The eight teenagers rode the bikes taken from the Wheelers and Sinclairs all the way down to Eddie's trailer, passing Victor Creel's home on the way.

Once they had arrived, they dropped their bikes on the ground and began to make their way inside. "That's gotta be a Guinness World Record. Most miles traveled interdimensionally," Robin joked, making Alicia laugh quietly.

"I just inhaled a bunch of that crap," Steve said with cough. "It's stuck in my throat." They then opened the door to the trailer, immediately seeing the red gate on the top of the ceiling with a low thrumming noise coming from it. "Goddamn."

"Whoa," Beverly breathed out, tensing up slightly at the sight.

"This is where Chrissy died. Like, right where she died," Eddie told them eerily, making eye contact with Carmen who was wearing a curious, yet concerned expression on her face. Beverly lightly grimaced at that, trying not to let it show on her face.

"I think there's something in there," Robin voiced.

"How could there be something in there?" Chris questioned since he really didn't want them to deal with any more monstrous company.

"Holy shit, there is something there," Alicia realized, her eyes widening a bit at the shadow of whatever it was.

Then, all of a sudden, the thing started to push down onto the gate from above. "What the hell is that?" Eddie asked as they all stared up at it before it bursted open, causing all of them to yelp and jump back in fear.

"What the fuck?!" Carmen seethed, her nose flaring as the thing continue to open the gate to reveal a normal light coming from it.

"Oh, that's disgusting," Chris gaped, putting a hand over his mouth to cover his gag. He hadn't really gotten a good look at the gate he had went through under water since, well, it was under water. But seeing this one up close just made him want to throw up by how revolting it looked.

The thing then stopped poking through it, some liquid dripping down from it a bit before Steve began to slowly step forward. Beverly quickly grabbed his hand, making him look back at her. She wore a wary look on her face and he nodded, assuring her that it would be okay.

She slowly let go, allowing him to continue forward as she followed him to see what was lurking above. "No way," Steve breathed out once he saw Dustin, Erica, Max and Lucas upside down above them.

Dustin began to chuckle. "Hi there!"

"Hi," they all said, relieved that it was only their friends and that they were finally going to be able to get out of there.

"Holy shit, this is trippy," Robin whispered as Dustin continued yelling excitedly.

"Are we sure something in the air isn't making us see this or...?" Alicia trailed off, although she had a smile on her face.

"Maybe we have rabies," Carmen teased, causing Robin's eyes to widen fearfully. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. I think we would know if we all had rabies or not."

"Car, you can't scare her like that," Beverly told her friend. "She'd actually believe you and go into a state of shock."

"Yeah, I kinda almost did," Robin confirmed since she was never good in these type of nerve-racking situations.

"My bad. Sorry about that. Sometimes I forget my jokes aren't that funny to other people."

"Well, I thought it was funny," Eddie complimented, wrapping his arm around the Flores girl's shoulder for a second, making her give him a flirtatious grin.

"Okay, now I'm actually gonna vomit," Chris muttered under his breath to himself, hoping none of them heard him.

"What?" Steve said since he did hear him, furrowing his brows a bit.

"What? Nothing," Chris quickly replied, shaking his head. "Nothing. I said absolutely nothing."

"Okay...?" Steve said in confusion, giving Chris an odd look at his response.

"Okay, so how are we gonna get through?" Nancy called up to the kids, not wanting to stay in the Upside Down any longer than they should have.

"We'll make a rope for you guys to climb!" Dustin shouted to them, urging the others to try and find something to make a rope with.

"How is that gonna work?" Beverly asked no one in particular. "I mean, they're above us but also...below us at the same time. Is that, like, even supposed to be possible?"

"No, I really don't think so. But, then again, is any of this really supposed to be possible?" Alicia responded, raising her brows at the Crawford girl.

"Fair enough."

"Oh, and make sure to grab something we can land on just in case!" Steve yelled up to them quickly so if they did fall through then they wouldn't break their ankles. Or heads. He didn't really know how the physics would work since, well, he barely knew regular physics to begin with.

Lucas and Max went into Eddie's room and grabbed his mattress, ripping off the sheets and pillows so it wasn't too much to bring into the space they needed it to be in. They placed it down on the floor, or ceiling to the ones in the Upside Down, revealing the multiple stains on it.

"Uhhhh, what the hell is that?" Alicia asked, blinking rapidly and sharing a look with Robin.

"I hope it's not what I think it is," Beverly mumbled to Steve and he nodded in agreement, his face scrunching up in disgust.

"Those stains are, uh...I don't what those stains are," Eddie told them shamefully, cursing himself in his mind that Carmen was looking at the stains he never wanted anyone to ever see.

Carmen patted him on the back, blowing out some air. "It's okay. We can work through that," she said to him, even though it was mostly to herself. Chris gave the two a glance, not sure if that was confirmation of them dating or not. But, at the same time, he couldn't deny the fact that he was kind of disgusted by those stains.

"Not quite sure how these physics are gonna work," Dustin spoke as he stepped onto the mattress, the handmade rope in his hand. "But, uh...here goes nothing." He tossed the rope up, which made part of it then fall down into the Upside Down. Some of them gasped while others just watched with wide eyes. "There we go. And if my theory is correct..." He let go of the rope and it stayed in the position it was in, almost as if it was tied to the ceiling. "Huh. Abracadabra."

"Holy shit," Max said in awe.

"All right, pull on it! See if it holds!" Dustin instructed.

Robin looked at the others before she pulled on it to try and move it, but it just stayed in place. They all started to smile and laugh at the discovery, thinking something like that wasn't even possible.

"This is the craziest shit I've ever seen in my life. And I've seen some crazy shit," Erica commented, giving Dustin a high five.

"I heard that, Erica! Language!" Alicia called out to her, causing Erica to roll her eyes at her older sister.

"Guess I'm the guinea pig," Robin said as she grabbed into the rope, climbing up. The children moved out of the way to give some room for Robin before she came falling down into the other side. "Oh, my God!" she yelled before she landed on the mattress, propping herself up. "Oh, thank God. That was fun."

Eddie then looked at Carmen. "Ladies first," he said, gesturing towards the rope.

"I really don't think this is a 'ladies first' situation," Carmen replied cheekily, trying to mask the fact that she was kind of scared to go through the gate.

"Really? 'Cause I'd thought you'd be wanting to, like, get the hell outta here first," he told her with a shrug.

"Well, I do. It's just...you know, you're the guy. You should be trying it out first," she argued a bit even though she didn't even agree with what she just said at all.

"Isn't that a bit too cookie cutter for you?" Eddie queried, raising his brows. "Assuming that just because I'm the guy, I have to be the braver one? Because we all know that you are."


"Enough of this lovers quarrel already!" Chris snapped, stepping up towards the rope. "I'll be the guy and I'll go. Mostly because I just can't stand to hear you two continue babbling." He shook his head before he grabbed the rope, climbing up.

Carmen and Eddie shared a look. "Jeez," Eddie muttered, not expecting his own friend to say that to him. Carmen just scoffed and rolled her eyes, not caring what Chris had to say at all.

"Where the hell did he learn all those words?" Alicia asked no one in particular. "They seem a little too advanced for him."

"Well, he is my twin so he should share some sort of intelligence every now and then," Nancy spoke up with a shrug, making Carmen snort.

"I can still hear you al — AHH!" Chris screamed as he fell through the gate, crashing down onto the mattress. "Whoa, that was insane."

"My turn now," Carmen said once she knew that it was probably safe, giving Eddie a taunting grin before she began to climb up. She screamed as she fell through, moving her hair out of her face once she had landed. "Is it bad I kinda wanna do that again?"

Eddie looked at the others left before he shrugged and said, "All right, guess I'll go." He climbed up and flipped over as he fell, landing on his back like the rest of them. "That...was fun. Shit." He then reached forward and grabbed Chris's hand to help him up, causing the Wheeler's stomach to drop at the touch.

Alicia looked at the others, itching to get out of there next. Once Beverly, Steve, nor Nancy made an advance towards the rope, she decided that she would just go. "Okay, if I fall back down, just pretend you didn't see it," she said to them quickly before she climbed. She was able to fall through like everyone else, receiving Robin's steadfast help which arose a knowing smirk from Carmen and Chris.

It was just Beverly, Nancy, and Steve left. And Lord knew that the couple would be the last ones to go up because of both of their recent sacrificial behavior. Nancy also knew that, so she decided to go next, falling onto the mattress.

Beverly and Steve looked at one another, meaningful glints in their eyes. "See you on the other side," Steve said to her.

"On the other side," Beverly restated, knowing that Steve wouldn't let her go after him. She grabbed onto the makeshift rope, receiving some help with Steve's hands as he pushed her up from around her waist. She immediately had gotten flashbacks from two years ago when she had to climb up the rope to get out the tunnels with Steve's hands on her waist for the first time.

And to think that they were actually together now. Middle school Beverly would have exploded to know that what she had always wished for had finally come true.

She climbed up, receiving some encouragement from Steve before she went through the gate. But this time...she hadn't landed on the mattress like the others.

Instead, she had been falling in a black abyss surrounding her until she landed on a hard floor, causing her to gasp in pain. She slowly got up from the floor, looking around in confusion since she had no longer been in Eddie's trailer.

Back in real life, Steve had noticed Beverly's unmoving body. "Bev?" he said, placing his hands on her shoulders before he realized that her eyes had gone into the back of her head like Max's had done when she had been under Vecna's trance. "Hey. Hey! Stay with me. Beverly! Hey! Beverly, wake up. Wake up! Beverly!"

"Vecna," Max realized as the others looked up to see Steve trying to shake his girlfriend awake from the trance she had been put in.

Beverly slowly turned around once she had heard a monitor beeping, knowing what kind of room she had been in: a hospital room. Once she had turned around, she had gasped in shock at the sight in front of her.

It was her sick father laying on a medical bed, barely even breathing as his eyes fluttered up and down weakly. Tears began to fill in Beverly's eyes as she was reminded of this awful moment, her heart rate picking up.

She felt herself being brought back to her child self, the one who had to witness her father go through cancer at such a young age; the one who was left with her monster of a mother that she didn't even talk to anymore.

Not being able to stay in there any longer in fear of emotionally breaking down, Beverly turned and ran out the door to her left, only to fall down inside some sort of hole. "Shit," she winced, coughing a bit since the wind had been knocked out of her.

She slowly looked up, trying to push herself up from wherever she had landed in. She then recognized it to be some sort of pool. But not just any pool.

Steve's pool.

The only reason she had known it was his because she had been living with him for a while and had swam in it with him multiple times. The only thing that was different about it was that it was drained of it's chlorine-filled water and large vines were on the floor and walls of it.

"Steve!" she called out, although she had a feeling that her boyfriend wouldn't answer. Beverly shakily looked around before she noticed something lying on the ground, cautiously taking a few steps forward before she gasped at the sight.

Barb's dead and mangled body had been on the floor, some sort of goo seeping out of her mouth.

Beverly backed away, her lip quivering as she tried not to cry. "Do you remember what happened here, Beverly? How you were so obsessed over a boy to not even see what was happening right next to you? Or have you already forgotten?" Vecna's voice echoed all around her, making her jump in fright and frantically look around. "When I kill someone...I never forget."

Thick blood then started to come out of the drains of the pool, sliding down the wall towards Beverly's feet. Beverly quickly got herself out of the state of shock she was in and climbed up the ladder on the side of the pool, stepping into a red-filled area with floating pieces of wood and glass swirling around.

She then realized that she was in the place that Max had drew for them: Victor Creel's house in the Upside Down. A clock ticked and chimed around her, causing a chill to go down her spine as she carefully walked around the place to try and find a way out.

"I see that you and your friends have been looking for me, Beverly," Vecna spoke again, causing her stomach to drop. "You were so close. So close to the truth. What did your friends say about old, blind, dumb Victor? Did he miss me? I've been meaning to check back in, but I've been busy. So very busy," he taunted before Beverly stopped, seeing Chrissy's dead body tied up to a pillar of vines.

Beverly let out a choked cry after seeing her old friend, shutting her eyes and looking away before she was somehow transported into the original version of the Creel House, watching the Creels enter the home for the first time.

She watched the scene play out in front of her, unable to shut her mouth from how much shock and surprise she had been in. She watched the little boy, Henry Creel, in the house, unsure of what he had been up to with spiders and candles in the attic.

She continued to observe Henry as she kept on being transported to different parts of the house, seeing him somehow control the hands of the clock that he had been standing in front of with his mind. Victor Creel's son is like Eleven? she thought before she was transported to outside of the house, seeing the son kill a rabbit with his mind with no remorse whatsoever.

Beverly gasped and quickly ran inside, shutting the door behind her. She had heard a baby yelling and looked over to see a casket burning in the fireplace in the living room, her mouth dropping once again before she had been moved into the kitchen where the family was having dinner.

Dream a Little Dream of Me by Ella Fitzgerald had been playing before Victor had got up to go turn it off. But then the lights had started to flicker and the mother had rose up from her seat, her bones cracking in midair before she had fallen onto the table.

Beverly watched in shock, realizing that Henry's nose had been bleeding like Eleven's had whenever she used her powers. She followed Victor Creel as he had brought his children to the front door, trying to escape before he had frozen. She watched as young Alice Creel's bones had broke in the air before Henry had collapsed just as Victor had started to move again.

Beverly had then been transported into another hospital room, thinking she was about to see her father again. But she was wrong.

A man had been tattooing '001' onto Henry's wrist, in the same place Eleven had her tattoo. Doctor Brenner? Beverly realized, recognizing his face in some of the photos she had seen of him, but he had been younger here than in the photos she had seen.

"All done," Brenner spoke as he wiped the tattoo to make sure no access ink had stayed on Henry's wrist. "Not so bad, was it? See? There's nothing to be afraid of. Is there, Beverly?" Brenner continued, making Beverly's eyes widened. The man then looked at her, his eyes filled with darkness. "Why don't you take a seat?" he, or rather Vecna, suggested.

Beverly immediately rushed out of the room, trying to find a way out. She made it into the hallway, only to see blood all over the place with dead children sprawled out on the floor. She blinked rapidly, backing away before she ran down a different hallway to escape.

"Beverly, just stay with me! Stay with me, okay?! Whatever you guys are doing, hurry up!" Steve shouted back in Eddie's trailer in the Upside Down, staying by Beverly's side until she was brought out of the trance.

"Steve says you need to hurry!" Erica relayed to the others as they searched for music to help her out of the trance.

"Yeah? No shit!" Dustin seethed loudly.

"We're trying! We can't find anything!" Max said to the girl.

"Seriously, what is all this shit?" Robin questioned with a bunch of cassettes in her hands.

"This isn't the type of music she likes!" Alicia said as she and Carmen searched through the piles of music, knowing that Beverly wasn't into metal all that much.

"What are you even looking for?" Eddie asked as he came over with more cassettes in his hand since his music was the only thing they had at the moment.

"Madonna, Blondie, Bowie, Beatles? Music! We need music!" Robin replied frantically, holding up an Iron Maiden cassette.

Eddie took the cassette out of her hand and shrieked, "THIS. IS. MUSIC!"

Beverly continued to run through the hospital until she came up to a set of doors that were boarded up with wooden planks. She groaned as she tried ripping them off, trying to get out of there as fast she could.

"Beverly," Vecna drawled behind her, causing her to slowly turn around to see the scary-looking zombie-wizard standing across the hall from her. She gasped in terror, her stomach dropping from the amount of fear she had been experiencing at the moment. "What are you doing? It's not time for you to leave," he said to her as he slowly walked towards her. Beverly spun back around and quickly ripped off the wood as fast she could, not wanting to get caught by him. "Now that you've seen where I've been...I would like very much to show you where I am going."

Steve continued to try and shake her awake as the others searched for the right music before something popped into Steve's brain. "Your Song! Get — get Your Song by Elton John!" he shouted frantically, hoping one of them would hear.

"Steve said to find Your Song!" Erica said to them since she was the closest to the gate.

"But Beverly hates that song!" Chris replied from what he had remembered from years ago.

"Just find it!"

Beverly was then able to rip off the last piece of wood off the door and push through it, ending up in the same room she had been in before with Doctor Brenner. "Take a seat, Beverly," Brenner's distorted voice instructed before the lights went out, making her scream before the lights had been turned back on and she had been strapped to a chair by vines.

Outside of the trance, Eddie was able to find a Your Song cassette in his uncle's room since he had liked that kind of music, putting it into Max's Walkman so they could toss it to Steve through the gate. Steve placed the headphones over her ears unbeknownst to her since she was still in a trance.

"No, no, no!" Beverly shouted before she looked up, seeing Vecna in front of her. He began to make his way towards her, causing Beverly's body to tense up and press into the back of the chair to try to get as far away from him as she could.

But, it didn't work as Vecna stopped in front of her, leaning down to get even closer to her shaking body. Her lips quivered, trying not to let out a sob. "I was going to end your suffering, but I decided I wanted...other plans for you," he told her, making her let out a panicked gasp. "I...want you to tell Eleven...I want to you to tell her...everything you see," he told her as his claws moved around her face. All of a sudden, he brought his hand above her head and showed her the ultimate destruction of the town she grew up in, clocks chiming, and the deaths of all of her loved ones.

"No!" Beverly screamed.

"Tell her..."

"No!" Beverly yelled again.



Beverly was then brought out of the trance she was in, falling down onto the floor. She had been too busy freaking out to even realize the music playing in her ears just yet. "Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa," Steve said as he dropped down with her, softening her fall.

"Steve? Steve?" she breathed out, looking up at his face with immense relief.

"It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. I'm right here. I'm right here."

authors note
well this was a eventful
chapter hehehh hope you
guys enjoyed
