Carmen, Chris, Eddie, and Dustin had their backs pressed up against each other as they held up their weapons and shields, hearing the Demobats trying to get into the trailer every five seconds.

Once their pounding had stopped, Dustin yelled, "Hey, dipshits! Give up that easy, huh?!"

The three older teens quickly shushed him. "Is that really necessary?" Eddie questioned before the Demobats clattered on the roof, making them all look up.

"They're on the roof," Chris pointed out.

"You think?" Carmen sassed, but Chris was too scared to even roll his eyes at that.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit," Dustin iterated before they followed the sound of their footsteps on the roof, stopping once they realized there was an air vent on the ceiling. "They can't get in through there, can they?"

Carmen went to go say something when a Demobat pushed open the vent, shrieking at them as it tried to fly inside. They all screamed as they tried to stab the thing with their spears.

At the same time, Beverly, Steve, Nancy, and Robin carefully climbed up to steps of the house so they didn't hit any vines and they didn't make any loud noises to alert Vecna of their presence.

They were then able to reach the top of the steps, taking out their weapons to prepare themselves to face Vecna, even if he would be in a trance where he couldn't see them.

As soon as they took a step forwards, though, the ground began to shake violently, causing them all grab onto each other and fall down onto the ground.

The shaking then stopped, making them all look at each other warily before they slowly stood up. All of a sudden, though, a tendril had grabbed Robin's foot and pulled her forcefully against the wall, wrapping more vines around her to keep her there. "Steve! Beverly! Nancy!" Robin screamed out of fear.

The three quickly rushed over and used their weapons to try and slice the vines away, wanting to free her just as fast as she had been caught. But as Steve swung his own axe back, a vine grabbed onto it and knocked it out of his hand, pulling him against the other wall. "Steve!" Beverly shouted, watching as he had been pulled up, a vine trying to strangle him.

"No!" Nancy yelped as she fell to the floor because a tendril had grabbed her ankle, throwing her against the wall next to Robin.

"Fuck!" Beverly screamed, fearful, yet angry tears forming at her eyes. She had seen a vine on the floor start to make its way towards her feet and she quickly brought her axe down, hitting it to try and slice it.

She only weakened it the first time and when she brought her axe up again, a tendril from behind her grabbed her ankle and pulled her back, making her let go of the axe mid air and fall on her stomach. She gasped just as the axe fell down and landed onto the wooden floor a few inches next to her face, sticking into the floor because of how sharp it had been. The tendril then continued pulling her back and threw her against the wall next to Steve, like the others, trying to choke her.

The other group of four continued to try and poke at the Demobats trying to get through the tiny hole, getting nowhere since there had been so many.

Eddie then decided to step away for some reason, prompting Carmen to scream, "Eddie! We need you!"

"Get out of the way! Get out of the way!" he shouted after a second and the others moved back, allowing Eddie to run up and shove the shield with nails into the ceiling to cover the opening. He then removed his hand once he realized it worked, breathing out, "Holy shit. Holy shit."

"That was so smart, man," Chris complimented breathlessly, patting Eddie on the back.

"Yeah, nice," Dustin added.

"Thanks," Eddie replied, a little surprised that he had came up with it. He then gave them both a high five, trying to catch his breath.

"Good job, but are there any other vents?" Carmen asked quickly, not wanting to waste any time at the moment since the Demobats proved to be hard to fight off.

Eddie's eyes widened. "Oh, shit." He quickly ran over  to his bedroom, followed by the others, and opened the door only to be bombarded by a buttload of screeching Demobats. "SHIT!"

"GO, GO, GO!" Carmen screamed as she started pulling everyone back, Eddie shutting the door so that the Demobats couldn't follow them. However, the door didn't seem to stop them from trying to break it open, which it seemed like they were doing a pretty good job at.

Eddie quickly picked up the shield that Chris had dropped on the floor as they all backed up towards the rope, wanting to be ready just in case they were able to break through. "That's not gonna hold!" Dustin said loudly.

"We have to go!" Chris bellowed, pushing Dustin towards the rope since he was the youngest.

"LET'S GO! LET'S GO!" Eddie shouted as he and the others kept their weapons up as Dustin climbed, not wanting to let their guards down. "Come on! Quickly!"

Dustin was then able to climb through, followed by an adrenaline-filled Carmen and a scared-as-hell-filled Chris. "Eddie, come on!" Carmen called out to him since he was the last one left.

Eddie quickly dropped his things, starting to climb up the rope before he stopped midway. "Eddie, come on! Let's go!" Chris said urgently with wide eyes.

"Eddie, you're so close! Eddie! Let's go!" Dustin continued yelling.

Carmen had stopped yelling, her mouth parted once she realized what Eddie was about to do. He's not gonna run, she thought to herself, her stomach dropping as she watched him let go of the rope. "No," she uttered, not even audible to the two boys screaming next to her.

"Eddie," Dustin and Chris tried again, their brows furrowed since they didn't seem to put the pieces together like Carmen had. Eddie slowly looked down before he rushed for his weapons, trying to be quick enough so the Demobats didn't invade the real world. "EDDIE!"

"What are you doing?!" Chris questioned before he saw Eddie grab the spear, aiming for the rope. "Eddie, no!"

"WAIT, NO!" Carmen shrieked, not guessing that he would make it so they couldn't go after him.

And so he couldn't go back.

The rope fell on either side as he sliced it, Carmen catching it in her hands as she let out a choked gasp. Eddie then started to move the mattress so that if they did find a way up, they wouldn't have anything to break their falls. "Eddie, stop! Eddie, stop! Stop! Stop!" Dustin pleaded.

"Eddie, what are you doing?!" Chris asked again.

Eddie looked up at them, placing the shield on his back. "I'm buying more time," he answered before he ran off.

"NO!" Carmen yelled aloud, tears threatening to spill from her eyes that she forced in.

"Eddie, please!"

"Eddie, stop, no!" Chris shouted. "We — we gotta go after him. Now!"

"How?!" Dustin exclaimed, gesturing to the sliced rope in Carmen's shaky hands that usually never shook.

"Grab that chair!" Chris instructed, thinking they could use it to bounce up from. "Carmen, the chair!" he yelled since Carmen was the closest and she was just standing there, in her own world.

Carmen snapped out of the trance she had found herself in, blinking rapidly before she quickly got the chair that Chris had pointed to. She placed it underneath the gate and Dustin quickly ran and jumped up onto it, grabbed the opening of the gate, hanging onto it.

Carmen and Chris quickly grabbed his legs and pushed Dustin up before he fell through, landing harshly on his ankle which made him yelp in pain. "Dustin?!" Carmen called out, seeing that he had been injured. "Oh, my God, Dustin, are you okay?!"

"N-No," Dustin whimpered, his voice growing hoarse as he tried not to cry from the pain.

"Move the mattress back over, buddy, okay? So we come down to you," Chris told him since even though he was injured, they needed to save Eddie because what he was doing was reckless and stupid. Carmen looked over at Chris, seeing how unusually calm he had been while she was the one freaking out.

It was usually reversed.

"O-O-Okay." Dustin pushed himself up and limped over to the mattress where he put it down underneath the gate, wincing because of the pain he had been.

Carmen quickly hopped onto the chair and pulled herself up, landing onto the mattress followed by Chris. "If you're too hurt to walk, then stay here," Carmen told him since she didn't want him to make it worse.

"No! We have to go save Eddie!" Dustin snapped before he limped towards the door, followed by the older teens.

"Fuck, he's already gone!" Carmen said, swallowing hard as she tried to squint and find the boy, but he had been nowhere in her line of sight. "Fuck, fuck, FUCK!"

In the real world, Alicia waited on the bottom of the stairs, trying to calm herself down. She wanted to go up there so badly, but she didn't want to provoke Jason into killing Lucas, or Max, or herself. But when she heard the gun fire twice, she gasped and immediately sprang up, tears threatening to spill again at the thought of her brother or the redhead being shot.

She was in a dilemma. Go up those stairs or wait down there? Maybe Jason was just trying to scare them with the shots but at the same time...maybe Lucas or Max, or both, could be bleeding out and she could just be letting it happen.

She shut her eyes for a few moments, psyching herself up, before she rushed up the steps towards the attic.

Chris looked around the Upside Down, trying to find something to help them out before his eyes landed on a bike. The other bikes they had used when they were previously in the Upside Down were now overturned with slithering vines and there was only one left that was useable. He then realized that Eddie must have taken a bike because there was one missing.

He immediately booked it towards the bike, not even letting Carmen and Dustin know. "Chris, what are you doing?!" Carmen yelled out before she saw Chris place his shield on his back, pick the bike up, and hop on it, starting to peddle away. "Wait, Chris!"

"Stay here with Dustin!" Chris responded over his shoulder, peddling like his life depended on it — well, more like Eddie's life — to where he had heard the Demobats screeching from.

"CHRISTOPHER LESLIE WHEELER!" Carmen let out a bloodcurdling scream, but Chris didn't stop; it was like he had gotten faster with each push of his legs. Carmen breathed out an angered sigh before she looked at Dustin, who's expression was a mix of pain and extreme concern. "We have to go follow them! Put your arm around my shoulder. NOW!" she told him and he did what he was told, not wanting to be yelled at since the shout she just let out before was beyond terrifying.

Carmen then began to try to speed-walk with Dustin's extra weight on her since he was trying to stay off his bad ankle, making their speed considerably slower than it would have been normally.

But Carmen was determined to reach where the boys had gone to, not wanting to give up.

Once Alicia reached the attic door, she had heard loud footsteps above her with loud pounding. She swallowed hard before she opened the door up that hadn't been shut all the way, and closed it behind her, which was a mistake since it had locked unbeknownst to her. She rushed up the steps to see Jason push Lucas into a dusty chair at one end of the room with Max sitting in a trance-like state in the other.

Alicia also noticed that Max's headphones had been smashed, which made her eyes go even larger if that was even possible. She then looked back over to see Jason punching Lucas, so she impulsively ran over to try and help. "Stop!" she shouted, trying to grab onto his arm to pull him away from Lucas.

However, Jason had ended up elbowing Alicia in the nose roughly, causing a crack to be heard and for her to fall backwards and wince in immense pain. She held a hand up to her nose and brought it back down to see that it had started to bleed, making her let out a short sob.

Back in the Upside Down, Chris had reached where Eddie was, seeing him surrounded by the monstrous bats with only his shield and spear to help him. "Eddie!" Chris bellowed, but Eddie was too focused on trying to dodge the Demobats' attacks on him.

Chris quickly hopped off the bike, letting it fall onto the ground below him, before he took his shield off his back and held it in front of him. Don't be a coward. Don't be a coward. Don't be a coward, he repeatedly told himself over and over again in his mind before he let out a battle cry and rushed towards the swarm of Demobats, hitting and stabbing them.

He was somehow able to make it in the middle where Eddie had been since most of the Demobats were focused on him, causing the Munson boy's eyes to widen. "Chris?! Get the hell out of here!" Eddie demanded before he hit another Demobat.

"No! I'm staying here to help you!" Chris replied sternly as more Demobats started to fly at them. Eddie couldn't argue with him since the Demobats kept on flying down around them, trying to bite and rip at their exposed skin.

"Eddie!" Carmen shouted once she and Dustin finally neared them, being careful not to get too close. "Chris!"

In the attic, Alicia kept her hand over her bleeding nose, which seemed to not stop, and looked back over towards Jason and Lucas where Jason seemed to be winning. "S-Stop!" she forced out, but Jason just kept on hitting him.

A Demobat then wrapped it's tail around Eddie's neck, causing him to be pulled down onto the hard ground. "EDDIE!" Carmen, Dustin, and Chris all bellowed before more Demobats started to pull at each of his limbs like they had done with Steve prior.

Chris tried hitting them with his shield, but he was getting attacked from the back at the same time. Two Demobats then landed on his back and sent him down, causing him to scream out in agony like Eddie had been doing.

"NO!" Dustin and Carmen yelled.

Beverly, Steve, Robin, and Nancy were still being choked on the wall, the vines getting tighter each minute as they tried to cut off all of their airways. Somehow, though, Steve's hand was able to find Beverly's and he grabbed it, causing tears to roll down her cheeks as she shut her eyes.

Alicia watched her brother get strangled by the Carver boy, unable to do anything since the throbbing pain was causing her eyes to become blurry and her head to pound. She tried to get up, wobbling, and looked over her shoulder to see Max's body start to rise in the air.

From the amount of pain and shock she had been in, Alicia fell backwards once more, more tears starting to fall from her eyes as she watched Max's body continue to rise. Her Walkman was rendered broken, making them unable to save her anymore.

Alicia then heard glass break behind her so she looked over to see that Lucas had overpowered Jason and starting punching him repeatedly across the face, knocking him out before he looked up at the floating redhead.

Her left arm was the first to snap, causing Alicia to let out a strained scream as her brother processed what was happening.

Eddie and Chris wailed as the Demobats pierced their flesh, unable to fight back anymore since they had been over came by the large amounts of Demobats flying above them. Carmen and Dustin yelled in the distance even though they knew that wouldn't do anything to help the boys; they were simply...helpless.

Max's left leg then snapped and her right arm after, making Lucas cry out, "MAX!"

Then, all of a sudden, her body fell down, making Lucas jump out and catch her. He fell down onto the floor with her, cradling her broken body in his lap.

The Demobats also fell to the ground around Eddie and Chris's bodies, as did Beverly, Steve, Robin, and Nancy who were let free by the vines somehow.

The group of four in the Creel House couched on the ground, trying to catch their breaths. "I don't believe in a higher power or divine intervention. But that was a miracle," Robin voiced scratchily.

Nancy then stood up, grabbing her shotgun. "Then we better not waste it," she said determinedly. Beverly nodded with resolve and ripped her axe out of the wooden floor as Robin picked her bag filled with supplies up.

"Phase Four..." Steve said.

"Flambé," Robin finished.

"Let's kill this son of a bitch," Beverly spoke darkly, propping the axe over her shoulder. They then headed towards the attic where they knew Vecna had to be, wanting to kill that "son of a bitch" like Beverly had just mentioned.

They made it into the attic, seeing Vecna in the air hung up by vines from the ceilings and walls, in a trance-like state just like they had hypothesized.

Robin took her backpack off, taking the Molotov cocktails out for them to light up. She handed one of them to Steve before she took out a lighter, lighting it on fire before Steve threw it at Vecna.

It hit him straight in the chest, causing him to bellow in pain and for them to hold their hands up in front of their face since the blast had been big.

His body started to catch fire, along with the vines holding him up, making him fall onto the ground and get knocked out of his trance.

Max then awoke and gasped in Lucas's arms, trying to catch her breath. "Max! Max! Max!" he immediately said as Alicia crawled over, noticing the redhead's bloody eyes for the first time which made her breathing quiver.

Vecna slowly stood up, staring at the four of them furiously as fire burned all over his body. Robin lit another Molotov and quickly hurled it at him in the same spot again, making him yell out in pain and stumble back.

Nancy then stepped up with her shotgun and shot him in the shoulder. She then shot him in the stomach and in the other shoulder, not backing down. She continued shooting him, not missing one shot, before he tried going at her.

But Beverly stepped up and launched her axe straight at his chest just as Nancy shot him in the same area, making him finally fly out the window.

They all shared a look before they quickly made their way out of the house to try to find Vecna's body, only for them to find nothing but a few sparks of fire on the already dead grass.

Carmen quickly helped Dustin limp over towards Eddie and Chris as the Demobats mewled around them. Dustin tossed the spear he had in his hand and went towards Chris while Carmen headed straight towards Eddie.

"Chris," Dustin said since his eyes were opening and closing weakly. "Chris?"

"H-Hey," Chris coughed.

"Oh, my God," the Flores girl cried out, seeing Eddie's bloody body for the first time up close. "Oh, God. Eddie."

"B-Bad, huh?" Eddie was able to say, trying to ignore the searing pain he felt everywhere.

"No. No, no, no, no. You're gonna be fine. We just gotta get — get you and Chris to a hospital, okay?" she told him, trying to stay calm as she propped his body up.


"Chris, you hear that? We're gonna get you help," Dustin said to him and Chris nodded weakly, humming since he was too in pain to speak anymore.

Carmen then tried to lift Eddie up before he said, "I think I just need a second. I just need a second okay?"

"O-Okay. Just — just a second," she breathed out, laying him back down onto her lap since she knew there was no way she would be able to carry him if he wasn't able to hold himself up yet.

"I didn't run away this time, right?" Eddie said after a moment of catching his breath, forcing a bloody smile onto his face.

Small tears started to fall from Carmen's cheeks, not letting out the big sobs yet since they still had time. "No. No, you didn't run. But you should have. Okay? You and Chris should have. Right, Chris?"

She looked over at Chris to see that he had closed his eyes, not answering her. "Chris?" Dustin questioned, shaking him to try and wake him up. "Chris?! No, no, no, Chris."

"Shit," Carmen whispered, looking down and shutting her eyelids to prevent more tears from falling down her face.

"Is...is Chris okay?" Eddie slowly asked since he wasn't able to move his body and see.

Carmen licked her lips and forced herself to nod as Dustin silently cried. "He's — he's fine. He's just resting, okay? Like you. He's — he's just resting," she lied, not wanting to freak Eddie out.

Eddie carefully nodded. "Good. Good. He and Dustin are gonna have to look after those little sheep for me, okay?"

"No, Eddie, you're gonna do that yourself," Dustin replied, trying to wipe his tears away and act like everything was fine when it clearly wasn't.

"Nah, man. Say, 'I'm gonna look after them'," Eddie directed as Dustin cried. "Say it."

"I'm...I'm gonna look a-after—" Dustin cut himself off with a sob, making Carmen hold back one of her own.

"Good. 'Cause I'm actually gonna graduate," Eddie said before he chuckled weakly. "I'm gonna graduate with the — the best girlfriend anyone could ask for," he added as he looked at Carmen, which made her nod as tears streamed down her cheeks. "I think it's my year, guys. I think it's f-f-finally my year."

"Yeah. You're...You're gonna walk that stage and get that diploma and — and go on the best date of your life with me after," Carmen told him, trying to hold out hope. "You're — you're gonna teach me how to play guitar and — and how to play D&D," she continued. "And I'm — I'm gonna teach you everything I-I know that I can't say in front of Dustin since it's too inappropriate," she joked, trying to lighten the mood since that was what she always did.

Eddie slowly nodded, laughing weakly which made him cough a bit. "I love you," he professed. "I know we've only s-spoken to each other for not — not even a week, but it — it feels like I've known you for years."

"I love you, too," Carmen responded, placing a hand where Eddie's jacket covered her tattoo of Eddie the Iron Maiden mascot.

"I love you, man," Eddie then said to Dustin.

"I love you, too," Dustin trembled, looking down sadly.

"When Chris wakes — wakes up, will you tell I love him, t-too?" Eddie asked.

"Yes," Carmen promised even though she wasn't sure if that would even be possible either. Eddie's breathing then became ragged, which made Carmen's face scrunch up. "Eddie, no. Eddie."

"E-Eddie?" Dustin pleaded hoarsely.

Carmen then felt Eddie stop breathing, making her finally let out a sob. "Eddie!" she cried out. "No, no, no, please, NO!" she wailed, trying to shake him awake. "Eddie, p-please. I-I love you. Please," she continued sobbing before she let out a loud cry, covering her wet face with her hand.

✦ ✧ ✦

Erica was able to break open the door, running up the attic where her siblings and Max were. "Lucas! Alicia!" she called out, reaching the top.

"We need a doctor!" Lucas said to Erica immediately, continuing to hold Max. "Call an ambulance! Hurry! Call an ambulance!"

"Go!" Alicia urged, continuing to hold her bleeding nose that had been slowing down as tears streamed down her face, since Erica seemed to hesitate before she finally ran back down to her find help.

"Lucas..." Max spoke weakly.

"Yes, yes, I'm here. I'm here," he told her.

"I-I can't feel or...s-see any — anything," Max forced out, which made Alicia start to cry even more if that was even possible.

"I know. I know. It's okay. We're gonna get you some help, okay? Just — just hold on."

"Lucas, I'm scared. I'm so scared. I'm so scared," Max repeated.

"I know. I know. I know," Lucas iterated tearfully.

"I don't wanna die. I'm not ready," Max began to cry.

"You're not gonna die. Hang on."

"Max, it's okay," Alicia tried to help.

"I don't wanna go! I'm not ready!" she exclaimed.

"You're not gonna die! Just — just hang on!" he told her before he felt her breathing start to slow. "Max. Max, Max, Max! No, no, no. Max. Stay with me. Stay with me! Don't go, Max. Max, stay with me," Lucas pleaded. "Just — just look at me, Max. Max. No. Stay with me, Max. Hang on. Just hang on."

"Erica!" Alicia screamed out since if someone didn't come to help in time...she had a bad feeling.

"ERICA, HELP!" Lucas called out, his voice cracking, before he looked down at Max, finally realizing she had stopped talking. "Max? Max? Max? Max? Max, stay with me."

"Lucas?" Alicia breathed out, her stomach dropping once she heard his tone of voice.

"Max, stay with me," Lucas repeated, ignoring his sister. "No, no, no, no! Max! Max! P-Please, stay with me!" he shouted before he let out an anguished sob, causing Alicia to start weeping in her hands; the emotional pain replacing her physical pain.

She couldn't believe that this had been happening, Max was so young. She just prayed that the others in the Upside Down had been okay since their plan clearly hadn't worked the way they wanted it do.

A clock chimed inside of the Creel House in the Upside Down, making the group of four rush back inside to see what had happened.

"Four chimes," Robin pointed out, making Beverly's stomach drop.

"Max," Nancy realized, her eyes saddening.

"No, no, no, no," Beverly uttered, looking up at Steve. But, Steve had no time to comfort the girl since the ground had began to shake again, making them all stumble.

The ground in the regular world started to convulse as well before it started to split and open up. Lucas quickly pulled himself and Max away from the opening ground, as did Alicia, and watched as redness seeped through the freshly opened ground before it split Jason's body in half. Alicia gasped in fright, looking away since the scene in front of her was ghastly and she felt like vomiting.

The ground finally stopped shaking once all of the different openings met in the middle of Hawkins, unbeknownst to any of them yet. "We gotta get out of here," Steve immediately said and the others nodded as they rushed out of the Creel House, trying to get back to Eddie's trailer fast.

They managed to remember their way back through the woods, trying their best to run and not step onto any vines before they saw Eddie's trailer in the distance amongst other ones.

They all saw bodies laying down on the floor, making them all share a wary look before they quickly ran over. Once they go closer, they finally saw the scene in front of them.

Carmen was sobbing over Eddie's body while Dustin had Chris's body propped up on his lap, crying with his head in his hands.

"Oh, my God," Beverly said, tears immediately falling as she placed her head into Steve's chest to cry into. "No, no, no, no."

"Chris?" Nancy said, her eyes going wide at the sight of him. "What — what happened?" she questioned, too in shock to start crying just yet.

"The — the bats. C-Chris and — and Eddie...They — they tried to, uh, they tried to lure them away from — from us," Dustin explained through his sobs before Nancy collapsed down onto her knees, looking over her twin brother with her mouth parted. "They — they couldn't take all of them."

"Oh, my God," Robin breathed out, her eyes becoming glossy as she looked down at the bodies. She didn't want what she had told Beverly and Steve to come true but...it seemed like it had come true.

"Chris..." Nancy whispered before she carefully reached over and placed her fingers on his neck, trying to find a pulse since she had hope.


"He's...he's still alive," Nancy spoke up, her voice breathless from even more surprise. Everyone's eyes widened, letting out quiet gasps.

"W-What?" Carmen finally spoke up, looking up from Eddie's dead body. "That must mean..." she trailed off, searching for Eddie's pulse but being able to find nothing. "No, no, no, come on, Eddie. Please."


"Shut up, I'm gonna be a doctor, I can find it!" she snapped, cutting Robin off even though she was only trying to help. She continued to try and search for it before she gave up, sobbing even more since she had received false hope.

Beverly was still crying into Steve's chest when he voiced, "We have to get out of here. We gotta get Chris to the hospital right now." Beverly slowly lifted her head up from Steve's chest, seeing the look on Carmen's face which made her continue to cry.

"What about Eddie?" Carmen questioned hoarsely. "What — what are we gonna do with him?"

When Steve didn't answer right away, Carmen knew the answer.

authors note
please don't hate on me!!!
i want to follow stranger things'
plot and im assuming eddie's death
is important for s5 so i didn't want to
change that since it probably wouldn't
make sense for how s5 will play out. i
had this planned for a long time and i
hope you guys are okay with this (i know
some of you probably wanted chris to die
and i originally had that planned but new
ideas formed in my head so this is what we
have). but, once again, im so sorry for this
chapter and probably the next one too since
it's just gonna be sad and yeah...there's prob
gonna be one chapter left for s4 unless
i split the two day time skip into two parts
but we'll see. i hope s5 comes out sooner rather
than later so we can finish this (even tho i don't
want it to end 😭😭)
