Beverly Crawford sat on Christopher Wheeler's bed, making out with him as she giggled giddily. They had been together for about six months now, lasting over the summer before she entered into her junior year while he entered into his sophomore year.

"Bev," Chris said lazily, pulling away from her lips despite his reluctance in doing so.

"What, Chris?" Beverly asked as she bit her lower lip, smiling at him.

"My mom's gonna think we're doing something up here," he told her, raising his eyebrows.

"Are we not doing something?" she countered mischievously, causing Chris to laugh. She went to go press her lips to his again before he swerved out of the way, causing her groan playfully. "Fine," she said as she rolled her eyes, standing up from the bed.

"Oh, come on, Bev. Maybe when my parents and my brother's friends aren't here, we could do something," he assured her, standing up from the bed and wrapping his arounds around Beverly's body.

She chuckled softly. "Like what?" she asked, arching a brow.

"You'll see," he said, spinning her around so she was facing him. He bent down, since he was taller than her, and placed a soft kiss on her lips.

"I love you," Beverly told him, staring into his eyes once he had pulled away. The couple had only shared a few 'I love you's', mostly from Bev, since they were only teenagers. But the words were very important to the girl.

"I know," Chris responded, causing Beverly's smile to falter slightly before she forced the smile back onto her face.

That's how it usually went. Beverly would say how she loved him and he would always respond with something along the lines of his latest response. He would only say it back sometimes and even then, Beverly felt like he didn't really mean it. The tone of his voice and the expression on his face...it just never felt genuine to her.

But of course he did, right? Why would they still be together if they hadn't?

"Now, let's go downstairs before we're accused of anything unholy," Chris joked, taking Beverly's hand and pulling her out the door. The couple headed downstairs, making their way into the kitchen where Karen Wheeler was. "Hey, Mom," Chris greeted.

"Hey, Chris," Mrs. Wheeler said before she noticed Beverly. "Bev, hey! How are you?" she asked happily. For some reason, Mrs. Wheeler loved Beverly...but not so much her mother, Lisa. Well, quite frankly, no one really liked Beverly's mother — everyone just pretended to since she was considered "up there" in Hawkins.

Beverly wondered if her deceased father, John Crawford, also pretended to like her when he was alive. Of course he had to, right? Maybe because Beverly wasn't too fond of her mother, she thought that everyone else wasn't.

Lisa wasn't a really good person, per se. She had Beverly with her father at around twenty two years old before they were even married. Because of the predicament, they were forced to marry by their parents, even though they weren't complaining since they were both in love.

About a few years after Beverly was born, her father was diagnosed with cancer. Beverly was extremely close to her father since her mother was very hard on her about her weight and "status" in school. But her father never cared — he just saw her as his little angel and she looked up to him like he was a superhero.

And then he died. Just like that. Leaving Beverly with her monster of a mother. Beverly didn't even know how someone like her father could fall in love with someone like her mother, but she guessed that maybe she was different in high school.

Almost right after her father died, Lisa remarried but kept the last name Crawford for Beverly's sake. The guy she married, Dave Williams, had money. Lots of it. Lisa was extremely materialistic so when her husband died, she was scared that their income wouldn't be the same as it was, so she had to think of something quick.

So, she flirted and flirted with all the rich guys around town until Dave fell for her tricks and married her in only two months of dating. Beverly wondered if her mom even liked Dave, but she guessed she couldn't complain since he would help feed and take care of them.

Beverly liked Dave, but she would never see him as her father. She didn't even know how long the marriage would last if Lisa had found a richer guy to marry.

So, yeah. That's the story of how Beverly grew up. Fun, right?

"I'm great, Mrs. Wheeler. Thanks for allowing me to come over," Beverly replied with a grin.

"I hope you two weren't doing anything dirty up there," Mrs. Wheeler teased, making Ted Wheeler choke on the water he was drinking.

"Mom!" Chris exclaimed as Beverly blushed. "We were just talking!"

"That's what they all say," Mrs. Wheeler said cheekily.

"Karen," Ted warned, his eyes wide through his glasses.

"I'm just joking, calm down," Mrs. Wheeler said as she playfully rolled her eyes.

Beverly laughed awkwardly, knowing that she and Chris would probably be doing something "dirty" if she and Ted weren't here. "Anyway, I was just about to leave," Beverly spoke up, pointing towards the door with her thumb.

"Well, I hope you had a nice time," Mrs. Wheeler said with a nod.

"I did," she replied.

"Want me to walk you out?" Chris asked as they both walked over toward the door.

Beverly shrugged. "No, it's fine. I think I can make it to my car without tripping over the sidewalk," she said, making Chris laugh. "I'll see tomorrow, babe." She planted a kiss on his cheek before she turned around, heading out.

However, she did almost trip on a buttload of twelve years olds on her way out. "She's got a stick up her butt," Dustin Henderson said and Beverly furrowed her brows, wondering who he was talking about.

"Yeah. It's because she's been dating that douchebag, Steve Harrington," Lucas Sinclair added, and Beverly immediately knew who he was talking about: Nancy Wheeler.

"Yeah, she's turning into a real jerk," Dustin said since the boys hadn't noticed her behind them yet.

"She's always been a real jerk," Mike Wheeler argued as the other boys, including Will Byers, hopped onto their bikes.

"I couldn't agree more," Beverly finally spoke up, causing all the boys to whip their heads around and stare at her. It wasn't a secret that all the boys held some sort of crush on the girl, seeing as though she was very pretty. Mike, however, gave her a confused look since she was literally dating Nancy's twin brother. "I'm just joking, Nancy is the best," Beverly said with a shrug.

It wasn't that she disliked Nancy, it was that she hated Steve. And since the two were some sort of "thing", then she had to go out of her way to annoy Nancy, since that would also annoy Steve. And her one goal was to always annoy Steve.

"H-Hey, Bev," Dustin stammered quickly and Beverly sent a wave in his direction. He then quickly cleared his throat, trying to hide the blush on his cheeks. "Yeah, she used to be cool. Like that time she dressed up as an elf for our Elder tree campaign," Dustin pointed out as he began to drive away from the house with Lucas.

"Four years ago!" Mike called out after them, causing Beverly to laugh quietly under her breath.

"Just saying!"


"It was a seven," Will spoke up since he hadn't drove away yet.

"Huh?" Mike said in confusion.

"The roll, it was a seven," Will clarified. "The Demogorgon, it got me. See you tomorrow." Will then drove away as the lights on the house flickered for a second.

"The Demogorgon? Are you guys still playing that stupid game?" Beverly asked Mike as she began walking over to her car.

"It's not stupid, and it's not just a game!" Mike shouted after her.

"Yeah, yeah," Beverly said over her shoulder, waving her hand.

She heard Mike groan behind her before he turned off the lights in the front of the house. She grinned to herself before she hopped in the car, driving back home.

authors note
so this is the first chapter!
i hope you enjoyed it so far and
don't worry, steve will be in the next
one. this chapter was mainly to show
bev and chris's relationship as a couple
together, and to describe her backstory
and whatnot. so hope you enjoyed nonetheless
