She Runs

Elsa POV

It's so weird how it always rains during funerals. Nobody had an umbrella- so we just stood in black.. getting drenched.

I don't think anyone really minded though. We were here to honor Ariel.

She died unnecessarily. Ariel and I weren't close, but it still hurt me when she died. We couldn't even give her a proper burial... we had to just bury her body in the dirt without a casket.

Everyone began to head inside, while I laid the last rose over the area we buried Ariel in.

Astrid POV

I sighed, quickly walking towards the kitchen to get a glass of water. Everything has been stressful. Jack and Rapunzel are gone- Ariel is dead- Everyone is sad- my boyfriend got another girl knocked up....

Life just sucks right about now. I haven't talked to Hiccup ever since I found out that he got Merida pregnant. He's tried to talk to me a couple times but it didn't work out very well for him.

I can't even look Merida in the eye without wanting to kill her, so I just avoid her all together. I sat on the stool by the large counter, setting my glass of water down, just staring at the door.

Suddenly the door opens and Hiccup walks in- looking slightly depressed. He shuts the door and faces me, being taken back by seeing me already looking at him. I quickly looked down at my glass of water, tapping the rim repeatedly with my long nails.

"Hey Astrid..." I hear him greet. I scoffed, ignoring him. He starts walking slowly and cautiously towards me.

"Astrid please just talk to me already," he pleaded. "Talk to you?" I muttered.

"Talk to you?!" I screech. "Talk to you after you cheated on me and got another girl pregnant? Not that it's important, but you got MERIDA pregnant. Merida!" I shout, tears starting to stream down my eyes.

He rushes towards me grabbing my hands and holding them tightly, and starts to massage circles on them.

"Astrid, I'm so sorry, listen-"

"No...I don't want to hear it. I should be beating you up right now," I mumbled, for some reason still letting him massage my hands.

"You said you chose me- you said you love me.... so why did you go back to her?" I asked, looking away from him. He suddenly came even closer to me, and pulled my face to look up at him.

"Astrid. I swear on everything I have- on my life. It was a mistake. We were both highly drunk after a beer competition. I was so drunk I don't even remember anything after taking that first sip. I only love you Astrid. It was a mistake," he mumbled.

"It was a mistake," he repeated again, wiping my tears away with his thumb. "You mean everything to me. I'm sorry I made you feel this way. You don't deserve this," he uttered.

I wrapped my arms around his waist, burying my head into his stomach, crying. "I'm sorry love... I'm so sorry..." he whispered.

Merida POV

I held tightly unto my travel bag, which I threw over my shoulder. I shut the door, after seeing Hiccup and Astrid in the kitchen, and hearing their conversation.

There is nowhere for me to stay here. I can't.

I began to walk past the yard, and I see Elsa from afar still by where we buried Ariel. She turned, noticing my presence and ran after me. "Mer, where are you going?" She asked, catching up to me.

"I'm leaving," I said blankly. She frowned, stopping me by standing in front of me. "Why? Mer you're pregnant. You're gonna need help," Elsa stated.

"I'll do fine on my own," I replied, trying to step in another direction to walk away from her. She quickly walked in front of me again, stopping me. "Mer, take a second to think about this!" Elsa exclaimed.

I stopped trying to walk away and faced her. "I did Elsa," I replied.

"Nothing you say will stop me from leaving, so just save your breath. We can say goodbye, or I can just walk away," I mumbled.

"You can't always run from your problems Mer," Elsa uttered. I sighed, and began to walk away from her. "Merida stop!" Elsa shouted. I ignored her cries.

"It's Hiccup's baby too!" she yelled.

Well he obviously doesn't want the baby.

She kept calling my name, not trying to run after me anymore. Then she finally stopped calling me as I kept going further and further away.

And this time I wasn't coming back.
