13 ✧ caregiver

"Why must I put myself in positions like this?"

This was completely (y/n)'s fault. That much she could admit. At the time doing something without giving it a second thought seemed like the best option now standing in the middle of the room surrounded by people capable enough of killing her without lifting their pinkies. Well the thought alone was enough for her to gulp loudly and feel a cold sweet slide down her neck.

The only thing that was keeping from having a mental breakdown in front of all these people was the small body that she was clutching tightly to the front of her chest. Her (e/c) eyes trailed down to see that the boy looked quite amused as he stared at the masked people with wonder.

(Y/n) didn't blame him, he couldn't possibly understand how serious the situation was and the position she was currently. At least Naruto was having some fun; better him being completely unaware and happy than being unaware and unhappy. She didn't know what she would do if he was being fussy in the dire situation. She would completely die right then and there.

"What are we doing here?" Naruto's question reached her ear. All she could do was put on a nervous smile and adjust him slightly. "I'm here to talk to the Hokage and they came to bring us to him."

She wasn't really lying to the boy but she was just sugar coating the actual truth. How was she supposed to tell him that she was really there because she kidnapped him and that was a crime but it was an even bigger crime because he was the kyuubi? There was no way she was telling him that.

Naruto just slowly nodded his head, wondering why the old man had wanted to talk to (y/n). Maybe he had heard that she was adopting him and was happy? He thought on it more as he fiddled with the short ends of (y/n)'s hair, blue eyes narrowing slightly at the masked people.

He couldn't see their faces but got the feeling that they were not happy with (y/n) and he had no idea why but he didn't like the fact that they were mad at her. Was it his fault? He really didn't know but as long as he was here he would protect (y/n) and defend her. Even if they were bigger than him; it's never stopped him before.

"Are they mad at us?" Naruto leaned closer to her as he cupped her ear to whisper into it. Blue eyes still suspiciously glancing back at them. His arms coming to wrap themselves closer to (y/n)'s neck, making sure that his hold wasn't too tight. So he wouldn't hurt her.

(Y/n) didn't have to look back and see who Naruto was talking about. She knew he was talking about the shinobis that escorted them, well mostly her, to the tower but it helped her conclude that Naruto was very intuitive and didn't let little things slide past him.

That was good and it would be helpful for him if he ever decided he wanted to become a shinobi, which she thought he would. "Don't worry they're only mad at me not you." She mumbled. Though the response she got was enough to make her laugh silently and mentally cuddle him.

In response Naruto only grumbled under his breath, further tightening his hold on her which he had done a couple of times already, and mumble that he didn't understand why they were mad at her because she was so nice all the time to not only him but everyone else as well.

(Y/n) could honestly die right now knowing that Naruto thought so highly of her. She just wants to thank every deity for letting her have such a sweet child even if she had technically kidnapped him but that wasn't as important, well it was, but she was still flattered by the blond boy.

"I'm hungry and bored. I wanna go home." There it was, the whining that she knew was eventually going to come. Once again she didn't blame Naruto, this wasn't exactly a normal sitiuation for a four year old boy to be in but if you actually thought about his whole life none of it was normal.

(Y/n) nervously chuckled, slightly wincing as Naruto started to get more active and squirm in her hold. His little fingers lightly tugging on the strands of her hair hard and his knees accidentally putting more force on her chest than she would like but she still refused to set him down.

The last thing she needed was the little boy to cause more trouble than she already was in. That and she supposed this was a early lesson for to learn how to handle kids once they start to get fussy. She really never was around kids in her short life until Naruto came in the picture but she was certain she could handle what was about to come to her.

Thinking on the issue of hand more thoroughly once Naruto's knee became even more forceful to her chest, which didn't deserve that kind of treatment. When it came down to disciplining kids some parents actually hit their children, which made (y/n) wince. Sometimes a good smack would help but guessing with Naruto's past she wouldn't dare lay a hand on him and because she didn't think she could ever hit a child.

Other parents gave their children punishments in the forms of time out, which was the best option (y/n) could think of but once again, she was currently in custody and the last thing she wanted to do was move around triggering the shinobis to take action. The last thing she needed was for Naruto to get caught in the crossfire.

"Naruto stop moving we will be home soon enough." (Y/n) pleaded. Once more silently thanking every deity when Naruto grumbled a protest but stopped his actions but continued to toy with her hair.

(Y/n)'s body tensed as she watched a figure walk into the room, a figure that she was dreading to see but knew it was bound to happen eventually. Feeling Naruto in turn lift his head away from her shoulder and angle his body to look at the figure.

"It seems you have caused quite a commotion (y/n)."

(Y/n) gave a nervous laugh, feeling a bead of sweat fall down the side of her face. May they have mercy on her. "It's actually quite the story Lord Third."


Yo, I'm back. It's been about two months since the last update I think but I'm glad to say that I'll be trying to regularly update once again. The next chapter will go in depth of what happened.

Also this chapter might be trash but I promise I'm trying.

