*mention of ed in this chapter*

"Hey, Nance!" Mrs. Wheeler called out as she stepped outside of her home carrying a box full of old things, forcing a smile onto her face. "I found some more of your old stuff in the attic."

Nancy walked over before she gasped and picked up a stuffed bunny. "Mr. Rabbit," she said, remembering how much she and Chris would fight over him.

"It's okay if you wanna save him, you know. For when Chris wakes up," Mrs. Wheeler told her daughter since they had just come back from the hospital a few hours before, receiving the news that Chris probably wasn't going to wake up anytime soon unless there was a miracle.

Nancy frowned softly, not knowing if that would actually happen or not. "Yeah. That's a good idea," she replied, taking Mr. Rabbit out of the box before she moved the box into the car where they had been loading it up with old stuff to bring to the donation center at the high school.

A pizza van then began to pull up. "Did someone order a pizza?" Beverly asked, making everyone look where she had been staring.

"Pizza?" Dustin said in confusion as the horn blared, parking in front of the driveway.

A guy with long, dark hair stepped out of the car first before Mike Wheeler, Jonathan Byers, Will Byers, and Jane Hopper, aka Eleven, got out with smiles on their faces. Everyone's mouths dropped, their own grins forming before they rushed towards each other, getting ready to envelop everyone in their arms.

"Mom!" Mike called out before he wrapped his mother in a hug.

"Hey!" Jonathan said to Nancy, immediately going over to her and lifting her up off her feet. Dustin hugged Will and Eleven, a smile on his face for the first time ever since that fateful night.

"You are never going on vacation again, you hear me? In fact, you can forget about college. You are staying right here," Mrs. Wheeler told him as she tried to stop herself from crying.

Mike just smiled and hugged his mom again before he realized that his older brother was nowhere in sight. "Hey, where's Chris?" he questioned, pulling away. Mrs. Wheeler's eyes darkened, glancing away from her son as she figured out how to try to break the news to him about his brother.

Beverly smiled as she went over to Eleven, wrapping her in a hug. "It's so nice to see you. You're even prettier than the last time I saw you," Beverly told her, wanting to keep a positive attitude so she didn't break down. But she wasn't sure how much longer she could keep that attitude before completely falling apart.

"Not with this hair," Eleven shook her head.

"Stop it. You're pretty with and without a lot of hair, okay? You probably make Mike nervous every time he sees you," Beverly said, which made Eleven chuckle softly and embarrassedly.

"Hey, kid," Steve greeted and Eleven waved at him sweetly.

"Where's Lucas?" Will asked Dustin after he had looked around and noticed some of their friends weren't there.

"He's at the hospital," Dustin answered.

"Was he hurt?" Eleven questioned in concern.

"No. No, he's...Oh God. You don't know," Dustin realized, looking over at Beverly and Steve, who both shared a melancholic glance.

"Know what?" Eleven pried.

Dustin and Beverly both looked over at Steve since they knew he would be able to deliver the news without crying. Steve sighed. "Max and Chris...they're both in comas."

✦ ✧ ✦

Carmen sat in Chris's hospital room, just peering over him as if she we were waiting for him to instantly wake up. She had been going back and forth between his room and Max's, where all of the Sinclair siblings had been in.

Both Chris and Max had been put into comas, the doctors not knowing if they would wake up soon or not. They weren't even sure if Max would even wake up at all.

And all Carmen felt was pain.

She had lost the only guy she had ever actually liked, maybe even loved if they had gotten that far in their relationship, and two other people in her life may be lost as well.

And even though Carmen had hated Chris ever since he had cheated on Beverly, she couldn't help but feel intense sadness over him. It was like him trying to save Eddie made her seem him in a whole new light.

She let out a sigh, knowing that just sitting there wouldn't speed up the healing process whatsoever. "I know you probably can't hear me right now, I don't know, I haven't gotten to that lesson at college yet, but...I just wanna say that I'm...sorry," she began, looking down in her lap, where she held Eddie's chain with his guitar pick on it, as she tried not to cry again.

She usually never cried. Ever. But now it seemed like there was an endless amount of tears falling from her sore eyes.

"I'm sorry for always being an asshole to you. I'm sorry for never forgiving you. It's just...you were a dick. And I'm not gonna pretend that you weren't just because you're in a coma now," she continued, trying to be as honest as she could be even though she didn't know whether or not Chris would actually absorb this information. "But...you've changed. And I didn't want to accept that, but I know you have. I mean, you almost sacrificed your life for — for Eddie. For someone I loved. Maybe you really did sacrifice your life, we don't know yet. But you don't know how much that made me rethink everything I-I have ever said about you and to you. I really feel like...an asshole. And I'm sorry it took me so long to realize it. I should have...I should have tried harder to be a better person towards you. I should have given you a chance."

"Y-Yeah, you should've," Chris's weak voice spoke up, making her immediately look up at him to see that he had awoken from his supposed endless slumber.

"Chris?" she breathed out, not knowing if she had been imagining this or not.

"It's me," he confirmed, grinning a little bit even though he had been in some pain.

"Oh, my God. I need — I need to go get the doctors," she said, getting up from her chair.

"No, no, wait," Chris quickly said, making her stop and look back at him. "Can you please...wait a second? Please," he pleaded, not wanting to deal with all the doctors just yet since he was just dazed and confused. "Will...will you tell me what happened first?"

Carmen looked at him meaningfully before she slowly sat back down in her chair, trying to figure out a way to start the conversation without breaking out into tears. "You, um, you tried to help Eddie with the bats."

"R-Right, yeah."

"It didn't really, uh, work out the way you wanted so...we brought you back here and they had to put you in a coma. They said they didn't know when you'd wake up, but...now you have, so..." she trailed off, not wanting to tell him about Eddie just yet.

Chris nodded slowly, trying to process the information even though he felt extremely exhausted. "Where's Eddie now? Is — Is he okay?" Chris asked, which then made Carmen's heart sink since she didn't even want to talk about that yet.

Carmen sniffled, answering as steadily as she could, "He, uh...he didn't make it." She shut her eyes and looked down once again, not sure if she would be able to handle Chris's expression.

Chris felt like his heart had been split apart and forced out of his body. He had failed. The one time he tried to be a hero and he...failed. Of course he failed. That's all he did. His life was just made for failing.

And he hated that.

He hated himself.

"No," he said, shaking his head slowly. "No, no, no, no, it — it should've been me. E-Eddie didn't deserve to — he didn't deserve..." he trailed off as tears began to fall from his eyes, not even trying to stop them.

Carmen looked back up, her lip quivering a bit as she tried not to cry. "No, don't say that," she told him. "That's — that's not true." Chris looked at her, not believing her since she had always hated him. But, then again, she was here while the rest of his family and friends weren't. Maybe...just maybe...she was telling the truth. "You tried to save Eddie's life, Chris. And...and even though he didn't...didn't make it, you still tried. It's better than anything I did. I just...stood there."

"There wasn't anything you could do," Chris spoke. "Just...what did he say before he...before..." he trailed off yet again, not being able to even say Eddie's death out loud since he still didn't want to accept it yet.

Carmen let out a shaky exhale, sniffling a bit. "He told me to let you know that he loved you," she revealed, which made Chris's eyebrows raise as he blinked rapidly. "He wants...wanted you and Dustin to take care of little — little sheep. I-I don't know what that means."

Chris smiled sadly. "Hellfire. He meant Hellfire."


Chris sucked in a breath, weakly rubbing at his eyes as he tried to compose himself in front of the girl. Although he couldn't get Eddie out of his mind, he wanted to try to move on from it since he could tell it affected the both of them deeply. "Where's, uh, where's the others?"

Thank God, Carmen thought since if he had continued on the topic of Eddie, she wasn't sure if she'd be able to stop herself from crying any longer. "Your family was literally just here. They left to go get some things together for this donation center at the high school. They didn't think you'd wake up today so..."

"But you...stayed?" he asked slowly, still finding it unbelievable that Carmen was actually here for him.

Carmen nodded. "Yeah, uh...Max is in the other room with Alicia, Lucas, and Erica. I'd thought I'd stay to check on the both of you."

"Wait, Max? Did Vecna—"

"Yes," Carmen cut him off. "But she's in a coma now. Like you were. She died but...came back somehow."

Chris looked down, knowing that none of this should have happened. Their plan was supposed to work. Maybe since he was involved with it, it failed. That's what he thought anyway.

"Chris, oh my God!" someone exclaimed and the two looked over to see Nancy, Jonathan, Mike, Will, Eleven, and Alicia enter the room. Nancy, the one who had yelled, immediately went over to her brother, her eyes wide. "You're — you're awake! Holy shit."

"Chris," Mike breathed out, also going over to his older brother.

"Jonathan, go get the doctors and tell him he's awake," Nancy instructed and Jonathan nodded quickly, running off to go find a nurse or doctor. "How long have you been awake?" she questioned her twin, also looking over at Carmen.

The two of them shared a glance. "Just — just now," Chris lied, not wanting Carmen to get in trouble since he had told her to stay with him before getting the doctors. "I was just telling Carmen to go get the doctors, but then you all came in." The Flores girl began to nod at that, although she wasn't sure why Chris had saved her.

She then went over to Eleven, enveloping her in a hug. "Hi," Eleven greeted, hugging the older girl back.

"I missed you. What happened to your hair?" Carmen inquired about, pulling away to get a better look at the girl.

"Long story," Eleven answered with a sigh, looking down.

Carmen hummed. "Well, I think any hairstyle suits you so it doesn't matter," she complimented, seeing that Eleven didn't seem to like the new haircut. She then looked over at Will, who was looking over at the Wheeler siblings. "You got taller," she pointed out.

Will looked over at her, not knowing if she was speaking to him or not. "Who? Me?" he pointed at himself.

"Yes, you," Carmen confirmed with a light smile. "Drinking a lot of milk, I see," she joked.

Will laughed quietly. "Y-Yeah."

"I bet the ladies love you," she teased, even though she thought a better hairstyle would suit him more.

Will awkwardly chuckled, clearing his throat. "Mhm," he hummed before he looked back over at the siblings.

Carmen narrowed her eyes a bit before Alicia went over to her, hugging her. "Oh, how's your nose doing?" Carmen asked since Alicia had it wrapped up by the doctors two days prior because it had broke.

Alicia pulled away and shrugged. "Better. The doctor said it's probably gonna take a little while to heal though."

"Does that mean you can't kiss...you know?" Carmen hinted since Alicia had told her the news of her and Robin finally getting together.

Alicia rolled her eyes, although she blushed a bit. "I don't know. And I'm not gonna tell you either."

"Ugh, you're no fun," Carmen complained before she looked over at Nancy. "Hey, Nance?"

Nancy looked over, a bright smile on her face since she was so relieved to see that her brother had been alright. "Yeah?"

"I'm gonna go tell the others that Chris is awake. Any idea where they would be?"

"They're probably at the high school right now with all the donation stuff," she answered

"Thanks. Wanna come with?" Carmen asked Alicia.

"Yeah, I kinda need to distract myself," Alicia said before they headed out the the door.

Carmen then paused abruptly, looking over her shoulder. "Oh, and Chris?" she called out, making him look over. "Feel better."

Chris grinned warmly. "Thanks."

✦ ✧ ✦

Beverly, Steve, Robin, and Dustin drove to Hawkins High School where the donation center was being held. They took their boxes with them, walking inside to see multiple people searching for their loved ones as well as donating a few things of their own.

"Hi," Robin greeted a lady that was working there.


"Uh, so these are blankets and sheets. And some clothes and some kids' toys," Robin told her as she showed her the filled boxes.

"Wow. It's already so organized. We appreciate that. Do you want a tax receipt for it?" the lady asked.

"Um...No. I don't think that we need one. Thank you, though. But is there anything else that we can do to help?" Robin questioned and before they knew it, the four of them had been put to work so that they could help get the jobs done faster.

Beverly and Steve had been tasked to fold clothes, Robin had been tasked with making PB&J's, and Dustin had been tasked with handing out water bottles to people who needed them.

As the four of them worked, somebody exclaimed, "Beverly?!"

Beverly looked up, seeing her mother walking towards her with wide eyes. "Mom?" Beverly said, looking over at Steve who has also noticed the older Crawford. "What...what are you doing here?" she asked as her mother went to go hug her, but Beverly rejected it.

Lisa Crawford blinked at her daughter's rejection, but decided to try to ignore it. "I didn't know where you were. I heard of this place where people were looking for family, so I went here to look for you. And here you are, thank the Lord. I thought something may have happened to you. Where have you been?"

Beverly glanced at Steve uncomfortably since she hadn't spoken to her mother in weeks, even months. She wanted nothing to do with her since she had forced an eating disorder on her and made her feel like a piece of shit her whole life. "I've been living with Steve," she answered briefly.

Lisa looked over at him, arching a brow. "So you and him are pretty official then? None of that slutty nonsense like your friend, Carmen."

"Don't talk about Carmen like that," Beverly snapped, getting defensive. "You don't even know her."

"I know her well enough to know that you shouldn't have even befriended her in the first place, but I let it slide since it helped you become liked amongst your classmates. It even helped you date Mr. Harrington over here, the one with the rich parents. I finally approve of something," Lisa described, making Steve glare at her.

"You're such a hypocrite. You think Carmen is a slut when you've always gone around trying to find men to use after dad died. That's not slutty to you? Whatever the fuck that word even is supposed to mean?" Beverly questioned.

"It's not because I'm not automatically sleeping with any man I come across," Lisa explained with a proud smile. "Anyway, enough of this meaningless conversation. I have a flight booked for six tonight to get the hell out of this place and you're coming with me."

Beverly scoffed as Steve spoke up, "Hold on. What?"

"You heard me, young man. I'm sorry to have to do this, but it's not safe here anymore and I don't want my daughter to get hurt," Lisa responded.

"Since when do you even care about her?" Steve interrogated, getting protective over his girlfriend.

"It's okay, Steve, I can handle this," Beverly told him before she looked at her mother. "I'm not going with you. My life was finally turning around when I left you, and there's no way I'm just gonna go back and let you force me to do things I don't want to do again. I can't do that."

"I made you what you are now," Lisa snarled, growing angry. "Without me, Mr. Harrington wouldn't even have looked your way. Isn't that right, Steven? You're obviously only dating her because of her looks, corr—"

Beverly slapped her mother, not letting her finish that sentence. Lisa stepped back, holding a hand up to her face in shock as some people stopped to watch the altercation go down. A police officer came over since he saw what happened, wanting to make sure a fight wasn't going to break loose. "Is everything okay over here?" the officer asked.

"She was harassing me and my boyfriend, and that was the only way I was going to get her to stop," Beverly explained as she kept her scowl on her mom.

The officer looked over at Lisa. "Is this true, ma'am?"

Lisa took her hand away from her face, revealing a light red mark that was slowly forming onto her pale skin. "Yes. I'm sorry, it won't happen again. I was just about to leave," she responded monotonously and the officer nodded slowly, backing off. "This is a mistake, Beverly. Staying here will only get you killed."

"I'd rather die than have to live with you again," Beverly spoke truthfully, holding her ground.

Her mother hummed. "Well, it seems like your father must have felt the same way. You two were always so much more alike," she said before she turned away, walking out the door as she left Beverly to absorb that information.

Beverly's lip quivered as soon as her mother left, shutting her eyes. "Hey, hey, you okay?" Steve quickly asked, looking down at his girlfriend. She quickly shook her head, trying not to let out a sob in front of all of these people. "Okay, let's — let's get you away from all these people. Come on." Steve wrapped his arm around her body and escorted her to a hallway in the school before she broke down crying in his arms, letting all the emotion she had been holding in for the past two days out. "It's okay. It's okay. I'm here."

Beverly breathed heavily as she tried to catch her breath, salty tears falling into her mouth. "Bev, Bev, it's okay. Just breathe for me, okay? You got this. Just breathe."

Beverly followed his instructions, trying to inhale and exhale as deeply as possible before she was finally able to calm down, a few tears still falling down her face. "I'm — I'm sorry. This is embarrassing," she apologized as she pressed her back up to the wall, sliding down it to sit on the floor.

"No, don't apologize. You have every right to cry," he told her, sitting down next to her.

"No, it's just...it's all I've been doing. I feel so — so weak," she admitted, looking down into her lap. "I feel...hopeless."

"I don't blame you. I think everyone's gotta feel like that at some point, right? Especially now after everything that's happened," Steve comforted her, placing a hand on her shoulder.

She looked at his hand before she looked at his face, seeing that he was being genuine. "It should've been me," she then blurted out, tearing her gaze away from him.

"What are you talking about?"

"I don't know why the hell Henry chose me to tell Eleven what he showed me. I mean, yeah, I helped her last year after Hopper died but — but Max is her best friend. She should've been spared. Not me," Beverly explained shakily.

"Bev, don't say that. Why would you say that?" Steve questioned, feeling hurt to see that his girlfriend seemed so mentally disturbed by what had happened.

"Because it's true, Steve!" she exclaimed, getting up from the ground before Steve quickly did the same. "Max, she's fifteen fucking years old! She's — she's too young to die. I mean, she — she has her whole life ahead of her."

"So do you, Beverly, okay? You're not that much older than her," Steve argued.


"And she's not dead. She's just in a coma. She can wake up tomorrow for all we know," he cut her off. "Don't make yourself feel guilty over something that isn't your fault."

"And tomorrow she could die for all we know," Beverly countered, feeling tears starting to form in her eyes once again. Steve just sighed, placing his hands on his hips as he looked down. "She didn't deserve this. I did. There's so many things I fucked up in life. I-I didn't open my dad's letter, I let Barb die right outside next to me," she began to list, thinking about what Vecna has shown her, "I ditched Robin years ago, I got with Billy fucking Hargrove, and...and I-I was an asshole to you for years over something so stupid that no one even remembered it. So, yeah, it should've been me. Not Max. Not Chris. And not Eddie. Me," she finished, not even knowing that tears were fully streaming down her face and onto the floor below her.

Steve stared at her, his mouth agape as he tried to find the words on what to say that. He hated that Beverly had felt this way, so self-hating. He wanted her to know that she should love herself as much as he loved her, but he didn't know if that would even be possible at the moment.

"I know you probably aren't going to listen to me right now, but I don't care," he began, making Beverly stare at him. "Bev, I love you. I love you so much. And the world is a much better place with you in it, no one could tell me otherwise, not even yourself. I know that this is hard. Believe me, I feel guilty too that we didn't save them. But none of them would want you to think that it should have been you, okay? They'd want you to fight. They'd want you to keep going. To remember and avenge them." She looked down, closing her eyes momentarily. "I hate that you feel like this, Bev, I really do. It physically pains me to see you like this. And...and I know your grieving right now, I am too, but that means we have to go through it together. Can we do that, please? I don't wanna lose you, too" Steve finished meaningfully, which made Beverly start to nod slowly as she began to sob because of how moved she was. "Come on," he whispered, pulling her into his arms before he planer a soft kiss on her head. "I got you."

Carmen and Alicia walked into the high school right after Lisa had left, searching for their friends to tell them the good news. "Oh, there's Robin," Alicia pointed out, going over to her.

"Of course you found her first," Carmen teased and Alicia nudged her.

"Robin, hey," Alicia greeted and Robin looked up from the sandwich she had been making, a smile growing on her face.

"Alli!" she squealed, making her way around the table before she pulled her new girlfriend into a hug. As she pulled away, she went to go kiss her before she realized they were in public. She quickly cleared her throat and asked, "How's your nose? Any better?"

"A little. It's not throbbing as much," Alicia answered.

Robin nodded before she looked at Carmen, not knowing how to approach her because of what happened. "Hey, Carmen. What's up? You okay or, uh, you — you know, how was the, um, hospital or uh—"

"I'm fine, Robin. You don't need to walk on egg shells around me. I'm good," Carmen assured her, even though she really wasn't. "We're actually here to tell you that Chris woke up from his coma. He's gonna be okay, I think. And I think he wants to see you all."

"Really? Oh, wow, that's...that's great. What about Max?" she asked hopefully and Carmen looked down a bit, shaking her head. "Oh."

"Yeah, uh, I think it may take a little longer for her to wake up," Carmen voiced. "But do you know where Dustin, Bev, and Steve are? I can find them and have you guys walk back to my car so you can have a little alone time before we leave," Carmen continued with a wink, not wanting to show her true feelings.

Robin blushed while Alicia gave her best friend a look. "Are you serious right now?" Alicia questioned her. "You're not funny."

"I definitely am," Carmen said cockily.

Robin laughed embarrassedly, clearing her throat so she could answer Carmen's question from before. "They should be around here somewhere. I was kinda too busy focusing on putting the right amount of peanut butter that I didn't really see where they were."

"Okay, that's fine. It shouldn't be too hard to find them," Carmen shrugged before she walked away, searching for her friends. She then finally came across Dustin, who had been standing by himself. "Hey, Dusty. What's up?" she said, but he didn't answer as he just stared off at something. Carmen followed his gaze to see an older man replacing a vandalized missing poster of Eddie with a new one, making her breath catch in her throat. "Is...is that Eddie's uncle?" she asked.

"Yeah. It is," Dustin confirmed and Carmen pressed her lips together, knowing what she had to do.

"Mr. Munson?" she called out after a moment, making him look over at the two of them before he looked away, expecting some kind of harassment. Carmen gestured her head towards Uncle Wayne, wanting Dustin to follow her. "I'm Carmen Flores."

"And I'm Dustin Henderson," the younger boy introduced.

"Can we talk?"

"I can't imagine we got anything to talk about. My nephew is innocent. He's still missing. I'll put up as many posters as I need until he's found," Uncle Wayne spoke before he picked up his bag and began to walk away. "Good day to you both."

"We were with him," Carmen quickly said as she felt her eyes gloss over. She turned around and saw Uncle Wayne freeze in his tracks. "We were with him when the earthquake hit."

Uncle Wayne turned towards them and nodded slowly, looking down. "And...where is Eddie now?" he asked.

Dustin looked down as he tried to hide his tears while Carmen kept her head up, also losing the battle to her intense emotions. Tears began to fall down her cheeks as she dug into her pocket and pulled out Eddie's chain and held it out to his uncle. "I'm...I'm so sorry," she breathed out, handing it to him.

Uncle Wayne slowly took it as he let out a shaky breath, sitting down on a nearby bench as he tried to process the news. Carmen and Dustin sat down next to him as they both cried. "I wish everyone had gotten to know him. Really know him," Dustin began. "Because they would have loved him, Mr. Munson. They would've loved him. Even in the end...he never stopped being Eddie. Despite everything. I never even saw him get mad," he continued as Uncle Wayne began to sob quietly, as did Carmen. "He could've run. He could've saved himself. But he fought. He fought and died to protect this town. This town that...hated him. He isn't just innocent...Mr. Munson, he's...he's a hero."

Carmen wiped at her nose that had began to run, wiping her hand on the blanket underneath her as she tried to calm down. "I...I know you don't know me, Mr. Munson, but...I knew your nephew. He...He changed my life in the best way possible before..." she trailed off. "I'm just...so sorry. I'm so sorry."

Mr. Munson slowly calmed down as he looked over at Carmen, the chain still in his hands. "When did you...meet my nephew? I feel like I... I feel like I would've known your name before."

Carmen slowly shook her head. "Only, uh, only recently. He wouldn't have gotten the — the chance to tell you about me," she replied. Uncle Wayne nodded slowly before he handed the chain back to Carmen, making her furrow her brows. "What? No, keep it."

"I want you to have it," Uncle Wayne told her.

"I already have his jacket. You — You need something of his. Your trailer is destroyed," Carmen argued softly, shaking her head.

"I managed to save a few things. And besides...I won't be able to do anything with it. Somethin' tells me you were like Eddie with his hobbies," Uncle Wayne said, referring to his music, which made Carmen smile sadly. "Please. Take it." Uncle Wayne placed the chain in Carmen's shaky hand, which made her let out a trembling breath. He then slowly stood up, wiping away a few stray tears still left on his face. "I hope the two of you have...a good day. It was nice to know Eddie was surrounded by people he loved in his...final moments." And with that, Uncle Wayne walked away and left Carmen and Dustin on the bench.

"Why is it snowing?" someone asked loudly as they pointed at the window after a few minutes.

Carmen furrowed her brows as she got up from her seat, going over towards the window and accidentally meeting up with Steve and Beverly as she saw gray flakes fall from the sky.

"That's...not snow, is it?" she slowly said, feeling her stomach drop.

"No," Beverly replied darkly as she sniffled. "I don't think it is."

authors note
carmen and eddie didn't
survive the great war 😭 (iykyk)
but this is the last chapter of s4
and im so upset. this means that
there probably isn't going to be
any new chapters for a while since
idfk when s5 comes out (hopefully
sooner than later since they did
release episode 1's title on insta)
anyway, i hope you guys have enjoyed
your song! i loved writing all of these
chapters for you and seeing all of your
comments. hope you guys come back for
when s5 comes around 🤞🤞 thanks
for reading!
