock and after fee seconds they look at each other

Alya: Guys am I seeing dream or it's real...... Ouchhh Mukti why did you pinched me

Mukti: You only asked if you are seeing dream or not so I pinched you now you get its not dream but real

Alya: Yeahhhh I get that but you shouldn't pinched this hard Yaarr

Dhruv: Girls stop it let's focus on Cabir

Manik: Buddy is right, it's unusual to see Cabir like this

Dhruv: Yeahh but it's like he is ughh I don't know what to say guys I never him like this even if is sad

Manik/Alya/Mukti: Yeah

Mukti: Let's go guys only he can answer

Fab4 move towards dinning table

Alya: Cabir...?

Dhruv: Cabirrrr

Still not response from Cabir, so they thought to shout together

Manik/Mukti/Alya/Dhruv: CABIRRR

Listing to their shout he came out of his dreamland, and he saw Fab4 has come and they have shouted

Cabir: What the hell guys why did you all shout like this

Dhruv: Me and Alya called you but you didn't response so we all shouted to wake you up from your dreamland

Mukti: Cabir what's all this it's so unusual of you

Manik: Yepp your love is in front of you but you are sitting like a statueย 

Mukti (giggle): Yepp

Cabir: Nothing like that guys.. Come-on guys lets go to pool area I wann tell you something

Saying this he moved towards pool area and Fab4 look at each other and than walk behind Cabir. They reached pool area and settled themselves, they stare Cabirย 

Cabir: Guys don't look at me like this Im your friend not some criminal

Manik: Fine than tell what you wann talk about because the way you were behaving at dinning table it was unusual

Mukti/Alya/Dhruv: Yeppp

Cabir: Guys it's just that I ummm

Mukti: You what comeon Cabir tell it

Alya: Yeahh we are not going to be angry on you

Dhruv: There must be reason if you are telling now

Cabir: Yeahh I know it just that I ummm ......................

Fab4: WHAT

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