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Navya: We didn't found much after that

Abhi: Yeah and how we are going to find we don't have any clue

Manik: What happened to that both theย  people

Abhi: Commissioner said that they didn't find them till now and he thinks that they may have been underground or maybe something happened to them

Cabir: So what we should do now

Nandini: Don't know maybe....

Voice: Maybe you all should go back to sleep because you have college tommorow

They looked at the door only to found Ishita standing there

Nandini: Mom when did you came

Ishita: Just now when Cabir was saying what we should do so I said you all should go back to sleep

Navya: We are not sleepy aunty that's why we were having hot chocolate and remembering old days

Ishita: Well I don't think you all have old days in this age but in future you will have it

Mukti: That's true aunty right guys

Dhruv: Yeah in future there will be one day when we all will be sitting like this

Manik: And remembering our college days and school life

Cabir: I agree we will do that but not without food

All expect Ishita and Cabir: Bhukhad

Cabir made a bad face and choose to ignore it and Ishita chuckle

Ishita: Baccho go back to sleep soon okay because it's already 3 in the morning

All: Ok Mom/Maa/Aunty

After Ishita went from there they all sign in relief

Nandini: Thank god Mom didn't listen to anything otherwise

Manik: Otherwise we all have been dead by now

Cabir: Yeah guys we need to careful now we can't discuss all this when someone is at home

Alya: Yeah either we discuss it on Our Place or at college terrace

Abhi: Yeah guys and we should go back to rooms now and we should be great full that Aunty didn't ask why you all are here

Manik: Yeah but I guess she knows that we all were here

Navya: We all will discuss it tomorrow but now let's go before Aunty come back

All agreed and went towards their room and slept but Nandini's sleep was far away she was afraid pf going back to sleep... She was afraid that she will see that nightmares again......

She left her room and went towards Manik's room, she saw him sleeping and went towards the bed and lay beside him... She put her head on his chest slowly close her eyes....

Manik smile and put his one hand on her waist and hold her tightly and slept....

Next morning

Both Manan were sleeping hugging each other without caring about outside world but our dear Sun decided to disturb them and sun rays fall on Nandini....

Nandini slowly open her eyes and smile seeing her Manik sleeping... She cares his face and kept her hand on his face only.... She kissed him on his cheek and get up but but stop at door shocked

Manik: Where are you going Jaan

Nandini turn around and saw Manik was up and had a teasing smile on his face...

Nandini: Manikkk youu were not sleeping

Manik: I was sleeping but you know your kiss woke me up

Nandini: Wh... What kiss

Manik (slowly walk towards her): You don't know the kiss you and me

Nandini: Wh... what me and you Manik what are you saying

Manik (teasing): Areee Jaan the kiss you give me on lips let me give it to you back

Nandini (pushed Manik): I didn't kiss on lips

Manik: Yes you did kiss me on lips

Nandini: No I didn't kiss you on cheeks

Manik: Yes you did

Nandini: No

Manik: Yes

Nandini: Nooo

Manik: Yessss

Nandini: Nooooooo

Manik: Yessssssss

Nandini: No I didn't because I kissed you on cheek

Manik stood there smirking and Nandini realize what she spoke

Manik ( put his hands on wall both the side of Nandini): So Ms. Murthy why don't I give you your kiss back with interest

Nandini: Me... Means

Manik: Mean that you kiss me on cheek so let me kiss you on lips

Nandini was shocked listing to Manik and Manik was enjoying all this

Nandini: Manikkk what...what are you saying

Manik: Im saying let me kiss you on your lips

Saying this Manik bend little to kiss Nandini on her lips Nandini close her eyes, they can feel each other breathes but before anything could happen Nandini pushed Manik and he fell on the bed, Nandini ran outside the room shouting

Nandini: Get ready Manik we have college to attend

Manik: Not fair Nandini I will not leave you

Well Nandini didn't as she was already gone, Manik ruffles his hair went to get ready


Navya was preparing breakfast for everyone when Cabir came there and stood behind her, Navya didn't notice till now.... Cabir came towards her and back hug her, Navya was shocked by this sudden hug

Cabir: Bonjour mon amour

Navya: What...ย  What it means

Cabir: Means good morning my love

Navya: Oooo but you can tell it normally also than why did you speak in Spanish

Cabir: Well my love it's French not Spanish

Navya: Whatever it is now move aside I need to work

Cabir: Nope there are helpers who can make breakfast

Navya: Mr. Cabir Dhavan I know that there are helpers who can make it but I want to do it

Navya try to move out from the hug but how can Cabir let her go easily, Navya turn towards Cabir and glared him but he royally ignore it

Navya: Cabir please let me go someone will come

Cabir: No one will comeย 

Navya: What if someone comes

Cabir: Than I don't care everyone knows we love each other and we are in relationship

Navya: Cabir please naa

Cabir: What will I get

Navya: Nothing

Cabir: Than forget it I'm letting you go

Navya glared at him but again it didn't affect him, Navya try to come out of his hold but no use.... Finally Navya have to agree to fulfill what he want

Navya: Fine say what you want

Cabir: Grilled cheese sandwiche, White sauce pasta, Garlic bread with double cheese and chocolate pastry and strawberry milkshake but before that I want a kiss

Navya (wide eyes): What

Cabir: Why are you shocked it's not that you didn't kiss me earlier

Navya: Cabir we are at home

Cabir: So we have kiss on each other cheeks..... Wait a second you think I want it lips *sแดษชส€แด‹แด‡แด…*

Navya: What.. when did I said that

Cabir: I didn't know that you wanted to kiss me on lips than I would have said that

Navya: No I don't want to kiss you

Cabir: You mean you never want to kiss me

Navya: No

Cabir: So you want to kiss me

Navya: Cabirrrr

Cabir: I know that's my name and comeon kiss me fast otherwise someone will come and you know right what will happen

Navya: If you know that someone will come than leave me

Cabir: Not before my kiss

Navya show him puppy eyes but he ignore it so Navya finally kissed him on cheek and Cabir had a big smile on his face


They both realize someone was there and has clicked their photo, they get away from each other and saw it was Manik... Navya went away from there leaving a teasing Manik and embarrassed Cabir

Manik: Wowwww I never thought I will see this

Cabir: Abee saale why did you came even if you came you could leave from here

Manik: Even you both can go to room and don't forget you also came between my romance

Cabir: Whatever but first delete this photo

Manik (smirked): Nope not gonna delete it and not going to leave you also

Cabir: Ah umm we should go we are getting late for college

Saying this he left from kitchen but came back

Cabir: Manikk send me that photo

They both give each other smile and left from there... They met others on dinning table and had their breakfast and left for college

S.P.A.C.E College

They all reached college and were going towards their respective classes when the announcement was made about college camp after exams

Mukti: Finally we can go somewhere after exam

Dhruv: Yeah and it's a camp so it will fun

Alya: Than why to wait let's go and give our names

Mukti: Yeah let's go comeon guys

Nandini: Mukti Alya you guys go and give our names me, Navya and Abhi have class right now

Manik: Ok you three go we will give our names and yours too

They bid bye and went towards their class and others went to give the names for camp

After sometime Abhi got a call from commissioner saying that he had found that two people who try to kill Manan and Cavya


Fab5 were already in the canteen when Navbhi came there

Abhi: Guys I got a call from commissioner

Manik: What did he said

Abhi: He had found them

Cabir: Great after we will go there

Alya: That two persons are the only hope we have

Nandini: Yeah because from the information we have it will not help us more but this two persons can helps us

Manik: To reach the person who is mastermind in all this games

They all continue with their classes soon college was over so they all left for commissioner office

Commissioner office

They all went inside the office of commissioner, commissioner was there with few officers and that two persons also who try to kill them

Abhi: Sir

Commissioner: Abhi good to see you all

Nandini: Same here sir... Did they say anything

Commissioner: No we were waiting for you all to come

Manik: Sir can I talk with them

Nandini: But Manik

Manik: Jaan

Nandini knows he will not change his decision and Commissioner knows how dangerous can be Manik Malhotra so he gave him permission

Manik went towards them dangerously and both the person's were already scared after the treatment they got from officers

Manik (Dangerously with red eyes): I will ask only one time and I want the answer

Person 1: Please let us go we didn't do anything

Manik: We will but tell us who told you to follow my car and attack on us

Person 2: We... We don't know please let us go

Manik (Hold that person 1 face: Last chance otherwise with both of you what will happen no will come to know about both of you

Both of them were more scared now after this

Person 1: ..............

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