08 โœง caregiver

"An unexpected guest was not on my to do list for today and neither was getting you back home. But life is always against me."

This wasn't what (y/n) had in mind when she had planned to take Naruto out to get something to eat. Well coming to a ramen stand instead of a proper restaurant wasn't the idea either but seeing the boy light up at the mere sight of ramen was worth it. There actually hadn't been anything wrong with the location or even the food but more like the person who also decided today was a perfect day to get ramen.

Glancing at the silver haired male sitting near her made (y/n) slightly uneasy. No, she didn't have anything against Kakashi nor has the male done anything to her. It's just the issue that the male really never talks and if he does half the time it isn't anything nice to say. And the fact that the male stares at you as if you were a speck of dust waiting to be swept away. Okay maybe (y/n) did have something against the male but he didn't need to know that.

However Naruto perked up as soon as his bright blue eyes caught sight of the headband wrapped around him. Noticeably bouncing on his seat, eyes flashing back and forth between her and the male. (Y/n) knew that the boy wanted to question Kakashi all about being a shinobi, ignoring the slight pang of hurt welling up in her. She was just as good as Kakashi. Why didn't he ask her about being a kunoichi?

"Staring is quite rude (y/n). Don't want to pass that down to the kid."

And there was the quip, (y/n) could only look down at her lap. Cheeks heating up in embarrassment and not the fact that Kakashi was a very attractive single young man. Not noticing the pout that spread on Naruto's chubby face at seeing (y/n) suddenly look sad when she was just happier earlier. Making him annoyed that this old guy was being mean to (y/n). She has done nothing wrong besides being nice to him.

"That's not nice old man." The loud declaration from the boy besides her. Made (y/n) quickly look up, eyes widening in shock at the fierce look in the young boy's eyes. The boy was usually so quiet she's never heard him actually yell or talk back to anyone. Her eyes flickered to Kakashi who also had faint look of surprise on his hidden face. Before his one eye flickered at her.

"I believe this is your doing." Kakashi calmly spoke, picking up his book and ignoring the now annoyed female. (Y/n) let his comment slide past her, not wanting to let the male get to her today. Especially when she had Naruto to worry about, gently placing a hand on the boy's fluffy hair. Making him look away from Kakashi and up to her.

"Don't pay attention the the old man. He's just grumpy all the time." (Y/n) whispered in his ear, smiling brightly at the little giggles coming from the boy. Before they both turned their attention the the fresh ramen placed in front of them. Naruto had made a good choice at picking where to eat, (y/n) couldn't help but agree with. Especially once her stomach growled at sight and smell.

"Can I try on your headband old man?" Naruto's question broke the silence, catching both of their attention. (Y/n) couldn't find herself to say anything, her (e/c) eyes just solely focusing on Kakashi. Who hadn't said anything or expressed any sort of emotion at the question. She couldn't help but wonder what the males response would be.

"You have to be a shinobi to have a headband. Same applies to wearing one." Kakashi simply said, not having the patience to deal with the young boy. Not bothering to spare the boy from the truth. Not everyone could be a shinobi so he wouldn't give the boy the benefit of the doubt to try one on. Well not until they could decide if he could pass in the academy.

"Why do you have to be so rude Kakashi?" (Y/n) couldn't help but ask, not caring if the male didn't really want to have a conversation. The silence that followed after, made her more infuriated. Letting out an exhale, she turned to the dejected boy and just placed and hand on his back. As Naruto slowly looked up at her, the smallest pout on his small face.

"Finish up Naruto, when we get home I'll let you try on mine." She said, chuckling at the excited expression now written all over his features. The boy once more bouncing in his seat in anticipation. Turning back to her food before pausing at the question asked.

"Does that mean I get to stay with you because you said when we go home? Does that mean it's my home now too?"

Naruto couldn't help but ask, his voice small and shy. He really hoped (y/n) meant that he could stay with her now. He didn't like the orphanage, he liked (y/n) a lot more. She's the only one that actually cared for him. Swinging his legs, he peeked up at the lady.

Who wasn't saying anything, just picking lightly at her food. Making him nervous. Maybe she was just saying that so he would feel better? Did she really not like him? Was she just doing this to make him feel better?

"I don't think you can stay with me Naruto. I'll still have to take you to the orphanage," (y/n) paused heart breaking at the small tear bubbling in his eyes, "but I'll see what I can do so I can get you to stay with me permanently. Just give me some time."

Naruto smiled as (y/n)'s hands wiped away his tears. Before turning back to his ramen that he left there. He could only hope that (y/n) could take him home permanently like she said.

(Y/n) hadn't known why she said that but she knew that she really did mean it. She also knew it would be hard to get the boy under her care, especially more since he was the kyuubi but that wouldn't stop her. She had grown to like the boy and wants to give him what other kids his age have.

"You shouldn't make such promises (y/n)." The soft voice hit her ear, making her look up at the male she had forgotten was here. The male looming over her, as he was already leaving the stand. She was just surprised that she could even hear his voice at how soft it was spoken. Then realizing it was just intended for her to hear not the boy.

"This is a promise that I tend to keep."
