Ice Forts


"The sun is burning my skin off!" Elsa shouts, fanning herself with a big stick she recently picked up.

I rolled my eyes, continuing to walk down the trail. "This stick isn't helping," she mumbles, chucking it somewhere. I look down at my boots, sighing.

There is no way I'm catching feelings for someone so foolish.

"If only we could get Jack on our side- it was prophesied that he would be the one to destroy Pitch Black... we need to convert him Lex," Elsa states.

I hum, listening to her. "Isn't there anything, anything at all we can do to keep him trapped or something so I can talk to him without him trying to kill me?" She asks. I stop walking.

"Actually there might be something," I mumble. "It's the immobilizing powder," I start. She looks up at me, her eyes curious.

"It can keep someone contained and unable to do anything for days, maybe even can last a week long," I say. Elsa gasps, a bright smile appearing on her face.

"Thank God.... okay where is it? And how can we find Jack?" she asks.

"By now Jack is probably back at the compound, while Pitch's nightmares are looking for us. They wouldn't expect us to go back there, so that might be wise actually. And the powder is in the compound as well, and he needs to digest it, or breathe it in to be affected," I explain.

Elsa nods. "So we need to sneak into the compound, find the powder, either sneak it into a food or a drink Jack is going to have, or make him breathe it in?" Elsa asks.

"Yep," I reply. She smiles.

"Sounds like we have a plan."


Nightfall came by, and we stopped to rest in a small cave we found on our way to the compound. Elsa laid on the cold floor while I started a fire.

"If you want me to be honest, I'm scared," Elsa admits. I glance over at her. "Why? We're gonna kick butt," I state, slightly grinning.

"Everything ends horribly with Pitch. He's dangerous," Elsa whispers. I sigh. "You don't need to be scared. It's not like I'm gonna let anything happen to you anyway. You're too weak to be left alone," I state.

She lets out a weak chuckle. "When I first met you, you just pissed me off. But now, you're pretty cool to be around... and now we're friends. I would of never thought," she mumbled.

"You're still just as annoying," I mention. She giggles. "I'm not annoying," she argues, sitting up. "You are literally the embodiment of the word annoying," I chuckle. She gets up and shoves me, rolling her eyes.

"I'm not even that much trouble, you're doing too much," she mutters. I grin. "You wanna test out your powers?" I ask. "We won't continue our journey until morning, and if you're not tired we can just play around," I state.

She smiles. She runs out into the dark night and waits for me to catch up. "Can we go up there?" she asks, pointing up to the high hill. I nod. She squeals in delight, and runs up to the hill. "Okay um... I'm still not great at controlling this," she warns. I shrug.

Her hands start to glow bright blue and she shuts her eyes. She starts then spraying ice all over the ground, and building some sort of foundation. "This is so cool!" she shouts in excitement.

I snort in a laugh. Nerd.

She starts creating some sort of building. "What the heck are you doing?" I ask her curiously. "I'm trying to build a fort!" She shouts.

I squint. "That looks too nice to be a fort," I comment. "Well, then a really fancy fort," she says, laughing. I go back into the cave to blow out the fire I left burning.

I go to take the fire out, but first kneel in front of it, rubbing my hands together and letting out a big breath of air.

Keep yourself together. She's not that cute.

Plus, she's still in love with that geek face of a loser that decided he wanted a taste of the darkness.

Just forget about it.

I stay there for a long while, trying to regain my composure, and gather my thoughts.

I sigh, leaving the cave to see how Elsa's fort was going. Then my jaw drops in shock.

"What the-" I whisper.

"You built a whole dang extravagant castle in thirty minutes... Who are you?!" I shout. She laughs. "I didn't even know I could do this... and I'm able to go inside- the ice is actually stable," she informs.

"Dang Elsa," I utter. "Welcome to my humble abode- you can stay as long as you like," she said, waving her hands toward the castle she just built.

The smile on her face stretched father than I've ever seen.

I chuckle, going up the hill and going inside her castle.

It was beautiful, and I honestly had never seen anything like it. The ice was glimmering, and it was even in different shades of blue. "Elsa you really should make two ice beds for us to sleep on. It's better than that cave," I suggest.

She squeals happily. "Yes!" she shouts. I grin. "I haven't seen you this happy before," I comment. She stops jumping around and holds her arm nervously.

"Yea- I just haven't done anything like this before. I wish I could show Jack," she says, looking around the castle happily.

"Well- you can. After we immobilize him let's bring him here as a hostage," I state.

She nods. "You just keep coming up with great ideas today," she utters. "But we have to leave in the morning, seriously. We have a long way to go- and we have to go past the cliffs," I say.

She groans. "Dang- the cliff way is such a long route," she whines. I shrug. "Make the beds so we can go to sleep," I utter.

She rolls her eyes.

Tomorrow is a new day.
