01 ✧ caregiver

"She dreamed impossible dreams, followed her heart, and created her own little fairytale."

(Y/n) hummed to herself lowly, enjoying the feeling of the gentle breeze caressing her. Sometimes she really didn't understand why people didn't like being outside. But then again she really couldn't really judge them because sometimes she didn't even like coming outside if she could be in the comfort of her home.

Her humming continued, stopping only when to greet civilians that passed her. Not wanting to be seen as impolite if she just walked by them. Giving small waves with even smaller smiles, (y/n) continued walking. Not even herself knowing where she was going. She just needed to get out of her home today.

Sometimes (y/n) felt as if these people only greeted her nicely because of her forehead protector hanging limply but proudly against her neck. A symbol that she was committed to protecting the village. Because (y/n) didn't think that everyone could be so nice, she just thought that they were hiding behind a facade of nice lies.

Years of training to be a skilled kunoichi, would surely always make her question those around her. But then again, maybe that was just her being paranoid and suspicious of everyone and everything around her. Whatever it was, (y/n) pushed those thoughts away, sighing in relief when there was no more people around her.

Don't get (y/n) wrong, she enjoyed peoples company most of the times but then she had her days where she wanted to be all alone. With nobody to bother her, as harsh as it sounds it was true. And it seems that she would get her wish, now that nobody was around her.

"(Y/n)!" Or maybe not.

(Y/n) held her breath, pinching the bridge of nose in building frustration. Exhaling loudly, at who's voice she knew exactly too well. Slowly turning around with a blank expression on her face, her (e/c) eyes coming in contact with a male with a bowl cut and green spandex.

Maybe if she talked and greeted him he would leave her alone. "Hello Gai, how are you?" (Y/n) politely said through gritted teeth, she really didn't have anything against him but she really wanted to be alone surrounded by peace and quiet. Not by a guy who flirted with her and was always loud.

"Ever so charming (y/n). I wanted to know if you wanted to spend time together?" (Y/n)'s heart stopped, not because of the thought of them spending time together. But because she really needed a day by herself. And even if she didn't admit it, she was a people pleaser. She would go out of her way to make sure others were okay before checking up on herself.

Out of the corner of her eye, (y/n) saw a flash of silver. Immediately recognizing it as another fellow ninja, Kakashi Hatake. (Y/n) knew that Gai has proclaimed himself as the great rival of the silver haired male. So a quick plan she threw together on the spot, she would distract Gai with the use of Kakashi.

"Oh my is that Kakashi?" (Y/n) acted surprised, hiding the smile of amusement wanting to spread on her face at how quickly Gai turned around. Only nodding her head in fake understanding, at the quick apology from Gai and he ran off to bother Kakashi. (Y/n) wincing ever so slightly apologetic, as she heard Kakashi groan and telling Gai to leave him alone.

Not wanting to stay a moment longer, (y/n) quickly walked away from the scene. Her pace slowing down gradually once she felt that she was far enough from the two. Stopping at the edge of the forest before taking a quick look around to make sure no one was watching her, before heading into the forest. Her hand grazing past the multiple trees she was slowly passing up.

Always feeling more at peace when she was in the forest, even if others could be put off from it. The reason she didn't want anyone to see her was because she had actually found a field hidden inside the forest. (Y/n) had noted that every time she visited, there were no traces of any people being there recently. Making her assume that she only knew about the whereabouts of the field.

Her humming picked up once again, only to hitch as she became silent. Squinting her (e/c) eyes, they landed on someone laying down in the middle of her field. Not wanting to spook them, (y/n) stayed quiet examining them first before making her move.

Deciding that she was just wasting time standing alone, (y/n) opened her mouth only to falter once more. Her eyes widened taking in that the person was just a child. A rather young child, making her frown as she scanned the premises for an adult. Only to find that it was just they boy and her alone.

Worried thoughts flooded her mind making her question why the boy was alone. Where was his family? Why is he alone? Is he okay? Did he get lost? These thoughts only made (y/n) anxious, finally deciding that she would ask the boy himself rather than question herself when she didn't know the answers. With that she opened her mouth.
