Beverly, Chris, Alicia, and Carmen all hopped into Carmen's car to follow Steve, Carol, and Tommy — since Nicole had ditched them — to the Fair Mart they were driving to. Alicia wasn't sure if it was a good idea, but both Chris and Beverly wanted to give Steve, and the others, a peace of their minds.

They four of them hopped out of the car to see Tommy give Steve some aspirin for his injury. His face was bleeding and it was starting to bruise profusely, almost his whole of the face swollen. Beverly would have to thank Jonathan for that later.

"Don't worry, he'll need more than aspirin when we're done with him," Tommy assured him as Steve placed a cold Coke can to his head.

"Yeah, if the creep ever gets out. The cops should just lock him up forever," Carol said.

"The cops should lock you guys up for vandalism," Beverly spoke up, walking towards the three of them.

They all looked over. "Excuse me?" Carol asked.

"You heard what she said, Carol," Chris responded with a pissed off look on his face.

"What the hell, Wheeler?" Tommy voiced, narrowing his eyes.

"Seriously, Tommy? You think I wasn't gonna be mad to see you call my sister a slut?" Chris queried with wide eyes, holding his arms out. "Why the fuck would you do that?"

"Because she is a slut, Chris. I mean, hooking up with Jonathan Byers? Come on, man," Tommy said with a chuckle.

"How do you even know they hooked up?" Chris questioned.

"They were in her bed together. Pretty incriminating if you ask me," Carol responded.

"You're just making assumptions for no reason!" Beverly exclaimed, finding it odd that Steve wasn't cutting into the conversation.

"That Byers guy deserves to be locked for being a creep, Beverly, so I think we did everyone a favor," Carol replied. "I mean, did you see the look on his face?"

She started to jokingly punch Tommy, making him laugh. "He probably had the same look whenever he killed his brother, right?" Tommy asked Steve, who ignored him.

"What the hell?" Alicia whispered to herself, looking at her friends in shock.

"Oh, God, I just got an image of him making that face while he and Nancy are screwing," Carol said to her boyfriend.

"What the fuck?" Chris exclaimed.

"Carol, for once your life, shut your damn mouth!" Steve finally spoke up, genuine anger in his voice.


"Hey, what's your problem, man?"

"You're both assholes. That's my problem," Steve told them and Beverly tilted her head in confusion, not expecting that to come out of his mouth.

"Are you serious right now, man?" Tommy questioned.

"Yeah, I'm serious." He got up from where he was sitting on his car, pushing past the Hagan boy. "You shouldn't have done that. She's Chris's sister for Christ's sake." Beverly and Chris glanced at each other since it seemed like Chris also wasn't expecting this outburst from his best friend.

"Done what?"

"You know what."

"You mean call her out for what she really is?" Tommy asked. "Oh, that's funny, because I don't remember you asking me to stop."

"I should've put that spray paint right down your throat," Steve told him, staring Tommy right in the face.

"Yeah, you should've," Chris spoke up, stepping closer to them.

"What the hell, guys?" Carol said.

"You know, neither of you ever cared about her. You never even liked her ,even though she's your friend's own sister, and it's because she's not miserable like you two!" Steve told them. "She actually cares about other people."

"The slut with a heart of gold," Carol bit back.

"Hey!" Chris shouted, stepping forward before Beverly held him back since she didn't want Tommy to step him and start fighting him.

"I told you to watch your mouth!" Steve snapped at the same time, pointing his finger right at Carol.

"Hey!" Tommy pushed Steve back against his car. "I don't know what's gotten into you, man, but you don't talk to her that way."

"Get out of my face," Steve pushed him back.

"Or what?" Tommy questioned, grabbing him by the collar and shoving him up against the car. "Or what? You gonna fight me now, too? Huh? You gonna fight me now, too? Because you couldn't take Jonathan Byers...so I wouldn't recommend that."

"It's funny that you're going through all this effort to defend your girlfriend when you literally cheated on her this past summer," Carmen spoke up, making Tommy push off of Steve.

"What the hell did you just say?" Tommy asked through clenched teeth, stepping toward Carmen threateningly.

Carmen also stepped forward, not even scared of the douchebag. "I said you cheated on Carol this past summer," she repeated before she looked at Carol, who's mouth was parted. "With me."

Alicia and Beverly looked at each other in shock, not knowing that had happened whatsoever. "What?" Carol spoke slowly, looking in between Tommy and Carmen.

"The slut is fuckin' lying, Carol!" Tommy told her, but he seemed to be guilty by his face and voice.

"Yeah, I may be a slut, but I'm not lying. He told me that you two were on a break, so I hooked up with him like I did with any other guy," Carmen started to explain, looking at everyone who seemed to be in shock. "He then tried reaching out to me some more since I'm a literal goddess at sex, but I found out that he was still seeing you, so I ghosted him. When I did, he came and found me, and forced me not to tell you what happened, so I didn't. I should have, though." She looked back at Tommy. "Since you're a fucking asshole," she said to him, fixing him a look. "Guess you know now."

Tommy licked his lips furiously, not knowing what to say. It seemed like Carol didn't know what to say either since her eyes were wide in disbelief.

"I'm gonna go clean that shit off the movie theater," Steve then spoke up since he wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.

"I'm coming with you," Chris said, walking over to his car as he glared at Tommy and Carol.

"Me, too," Beverly said and Chris gave her a look. "I'm going," she told him sternly and he nodded reluctantly. She turned to Carmen and Alicia. "Get out of here guys, before the police come find them or whatever. I'll call you once I'm home and everything's fine."

Carmen nodded, not seeming to be fazed by her prior confession whatsoever. "Let's go," she told Alicia and she nodded slowly, following Carmen. However, she quickly turned back and grabbed Beverly's arm before she left. "Also, I didn't tell you guys because I was embarrassed I had hooked up with Tommy H," she whispered.

Both Alicia and Beverly laughed quietly before Beverly hopped in the back of Steve's car and he drove off back to the movie theater with her and Chris.

authors note
this is pretty short
but i hope you guys enjoyed
it anyway. there's gonna be two
more chapters left in season 1 and
then we start going with season 2 yay!
