Extra Complications

Jack POV

Me and Ariel finally got back to the house, after walking around for awhile. I ditched my date with Elsa.....

And went out with Ariel.

I'm sure she's not happy about that.....


I ran my fingers through my hair, exhaling a deep breath. "Are you alright Jack?" Ariel asked. I nodded. "Yea, I'm fine," I whispered.

But I really wasn't. I just messed things up with Elsa again I'm sure. I really over reacted with the necklace thing...

I sat by the kitchen counter, tugging on my hair. Ariel sat next to me, staring at me. "Whatever it is...you can tell me," she said, her voice softer. She's been acting weird today. Like extremely extremely nice.

It was kind of weird, but I just went along with it. "I'm fine Ariel, just let it go," I mumbled. She then put her hand on my arm, making me look at her. She stared at me for some time, and that's when she did it.

She freaking kissed me.




I heard footsteps, and something drop.

I pushed Ariel away, and looked to the basement door, seeing Merida watching us with her eyes wide.

"What the heck Ariel!" I shouted. "I'm sorry, I didn't know I couldn't do that!" Ariel exclaimed. "I have a girlfriend!" I shouted.

"I thought you guys broke up....you got back together?" Ariel asked. "Yes! We did!" I yelled, extremely frustrated. "Mer, it's not what it looks like-"

"Just shut up Frost," Merida seethed.

"I didn't know she was going to do that!" I exclaimed. Merida picked up her phone that she dropped, and glared. "I'll let you tell Elsa by yourself. But if you don't soon, I will," Merida stated.

I looked at Ariel, and I have to say- I was totally pissed.

"I'll go," she uttered. She got up, and quickly walked upstairs. Now I'm in an even bigger mess than before.

I'll tell Elsa, but first I have to clear up the whole ditching date thing.

I heard more footsteps come up from the basement, and I saw Elsa and Rapunzel come upstairs, while talking.

Elsa saw me and stopped, while her breath hitched. "Um hey Els," I said softly. "Hey," Elsa whispered. I glanced at Merida, who was glaring daggers at me.

"Elsa, can we talk upstairs- please?" I asked. She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and cleared her throat. "I don't really wanna talk to you right now," she stated.

I sighed. "Please..." I begged. Her expression was as if she was in conflict with saying yes or no. I walked over to her and held her hand, then led her upstairs to my room.

I shut the door and let out a huge breath of air. Don't mess this up Jack.

I sat on my bed, and Elsa sat next to me, waiting to hear what I had to say.

"I'm sorry Elsa," I mumbled. "I know what I did hurt you, and I shouldn't of had done it," I said. "I over reacted with the necklace....and I know you were looking forward to our date.....I'm just screwed up and I try to be the best for you," I admitted.

Elsa sighed, and touched my cheek with her palm. "You're not screwed up, not at all," she whispered, her eyes wandering to every part of my face.

"I just don't like that you used her to get to me...especially when you know I get jealous Jack," she said softly. I could see the hurt in her eyes, and she removed her hand from my face.

I grabbed her hand before it fell to her side, and I placed it on my cheek again. "I know- that was a really douche move. You didn't deserve that. I love you and I'm sorry," I said.

She smiled lightly, and kissed my cheek. "I love you too, and apology accepted," she said, as I smiled back.

I'll tell her about the kiss a different time, I just need to get her to know how much I love her first, so she doesn't think I'm some cheater.

Elsa stretched out like a kitten, laying on my bed. "I'm so tired," she mumbled, closing her eyes. "Then you should sleep princess," I uttered, playing with her hair.

She shook her head. Me, Merida, and Rapunzel are about to watch a movie," she informed. She got up to her feet, kissed my cheek, and walked out of the room.

Merida POV

I swear on everything, if Jack doesn't tell her soon, I will end him. I frowned as I poured in the chocolate mix for Elsa's drink.

I heard footsteps coming in from behind me, and I turned around, seeing Hiccup and Astrid strut in.

They walked in and immediately noticed me. "Oh hey Merida," Astrid greeted. I gave a light wave. "Hey," I muttered turning back continuing to make the drinks.

The were talking and sat down at the living room table, and I let out a sigh. When will it stop hurting? Well at least I've stopped lashing out- and that's an improvement.

Elsa ran down the stairs and came up to me. "Why is it taking you so long, jeez!" Elsa exclaimed, glancing over my shoulder and taking her drink from me.

Because I'm pissed and all I can think about it Jack and Ariel locking lips.

Elsa turned around seeing Astrid and Hiccup laughing and talking. She sighed and glanced back at me. "That must be hard," she mumbled. "Honestly, that's not even what my mind is on right now," I admitted.

"Did you and Jack sort things out?" I asked. She nodded, smiling deeply like she was love struck. "He's amazing," she whispered to herself.

Welp, that means he didn't tell her.

Okay so a few things will be changing in the future chapters, and I'm just letting you guys know now.

Don't get mad at the changes too.😶please😅

~ moi
