06 ✧ caregiver

"Have they been starving this poor boy or does he just really eat more than a grown man? Maybe a little bit of both?

"Can I have more please?" The small hesitant voice reached (y/n)'s ears. Making her look at the boy sitting at the table right besides her. Her (e/c) eyes solely focused on the bowl that was now empty for the third time. Before her eyes fluttered right back to the boy who was looking right at her with his bright blue eyes.

His eyes pleading for more food, making (y/n) just nod her head and just give him her bowl that was untouched. She wasn't feeling hungry anyway. "Slow down little one. You'll get a stomach ache if you eat to fast." (Y/n) lightly reprimanded, watching the boy take slower bites of his ramen rather than inhaling them like he was earlier.

Thanking him silently for listening to her because she knew nothing about taking care of an ill child but it couldn't be as hard as hard as a fully grown adult.

"Are you done?" (Y/n) asked, hand extended out towards the empty bowl but not making any further movements to take away the bowl. She watched the boy nod his head, making her get up and take both bowls into the kitchen and leave them in the sink. She decided that she would wash them tomorrow.

"Did you want to go to sleep?" She questioned once more, holding back the smile wanting to spread on her face at the nod of protest from the blond boy before letting out a cute yawn and rubbing his tired eyes. "How about we go to the couch then okay?" (Y/n) stood up first, smiling down at the boy who followed her actions trailing behind her until they reached the couch.

(Y/n) didn't offer any help to get him on the couch. Loving the proud look on his face once he climbed onto the couch before letting out what she would call an exaggerated yawn of tiredness.

"Now that we're here how about you tell me about yourself because as far as I know you know more about me than I do you." (Y/n) explained, watching the contemplative look cross his face.

Looking at her with hesitance, making her think that the boy was not going to say a single thing about himself. Which would be a greater challenge for her to help him find his family the next day. "But if I tell you then you will hate me too." The blond boy said softly, his blue eyes looking at the couch beneath him. (Y/n)'s eyes widening in shock at the accusation that came from him.

"I promise I won't hate you. I could never hate you."

Naruto looked up at her fondly, giving her a small smile, "My name is Naruto Uzumaki." The boy shyly said, before looking at the lady in front of him confused. Not understanding why she let out a chocked sound at the mention of his name. Did she now hate him? But she had promised she wouldn't.

(Y/n) quickly got over the initial shock, mentally hitting herself over and over. Of course she should've seen it earlier, the boy not only had large chakra reserves but is almost a splitting image from the late Fourth Hokage. So much for being on anbu, this is something she should've known from the start.

(Y/n) gave him a wide smile, "It's finally good to meet you Naruto." The boy have her another smile this one filled with more confidence, probably due to her not reacting like he thought she would have. "Now how old are you?" She asked politely, even if she now knew his own age. It would be the same amount of years as the passing of the previous hokage and his wife.

Naruto perked up brightly, finally excited at the thought that someone didn't hate him and was even asking him questions about himself. Holding out four of his fingers, stopping to make sure he was holding the right amount before blurting out, "I'm four and a half. But I'm almost five."

(Y/n) didn't hide her small giggles, this boy was no doubt absolutely adorable. It was a shame that people hated him, if only they took the time to actually get to know the child. Then the realization came over her like a tidal wave, if he didn't have parents that meant his was an orphan. And that meant he was residing at the orphanage.

"Where do you stay at? I mean where do you live?" (Y/n) quickly rushed out, before taking a deep breath to calm herself. At the startled expression on Naruto's face, making her frown the slightest at how he not so subtly inched away from her. "At the orphanage." He mumbled out quietly, fiddling with the hem of the shirt that he was wearing. The once peaceful atmosphere now turned tense.

Many more questions popped up in (y/n)'s head, opening her mouth to voice them but stopping at the sudden yawn that escaped the boy's mouth. Naruto blinking his eyes and rubbing them, his posture slumping down as he tried to fight the sleep hitting him. (Y/n) decided it was best to ask her questions tomorrow, slowly reaching and grabbing the boy. Ignoring the protest from the boy, as she walked towards her room were he would stay at.

Untucking the blankets, (y/n) gently placed the boy down. Already turning away to leave him sleep before his voice called out, "Don't leave me." The voice sounded so fragile, she couldn't help but scoot into the bed with him. Not saying anything when she felt Naruto cuddle up against her. Finding his small presence actually quite relaxing.

"Goodnight Naruto." (Y/n) whispered, only to be greeted by silence but knowing the boy was besides her was enough for her. And with that she closed her own eyes.
