6. A Second Chance

6. A Second Chance

The abrupt silence from the Impala told me we were back at the motel. I'd let my eyes close for a while since nobody was up for conversation on the ride back. I grabbed my backpack before sliding out. I didn't even bother to properly say goodbye to the Winchesters, I went to the first door I saw. I peeped into the window. Darkness was what met me.

Smiling a bit, I went to the lock and began to work my magic. Finally, a bed, bathroom, maybe even some food. Someplace safe. Maybe this could be my new home for a while.


I stopped in mid-work to see Sam had found me. Dean was nowhere in sight, so he probably went back to their motel room.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting into my room," I said, my hands still frozen with my tools.

"Last time I checked, that's not a key." He approached me to crouch at my level. "I think it's time you confessed."

"What is there to say?" I refocused on the door handle.

"That you have nowhere to go."

I bit my lip. "Go away, Sam." I sighed heavily through my nose and stared at him after he closed his hands around mine, preventing me from doing further work. "You want an answer? Fine. I'm homeless, okay? I have nowhere to go. No friends to hang around with. I don't have family here. It's me, myself, and I."

"How long has this been going on?"

"Long enough. Now let me get this open."

"Dakota, it's not worth the trouble."

"Yes, it is. It's shelter. It's someplace warm. It's someplace I don't have to fight anyone else for. Now, let my hands free, or I'll bite yours. And you know I don't bluff about that."

Sam obeyed, but I let my hands drop into my lap. I sat back on my knees, seeing that even crouched, Sam was still taller than me, the freaking giant.

"Why haven't you gotten help for this?"

I laughed wryly. "Who would want to take in a homeless person, Sam? Nobody's that kindhearted anymore in today's world. Believe me, I've wanted the help. I can't get it from anyone. I don't trust people enough to do that."

"How much do you trust me?"

I threw my head back, exasperated. "Sam, no—"

"Let me talk, Dakota. Please." I blinked daringly at him. "We're friends, aren't we? Don't friends help each other out?"


"You need help, Dakota. Telling me that you don't is stupid." His tone remained gentle, like he was talking to me as though I was his daughter or something. "I know it's not the best offer for you. Truthfully, I don't want to make this offer either."

"Then why are you?"

"Because you need support. You don't have any."

"I don't think your brother is too keen on having me around."

"So what?"

I could hear Bobby's suggestion in my head. Just...just make the right choice, is all I'm saying. There are enough people who've gotten dragged into previous messes and got hurt or never lived to tell the tale. I'll be the first to tell you that none of us want any more blood on our hands. I hope to God I don't find you back here, Dakota. I just hope it.

"I already threw myself into danger," I told Sam. "I don't need to do that anymore."

"Let's be honest, Dakota. I don't think you have a choice in this, whether or not you want to tag along."

My brows scrunched together. "What do you mean?"

"You saw what went down today. Powerful, dangerous beings know your face now. They'll come after you."


"Because you were sighted with us. That's the unfortunate thing about this"—his eyes downcast—"you're now a new target, another player in this war we're in."

"War?" I tilted my head. "Oh...right. The angels and demons."

"I know it's not what you want to hear, but, I'd rather you be safe with us than on your own where you're way more vulnerable. It'd give me peace of mind, as much peace as I can get right now."

I chewed on my lower lip. I could feel the metaphorical angel and demon fighting on my shoulders. I should go with them. I shouldn't. I've had enough involvement with demons, I don't want any with more, or angels. But I could give them an extra set of legs. They could use more, I'm sure. Maybe they can help me home in some skills. But you won't fit in this world, you're lucky you're still alive in it.

"As soon as there's a way out of this, I'll take it," I conceded. "For now, I guess I'll accept your offer. And I know if I don't you'll do those puppy eyes and make me cave."

"I wouldn't have." He pretended to be offended.

"You would have so." I snorted. "Now, I don't know about you, but I'd like to break into this room and sleep. I'm not all for sleeping on your floor, let alone in one of the beds with either of you. I don't know either of you that well. And I don't think you two would like sharing a bed if I stole one."

"Yeah, not a good idea."

"So it's settled. I guess I'll be seeing you boys tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow, Dakota."

As Sam left, I finished my work with the lock and scrambled on inside. I found the light switch and saw the room was perfect: one bed, bathroom. I threw the backpack onto the bed and investigated the bathroom. It wasn't huge, but I didn't need a big space. As long as I got hot water and a towel or two to dry myself off with, I'd manage.

I stared into the mirror in the bathroom. I went from homeless to less homeless in about 24 hours. I shook my head.

Bobby was going to be awfully disappointed when he'd see me next. Maybe when I saw him again he'd understand why I chose to hang around.

* * *

I could tell the Winchester brothers weren't on good terms on the first day with them. Dean definitely wasn't happy about me sticking around. He took the development quietly when in my presence, but I knew at some point he had chewed Sam out for giving the offer to me. Oh well, it was my fault, really. I followed Sam back to this motel. If Dean wanted to be mad at someone, it should be me. I didn't think he had an issue with that, considering I felt an intense hatred radiate off him like body heat.

I didn't need him to like me, I needed him to tolerate me. I knew Sam would come to my aid when I would need him.

Dean wasn't the only one unenthused by the news. I'd gone back with the brothers to the hospital to check in on Bobby. He nearly beat me down verbally in front of the brothers. I could see the curse words churning in his brain. The man had a hell of a stink eye to give me.

Fast-forward two days, and we were back at the hospital. Dean had run off somewhere once we got in, so Sam and I had found Bobby's room. He'd been moved to a wheelchair now, having a baseball cap on his head, dressed in a bathrobe. Sam and I mutely looked at him from the doorway.

I couldn't imagine how Bobby felt, being condemned to that contraption. It couldn't be easy for him.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Dean come to us, a manila envelope in his hand.

"It's been like three days now?" Dean asked, briefly glancing in Bobby's direction. He kept his voice low. Sam only sighed in response. "We got to cheer him up. Maybe I'll give him a backrub."

"Dean," Sam said.

"Fine, we let Dakota give him one."

I gave Dean a disgusted look and was really tempted to flip him off. "Not exactly a mood lifter."

"Well, what, then?"

"Look," Sam started, "we might have to wrap our heads around the idea that Bobby might not just bounce back this time."

"What's in the envelope?" I asked Dean. X-RAY was printed in all capital letters across it.

"Went to radiology," he explained. He ripped open the envelope and pulled out the contents. "Got some glamour shots. Let's just say the doctors are baffled."

I stood beside Sam to look at the results. I made a hissing noise through my teeth as I saw the symbols all along the ribs. They were nothing that I could decipher. Hell, the doctors probably thought something was wrong with their machines.

"Holy crap," Sam uttered.

"Yeah, well, Cas carved you one, too."

"I'm glad I didn't ask for that," I said under my breath.

Sam's phone went off, and he answered almost immediately. "Hello?...Castiel?"

"Speak of the devil," Dean muttered.

"Ah, St. Martin's Hospital. Why? What are you—Cas?" Sam hung up his phone. We all looked at each other, confused.

My eyes happened to wander, all while someone told a doctor to report to the ER over the sound system. It wasn't too long until I found the familiar trench coat that was heading straight for us. He stopped at our trio, his eyes widened a little at seeing me.

"You're still around," Castiel noted.

"Yeah," I said, crossing my arms. "I'm here to stay."

"Cellphone, Cas?" Dean asked him. "Really? Since when do angels need to reach out and touch someone?"

"You're hidden from angels now—all angels. I won't be able to simply—"

"Enough foreplay," Bobby called from his room.

None of us moved. I turned my head to see Bobby looking over his shoulder.

"Get healing. Now," he demanded.

"I can't," said Castiel.

Bobby maneuvered the wheelchair around so he could face us all properly. "Say again?" His voice almost made it sound like he was daring Castiel to speak again.

"I'm cut off from heaven and much of heaven's power," the angel explained. He started to move into the room a bit. "Certain things I can do. Certain things I can't."

"You're telling me you lost your mojo just in time to get me stuck in this trap the rest of my life?"

"I'm sorry."

"Shove it up your ass." Bobby angrily turned himself back towards the window.

I could only shake my head. Poor Bobby. He definitely wasn't taking the news very well. Would anybody, really?

"At least he's talking now," Dean murmured.

"I heard that," Bobby said loudly.

Castiel came back to the three of us. "I don't have much time," he told us. "We need to talk."

"Okay," said Dean.

"Your plan to kill Lucifer."

"Yeah. You want to help?"

"No. It's foolish. It can't be done."

"Oh," I said absently. "Thanks for the support."

"But I believe I have the solution. There is someone besides Michael strong enough to take on Lucifer. Strong enough to stop the apocalypse."

"Who's that?" Sam asked.

"The one who resurrected me and put you on that airplane."

"Wait, what airplane?" I butted in.

Castiel completely ignored my question, as did the brothers. "The one who began everything. God."

The three of us became very skeptical. He's not saying what I think he's saying, is he?

"I'm gonna find God."

**It might be way too soon to start shipping (who am I kidding? You've been shipping since the first chapter) but I just love these two together, and it's only chapter 6.

The ship name came early on to me. Sakota. There's really not a lot to do with their names, but it has a nice ring to it after you say it long enough.**
