Beverly decided to walk to the Wheelers' house since it wasn't that far away from her own. She thought that maybe she could ask Chris to go on a walk with her so that they could talk about the other night. She knew that Steve told her not to seek him out first, but was she really going to listen to Steve?

The answer was no.

And she also really wanted to know why Chris had cheated. Had he really been that bored during their relationship? She had previously noted that their relationship at been off, but she didn't know it had been that off for him to actually cheat.

So, all she really wanted to know was his side of the story. She wasn't even thinking about apologizing since it wasn't her fault, but she just wanted to know because not knowing was killing her inside.

As she walked down the side of the road, she heard a car coming up behind her. She looked over her shoulder and recognized the car to be Steve's, making her audibly sigh. It seemed like Steve had noticed her, and he began to slow down until he stopped the car right next to her.

Steve rolled down the window. "What are you doing?" he asked her, confusion written all over his face.

"I'm going to Chris's place," she told him even though she didn't want to. But there was no point in lying since she wasn't going to let him stop her.

"Oh. Me too," he replied. It was her turn to be confused until she noticed the flowers in the passenger seat. "I thought I told you not to see him first. To let him see you first."

"You should really take your own advice, Harrington," she said, gesturing to the flowers in the front seat. "I'm guessing those aren't for Mike or Chris." Steve sighed, realizing that Beverly had figured out why he was going to the Wheelers. "Shouldn't she be the one apologizing? She's the one that told you that your relationship was bullshit."

"Yes, but — but that must mean I messed up somehow," Steve argued. "And...and I don't wanna...lose her." Beverly narrowed her eyes at him, not knowing how to respond to that. "And what are you doing? You shouldn't be apologizing."

"I wasn't planning on it. I just wanna hear what Chris has to say since he doesn't want to come to me first, and I'm tired of waiting," she revealed, shrugging nonchalantly.

"Really?" Steve asked in disbelief. "I thought you'd be the one to, like, slash his tires or something before hearing him out."

Beverly gave him a fake smile. "Ha ha, you're so funny. You should be a comedian, really," she said sarcastically before she continued to walk, rolling her eyes.

"Hey, wait!" Steve called out, slowly following her with his car. "Sorry, just — let me drive you. We're going to the same place, anyway."

"And have a repeat of the other night? No, thank you."

"I...I won't speak, how about that?" Steve suggested, raising his eyebrows.

Beverly stopped walking and looked over at him, tilting her head. It would be easier to just let him drive her, she considered. "That is the best thing you have ever said in your entire life," she told him after a moment and he gave her a look. She then opened the car door and carefully moved the flowers out of the way, hopping into his car so he could drive her.

On the way there, Beverly noticed he seemed to be mouthing words to himself but she didn't say anything. She guessed that he was rehearsing something to say to Nancy, and she did find it rather sweet that he cared a lot about this, but then again...it was Steve. She wasn't supposed to find him appealing whatsoever.

Steve then parked the car in front of the Wheelers' house, getting out at the same time as Beverly. "Listen...I've been thinking...I love you. I'm sorry," Steve muttered to himself, and Beverly gave him another look as she walked behind him towards the house. "I'm sorry? What the hell am I sorry for?"

"Steve," someone called out and Beverly looked over to see that it was Dustin. "Are those for Mr. or Mrs. Wheeler?"

Steve looked down at the flowers in his hand. "No," he answered slowly.

"Good," Dustin replied before he ripped the flowers out of Steve's hand, heading towards the car. "Oh, hey, Bev."

"Uh, hi?" Beverly said, slightly puzzled about the boy's behavior.

"Hey. What the hell? Hey!" Steve shouted, following after him.

"Nancy isn't home. And neither is Chris," Dustin told the both of them, and Beverly and Steve glanced at one another.

"Where are they?" Steve asked.

"Doesn't matter. We have bigger problems then your guys' love lives," Dustin told them and Beverly scoffed quietly at the young boy. "Do you still have that bat?" he asked, opening the back car door.

"Bat? What bat?" Steve questioned.

"The one with the nails?" Dustin said like it was obvious.


"I'll explain it on the way," he said, going inside the car.

"The way? The way to where?" Beverly quizzed, even though she was already making her way towards the car.



✦ ✧ ✦

After having Bob Newby, who was amazing at puzzles, come inside the Byers' house to help them pinpoint Hopper's location, since Will claimed he was in trouble, the group drove to the spot that Bob had marked on the map back at the house.

"There's nothing. There's nothing here," Mike said quickly.

"What if he's hidden somewhere?" Chris questioned, squinting to try and see through the darkness that had overcome the sky.

"Are — are we close?" Joyce asked her boyfriend as she drove.

"We're in the vicinity," Bob answered.

"Vicinity?" Chris repeated in disbelief.

"What's that mean, the vicinity?" Joyce asked breathlessly.

"It means we're close. I don't know. It's not precise," Bob told her.

"Not precise?" Chris echoed, his voice high.

"But we did all that work!" Joyce pointed out.

"I told you, the scale ratio is not exactly one-to-one. We needed to take—"

"Turn right," Will suddenly said, causing Chris to almost jump out of his seat since he was smushed next to him and Mike.

"What?" Joyce said, looking back at her son.

"I saw him."


"Not here. In my now-memories," Will told her.

"In your what?" Bob said in confusion since he wasn't filled in on what was actually going on. They didn't want to risk him knowing the truth since he would probably want to help more, and Joyce didn't want to put him in that situation.

"Turn right!" Will shouted and Joyce quickly turned right, smashing into a fence. They all began to scream as they drove across an uneven path, the car's tires bumping up and down.

"Car! Car!" Chris exclaimed, pointing towards the truck in front of them that was parked on the field.

Joyce quickly pressed the brake petal, stopping the car just inches away from the other one. "Are you okay?" she asked and Chris nodded slowly, taking in a breath.

"Super spy," Mike said, referring to Will's abilities since that was Hopper's car.

"What's Jim doing here?" Bob queried since he had recognized his car. "Joyce?"

"Boys, I need you to stay here," Joyce told them, ignoring Bob's question, as she unbuckled her seatbelt.

"No. Mom, Mom, Mom, it's not safe," Will quickly told her as his mother got out of the car.

"That's why I need you to stay here! Stay here!" Joyce replied before she and Bob got out of the car.

As Joyce called out for Hopper with Bob right on her tail, Chris leaned back and sighed. "This is actually insane," he commented. "I thought that Eleven girl got rid of this stuff."

"She got rid of the Demogorgon. Not some of the other things in the Upside Down," Mike clarified and Will nodded slowly.

"What even is this 'Upside Down'? I mean, is it an actual place?" Chris questioned, still trying to grasp the idea of it.

Mike nodded. "You can only access it through gates that are somehow opened. That's how Will was saved, Mrs. Byers and Chief Hopper went through a gate to get him."

Chris sighed again. "This is...crazy," he muttered, shaking his head. He should have been home right now, safe and sound in his room with Beve —


Chris wondered what she was doing right now. She was probably out with Carmen and Alicia, not caring where he had been since he had fucked up hard. Or maybe she was on a date with Billy. Chris hoped that she was doing the former, not the latter, since Billy didn't deserve her.

Hell, Chris himself didn't deserve her. He had lost her like an idiot because he was so scared to share his true feelings. He had wished he had actually grown some balls and talked to her instead of getting with some random girl to try and confirm his feelings for Beverly. He hated himself for it.

He had also hated himself for the fact that he had confusing feelings for his best friend — if they even were that anymore. At first, Chris just looked up to him and wanted to be just like him since Steve was probably one of the coolest guys he had ever met. But after a while of complicated thoughts consisting of Steve, and his glamorous hair and looks...Chris wasn't sure if he just wanted to be like him, or if he wanted...more.

And he didn't know why he was having these thoughts because he was in love with Beverly, albeit he never expressed it out loud. He sighed, trying to force the unwanted thoughts out of his brain so he didn't confuse himself even more.

After a little while, the boys decided to get out and investigate even though Joyce told them not to. They had noticed a hole in a ground that it seemed like Joyce and Bob went into.

"Do you see anything? I mean, in your now-memories?" Mike asked Will. Will shook his head before the sound of trucks driving came behind them.

The boys turned around, noticing vans coming towards the site. They looked like the vans that were outside of Chris's house the night that they were questioned about the whole thing, and were forced to swear not to tell anyone what happened.

They then parked their vans and people in hazmat suits hopped out of them, carrying multiple devices in their hands. They didn't seem to care about the boys standing there, going straight towards the hole or the vicinity to investigate.

Chris looked at his brother, who shrugged since he didn't know how they got here. But, then, all of a sudden, Will began to grunt in pain as he fell to the ground.

"Will? Will, you okay?" Mike immediately questioned, bending down towards him. The young boy continue to shake and groan, making Chris look down worriedly. "Will, what's wrong?"

"What's happening to him?" Chris asked worriedly.

"I don't know!" Mike exclaimed before Will began to scream, causing the two brothers to back away in shock.

His mouth was wide open as he shrieked, his whole body shaking and convulsing on the ground. The people in hazmat suits began to come over and Chris just watched fearfully, not knowing what was happening.

And before he knew it, they were all rushed to some kind of hospital building, that Chris didn't even know existed, with Will to make sure he was okay.

authors note
sorry for the pov changes!
there will be some pov changes
in this book (mostly towards s3 and s4
when more characters get involved)
but the book is obviously mainly
bev since she is the main character!
i just like to include different perspectives,
that's all! thank you for reading and don't
forget to vote and comment!
