Griswold Family, the group at Starcourt Mall, wasn't able to leave the mall since Billy had found them and disabled Nancy's car. Eleven had tried using her powers to move the flipped over car so they could grab the part that would help start up Nancy's car again.

But since the young girl was so drained, it hadn't worked, so the group was forced to try and push the car over themselves.

"Push!" Jonathan urged as they used metal chairs to help them, something Mike suggested since it would be better than just using their hands. They then were able to get the car on its side. "All right, great. Alright, now all the way. Ready? Three, two, one..." he counted down as they put the chairs on the car, "Push!"

They pushed the car over all the way, it landing on its wheels. "Told you. Physics," Mike breathed out and they all hopped down from the counter.

Nancy and Jonathan immediately went towards the hood of the car, trying to get it open. "How do we get it open?" the Wheeler girl asked since it wasn't opening.

"Uh, there should be a latch," Jonathan told her. "Chris, can you check under the wheel?" he asked since Nancy's twin was right by it.

"Oh. Sure," he said, not expecting to be asked since he usually wasn't too included in the group. He began to look under the wheel, not seeing anything just yet.

"You see it?" Jonathan said.

"I don't know, hold on," Chris replied, still searching for it.

Carmen stood next to Max, her hand placed on her hip as she looked around the mall. She had never seen Billy look so scary before and she was honestly glad that Beverly and Alicia told her not to try and go for him last year. Especially after he attacked Beverly as well.

"What's she doing?" Max said aloud before she looked at Carmen and Mike. The two looked across the mall to see Eleven fish out a Coke can from the trash can, placing it on top of it.

"I have no idea. Does she get energy from garbage food or something?" Carmen questioned the both since she wasn't that familiar with El's powers yet.

Mike gave her a look like she was dumb. "No."

"Okay, well, you don't have to give me that look. I literally just found out about this, geez," she said to the boy.

He rolled his eyes. "Come on," he uttered and the two girls followed him over to Eleven, who was staring at the Coke can with her nose bleeding. "El. Are you okay?" Mike asked. She looked at them for a second before looking back at the Coke can, not answering them.

"Maybe you should sit down. Recharge," Carmen suggested and Max nodded in agreement, but Eleven still hadn't said anything.

Chris was able to find the button, opening up the hood so that Jonathan could look for the part they needed to find. "Do you see it?" Nancy asked as her boyfriend searched.

"I don't know. It should be right here," he replied. "Distributer, distributor..."

Chris looked over at Will, who had placed his hand on the back of his neck and was looking up towards the ceiling. "Hey...you okay?" Chris slowly asked since he noticed the boy had looked extremely scared all of a sudden.

Max looked up once she started to hear noises coming from the roof of the mall. She squinted to be able to see further before she noticed that the glass had started to crack. "Mike. Carmen," she said and the two followed her gaze towards the ceiling, also noticing the cracks.

"Got it," Jonathan pulled the part out.

"NANCY!" Mike bellowed before he took El's hand and started running. Carmen and Max immediately followed suit since the glass was cracking more, and it was only a matter of time before the flayed dropped through the ceiling.

Nancy's eyes widened at Mike's shout, hearing the cracking of the glass ceiling. "Come on!" she shouted, grabbing Jonathan's hand to pull him towards the car.

"Lucas!" Chris called out since he was rushing over to towards them. The flayed crashed down in the middle of the mall just as Chris, Lucas, and Will dived behind the car next to Nancy and Jonathan, pressing their backs up against it.

Back with the Scoops Troop, they sat around the Cerebro as they waited for Murray to tap in. "Scoops Troop, this is...Hm...Bald Eagle, I've reached another junction," Murray's voice came through the Cerebro once again.

"This is what?" Dustin said to Erica.

"The fourth junction," Erica told him.

"All right, so if memory serves, this is right after the My Little Pony thesis," Dustin recalled.

"We went left, so he has to go right," Erica said.

"Right," Dustin and Erica said 'right' at the same time. The Henderson boy clicked the button on the radio. "Fly right, Bald Eagle. Fly right."

"Roger that, flying right."

"What's the My Little Pony thesis?" Robin questioned.

"Don't even ask," Alicia said, shaking her head.

"Why can't you tell me?" Robin asked, laughing awkwardly.

"Oh, w-well, I could tell you but it's — it's kinda just a waste of—"

"Hey, guys?" Steve spoke up, walking closer to the hill. They all looked over at him before they walked over to where he was, noticing the flickering lights at the mall.

"That can't be good," Beverly said with wide eyes, glancing at Steve worriedly.

They then immediately ran back over to the Cerebro. "Griswold Family, this is Scoops Troop! Do you copy? Over! Griswold Family, I repeat, this is Scoops Troop. Do you co—" Dustin paused when they heard something roar. "Griswold Family, do you copy? Do you copy?!"

The thing roared even louder into the walkie talkie, making the Scoops Troop's eyes widen in fear. "Griswold Family, this is Scoops Troop. Please confirm your safety! Griswold Family, this is Scoops Troop! Please confirm your safety! Are you en route to Bald Eagle's nest?" Dustin kept repeating over and over again. "Someone, please just answer! Is anyone there? Just answer! Anyone, please answer!"

But one could answer. Not when Chris, Will, Nancy, Lucas, and Jonathan hid behind the damaged car and Carmen, Max, Mike, and Eleven hid in a kiosk.

"Griswold Family, do you copy? Griswold Family, do you copy?" Dustin continued like a broken record. "Griswold Family, do you copy?" There was more snarling on the radio. "DO YOU COPY?!"

Steve immediately bounced up when no one kept answering, running back towards the hill. "Where are you going?!" Erica called out.

"To get them the hell outta there!" Steve yelled back. Beverly got up right after, jogging over to him. "No, stay back, Bev!"

"Steve, I'm coming with you!" she shouted, shaking her head as she caught up with him.

"It's not safe!"

"That's exactly why I'm going with you. We just got together, I can't lose you already," she told him and he sighed, allowing her to follow him since they didn't have time to argue about it.

"Stay here, contact the others!" Steve yelled back to the rest of the Scoops Troop.

"Shit," Robin and Alicia cursed at the same time, getting up to follow them.

"Wait, Robin!" Dustin said and Robin turned around. "Stay in touch." He tossed her a walkie talkie, which she caught.

"Got it." She looked at Alicia. "Let's go." Steve quickly got into the driver's seat with Beverly in the passenger's seat, the other two in the back next to each other. Steve then started the car, driving as fast as he could before it was too late.

Back with the Griswold Family, they all continued hiding in their hiding spots. The monster, which looked a lot like spider, was trying to search to search for them as it stomped around the mall.

Mike slowly stood up and peered over the kiosk counter once it's back was turned. He then got back down and told the girls, "It's turned away. If we go up the stairs now, we'll make it."

"No way, not with El's leg," Max whispered.

"We have to try."

"There's another way...to get out," Eleven spoke up. "Through the Gap."

"Oh, yeah, El's right. I'd always go through there with Alli and Bev to try and escape their annoying coworker," Carmen added onto the conversation.

Mike looked back over the counter, checking to make sure the spider monster's back was still turned. "Okay," he sighed once he came back down. "Now."

The four quickly ran over to the Gap as quiet as they could, but when they went to step into the building, they stepped on broken glass that had made some noise underneath their feet.

The spider monster roared and turned in that direction while the four continued running, trying to find a hiding spot in the store as fast as possible.

They ran behind some shelves and sat down, pressing their backs up against the wall. They could feel the spider monster's presence behind them, but it was too big to fit into the store.

After a moment, a mannequin wearing the same clothes as Eleven was thrown across the store, landing right next to them on the ground. They all gasped quietly, fearful that the spider monster would find them with one of its tendrils.

The four then moved spots since they didn't want the spider monster to go back to the same mannequin only to find them once again.

Lucas looked over the car to see the spider monster near the Gap, realizing that the others must have been in there. He sat back down down, pulling out his slingshot. "What are you doing?" Nancy whispered.

"Don't worry," he told her.

"What's going on?" Chris asked and Nancy just shook his head at him. They then watched as Lucas got up and aimed his slingshot across the way just as one of its tendrils was just about to find Carmen, Eleven, Max, and Mike.

He released the slingshot and popped a balloon, making the spider monster roar and retreat from the Gap to go find the source of the noise. The separate groups took that time to escape to the back rooms, where the spider monster wouldn't be able to get to.

Chris, Nancy, Jonathan, Lucas, and Will used the back rooms to get out of the mall, running out towards the front where the car was. Billy was still there, revving his engine to scare the others.

"Shit," Jonathan cursed as he placed the new part in.

"I hate this fucking guy," Chris cursed under his breath, seething.

"Get the car started. Go!" Nancy instructed as Jonathan shut the trunk, going into the car with Chris. Nancy stepped forward and cocked her gun, aiming it right at Billy's car.

Jonathan turned the key, the engine spluttering. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no. Come on," Jonathan iterated.

"It's not working? How could it not be working?!" Chris exclaimed, looking out the window to see Billy start driving his car towards his sister. "Nancy!" he shouted, but she stood her ground as she started shooting at Billy's car.

"Come on! We gotta go!" Lucas and Will urged.

Nancy continued shooting at the oncoming car, but Billy didn't stop. "Fuck, come on!" Chris bellowed as his car got closer. "Nancy!"

Nancy yelped and went to duck, even though that wouldn't have helped, before Steve came crashing into Billy's car, saving them all. Steve's car spun around and they all gasped, their bodies lurching forward from the impact.

Billy's car caught fire as he laid unconscious in the front seat. "Are you okay?" Steve breathed out to Beverly.

"How is that even a question right now?" she replied, and Steve shrugged and nodded.

"Are you okay?" Alicia whispered over to Robin, trying to calm herself down a bit.

"Ask me tomorrow?" Robin said, her eyes wide. The spider monster then roared from the top of the building, making the new four gasp and start to stand up in the car. "Holy shit."

Jonathan was able to get the car working so Nancy hopped in. He quickly beeped, driving towards the damaged car. "Get in!" Nancy said and the four quickly smushed in the back of the car as the spider monster jumped down from the building, following after them.

"Is that the flayed?" Beverly questioned as Jonathan speedily drove the car to outrun the monster. "How did it get so big?"

"It must have killed more people," Will answered, his whole body cold from the spider monster's presence.

"But how many for it to get that big?" Steve questioned in shock and Robin nodded slowly, almost peeing her pants again.

"I don't know," Will said, shaking his head.

"Lucas, you aren't hurt, right?" Alicia asked her brother, her whole body shaking.

"No, I'm good. I'm good," he told her and his sister sighed in relief. "At least we got it away from El 'cause that's who it really wants," Lucas continued.

"Oh, shit, the others," Chris realized. "Do you think they're okay?"

"Carmen's with them, right?" Nancy pointed out.

"Are we sure that's a good thing?" Chris replied and they all gave him a look, apart from Jonathan who was too focused on driving. "What? It's a serious question!"

"If someone's hurt, she'll know what to do. She helped El, right?" Beverly pointed out, looking out the back window to see the monster still chasing after their car.

"Barely," Chris mumbled.

"Dusty-bun, you copy?" someone's voice spoke over the radio.

"I copy, Suzie-poo," Dustin replied. "It sounds much better now, thanks."

"Suzie," Steve, Beverly, Robin, and Alicia said at the same time, their eyes wide.

"Suzie?" Chris said in confusion since he seemed like the only one who didn't know.

"Dustin's girlfriend," they all answered.

"Well, shit," he said, a little impressed. "Wait, how come I didn't know th—"

"SHHH!" they all shushed him so they could hear the couple speak, making him hold his hands up defensively in return.

"Okay, so, listen, do you know Planck's constant?" Dustin asked.

"Do you know the earth orbits the sun?" Suzie responded cheekily.

"Okay, so I know it starts with two sixes, and then a...W-What is it?"

"Okay, let me just be clear on this. I haven't heard from you in a week, and now you want a mathematical equation that you should know so you can...save the world?" Suzie examined.

"Suzie-poo, I promise, I will make it up to you as soon as possible," Dustin promised.

"You can make it up to me now," Suzie told him.

"What?" Dustin said nervously.

"They better not start to dirty talk right now or I swear to God..." Chris said, his lips pursing together as he shook his head.

"I want to hear it."

"Not right now."

"Yes, now, Dusty-bun," she urged.

"Suzie-poo, this is urgent."

"Yes, yes, you're saving the world, I heard you the first time, but Ged is also saving Earthsea and he's about to confront the shadow, so this is Suzie, signing off," the girl said angrily.

"Wait, wait, wait! Okay. Okay. Okay," Dustin let up.

"I swear to God..." Chris said again, waiting to hear some sort of disgusting thing being said.

"Calm down, man, I'm sure it'll be fine," Steve told him since he wasn't sure Dustin was the type to do something like that.

"Turn around," Dustin started to sing over the radio, causing all of their brows to furrow in confusion. "Look at what you seeeeeee. In her face. The mirror of your dreamsssss."

"What the hell?" Beverly breathed out, all four of the teens apart of the Scoops Troop smushed in the back giving each other a look.

"Make believe I'm everywhere," Suzie started singing with Dustin. "Given in the light. Written on the pages is the answer to a never-ending storyyyyy. Oh-a-oh-a-oh-a."

"Am I dreaming right now?" Alicia whispered, and the four in the back all shook their heads slowly.

"Reach the stars. Fly a fantasyyyyy. Dream a dream. And what you see will beeeeeeee. Rhymes that keep their secrets will unfold behind the clouds. And there upon a rainbow is the answer to a never-ending storyyyyyy. Oh-a-oh-a-oh-a. Storyyy, Oh-a-oh-a-oh-a," they finished while everyone who was listening was flabbergasted.

"Planck's constant is 6.62607004," Suzie finally told him.

"You just saved the world," Dustin told her excitedly.

"Gosh, I miss you, Dusty-bun."

"And I miss you more, Suzie-poo."

"I miss you more, multiplied by all the stars in our galaxy."

"No, I miss you—" Dustin's radio got cut off, and Alicia assumed it was Erica being tired with his bullshit.

"You know, I take it back," Chris began. "I would have rather had them dirty talk."

authors note
one more chapter and
then season 3 is over :((
also school is gonna be starting in
like 3 weeks (2 and half maybe) so
chapters may take longer to come out
(especially since s4 is so much longer)
just wanted to let you all know! thanks for reading!
