12 ✧ caregiver

"The worst kind of rage would be the one where you are completely calm. That's what I was feeling during these moments."

(Y/n) was not going to lie, it was honestly pretty difficult for her to find Naruto amongst the many numerous kids scattered everywhere in her path. She knew it wasn't going to be easy to find him because she figured he was quite calm when he wasn't out of his shell around other people, well that's coming from her first couple of experiences with the young boy.

But she had never figured that it would be this hard for her to find him. Along with multiple curious kids coming up to her, stopping her from her short journey to ask her various questions. (Y/n) thought that the kids were quite adorable but couldn't help but think that their cuteness was nothing compared to Naruto's own cuteness.

(Y/n) knew she was being biased but she couldn't help it. Naruto was pretty adorable most of the time and it wasn't healthy for anyone's poor unexpecting hearts. Maybe she was over exaggerating just a tad bit but as far as she knew the boy had her wrapped around his tiny little finger and he didn't even know that he did. Which was better for her sake.

Seizing her movements, (y/n) looked at the surprisingly large backyard until she saw a small figure lying beneath the shade of an overgrown tree that was coincidentally surrounded by bushes. Squinting her (e/c) eyes, she then noticed that the small figure happened to be the one person she was currently looking for. Amused that he found solace away from all the other kids.

Walking towards him, she payed no mind to the other kids that were trying to get her attention. Doing her best not to feel guilty about possibly hurting their feelings but Naruto came first. Humming a small tune under new breath, (y/n) approached the blond boy who was seemingly in his thoughts. Not even noticing the presence that now was currently sitting besides him.

(Y/n)'s eyes scanned his figure, knees pulled up to his chest as his lower face was hidden behind not only his knees but the small arms wrapped around his knees to keep them there in that position. She wondered what the boy was possibly thinking about that had him so enraptured that he didn't even notice her. It made her anxious if he was thinking about their promise.

"Naruto I'm here." She lightly ran her fingers through his soft, bright blond hair. The light touch snapping him out of his daze as he turned his head in shock. Bright blue eyes meeting (e/c) ones as they had a staring contest.

Smiling softly at him she waited for his reaction only for her smile to slowly drop as Naruto turned back to his original position and stayed silent. At from what she could the boy even tried to discreetly inch away from her which he failed at because she was sure her heart dropped at the small action. Though she wasn't surprised by his actions she figured it was because she hadn't done much to get him out of here and back to their home.

The negative reactions she had expected but she just didn't expect for them to hurt her so much. It made her think back to when they first meet and the boy hardly acknowledged her them too. Now it was like she was back at square one and had to figure out how to get him to talk to her. Which wasn't something she could push the boy to do because no one liked to being forced to do things they didn't want to do.

"You must be mad at me Naruto?" (Y/n) questioned, still looking at the boy whose eyes flickered at her before looking straight ahead. (Y/n) sighed lightly, resting her back against the trees bark and stared in front of her.

"I know you're mad at me. I would be too if someone had promised me that they would come take me out of here but never actually did. Not only that but never bother to come visit." She wasn't going to sugarcoat her words, Naruto was smart enough to understand her actions and words.

The boy might be young but growing up in situations like this, helped one's mind mature quicker than others.

"What I'm trying to say is that while these actions of mine might seem slow to you just understand that I'm trying to be smart and not rush into something that I won't be able to handle because it won't be good for you or me but this doesn't mean I'm not taking you home to our home Naruto."

(Y/n) wasn't the best at apologizing nor was she the best at talking to kids but she hoped that Naruto understood her perspective about things. Life wasn't going to be kind to her just because she wanted to adopt an orphan. No it would only get harder for her but it was a risk she was willing to take if it meant bringing Naruto home with her.

Her body tensed at the unexpected action of Naruto scooting closer to her before laying down on the grass as his head lasted itself on her lap. (Y/n) immediately relaxed, a wide smile breaking out on her face as she ran her fingers through his hair once again. His actions saying more than his words.

The two basking in the peaceful silence, one on the brink of sleep while the other enjoyed what was happening. (Y/n) let her eyes fall back down to the boy who was seconds away from falling asleep. Watching as he let out quiet yawns and tried to blink away his sleep. It was adorable and she couldn't help but pull her fingers away from his hair, despite the small whine that came from him. While she then lightly caressed his whiskered chubby cheeks before pausing her action and squinted her eyes once again for a better look.

Awakening the boy from his exhausted state, (y/n) lifted him up from her lap. Pushing past the alarm in his blue eyes as she sat him down in her lap. Fingers firmly gripping underneath his chin, not firm enough to hurt him but enough so that he wouldn't move away. Taking in the patch of skin that was a greenish-yellowish shade rather than his normal skin tone. Concluding that it was a rather large bruise on his cheek that had caught her attention.

Her tone was brisk as she spoke, "Naruto, what happened to your cheek?" (Y/n) wondered if he had fallen down while playing but from the looks he had gotten when she first dropped him off here. It was likely that this was inflicted on by someone else.

The boy flinched slightly from the question before hardening his stare the female in front of him. Why would she care anyways? All she did was leave him here again all alone. Squirming in her lap, he pulled away from her despite her actions of trying to pull him back towards her. He didn't want to be by her. She lied to him. She hurt him like all the others did.

"Why do you even care?! You left me!" (Y/n) had not expected that strong of an outburst. Nor could she find herself to say anything else as she watched the small crystal tears gather at the corner of his blue eyes.

But as she tried to reach out to him, Naruto backed away rapidly as he ran away from her. Still sitting there alone (y/n) tried to wrap her mind around what she just had experienced and the anger that was spiraling in her. She knew that people blamed him for the attack and particularly didn't like him but she never figure that they would go out of their way to hurt him here. They were supposed to be protecting him not hurting him themselves but she was wrong. It was her fault they hurt him.

Sitting there all alone, (y/n) stayed still with all her emotions. Processing everything before getting up and heading towards the building where Naruto and ran into. She wasn't going to wait anymore for her child.
