
*Moments after Pitch's message*

Jack POV

The screen shuts off, and we are all silent.

"Well. Now I know I'm dying tomorrow," Rapunzel states, throwing her arms up in the air. "Goodbye everyone, tomorrow will be my last day alive!" she shouts.

"Punz, this isn't funny," Elsa states.

"You think I'm laughing? I'm terrified!" she shouts. "Pitch already hates me, I'll be the first one dead!" she adds.

"No, I'll probably be the first one dead," Anna intercedes.

"Um, I'm pretty sure, I'll be the first one dead," Eritrea says.

"Okay, let's stop talking about who will be the first to die, and let's do something to prepare," North's voice booms.

Elsa coughs. "I for one, think-"

she suddenly stops talking, and almost instantly plummets to the ground.

"What the heck is going on?!?!" Astrid shouts.

"Elsa?!" I shout. I pick her up, and shake her.

"What happened?!" Anna asks, limping over to Elsa.

"I don't know," I say.

North and Tooth rush over.

Suddenly Elsa starts mumbling. I can't make out what she's saying, but she starts crying.

"Elsa, wake up!" Tooth shouts, shaking her. "These are stressful times," North says.

"I can't even keep a clear head. There is too much going on.. everything needs to slow down," Hiccup utters.

Lex walks over, and checks for a pulse.

"If Pitch is messing with her and gives her amnesia again, I swear-"

"Why would he do this again now? And why would he do it only to Elsa?" I ask.

I begin to get frustrated. "Elsa, wake up!" I shout. "Why did she just collapse?" Rapunzel asks.

"We're trying to figure that out!" I snap.

"She isn't responding," Astrid says, tears running down her eyes. Everyone just starts talking and shouting out random things, everyone going into hysteria.

"Everyone calm down!" North shouts.

No one listens.

I don't blame anybody. We all could die tomorrow and one of our friends just collapsed, again.

"Can you guys just please shut up?" a small voice chimes from below. I look down seeing Elsa now up, rolling her eyes.

Everyone shuts up.

"I'm fine, dang," she states.

"What happened?" I ask her.

"Sia reached out to me. You know... since she has mind powers and all that," she says.

I frown. What the?

"Sia? The one who gave Mer elixir?" Hiccup asks.

She nods.

He jumps up. "What did she say? Does she know who survived?" he asks, his eyes wide.

"No... she doesn't know yet. She just wanted to make sure I was okay," she says guiltily.

Hiccup, looking defeated, sits down disappointedly. "Let's focus on what we need to do tomorrow. Jack, you have to prepare the most... Pitch will come after you the most. You're destined to destroy him," Elsa says.

I nod. "Yea, I really need to prepare. I'm extremely rusty," he says. "Yes.. we know," Lex says, rolling his eyes.

Lex really needs to shut up.


"Okay, form a snowflake," Elsa tells me. We are standing outside the workshop, trying to work on my powers.

"Alright," I say. I figure a snowflake in my mind, and flick my hand, creating the same snowflake which is hovering over my palm.

Elsa smiles. "That's a really pretty flake," she says chuckling. "I know. I can make better ones than you," I tease, making her cross her arms.

"You definitely cannot," she retorts. I shrug. "Whatever you want to believe. It doesn't change the truth though," I say, a light smirk popping on my face.

She rolls her eyes. "Whateverrrr Jack! Okay, make a snowball," she tells me. "Remember, it all comes from your head," she tells me. I nod.

I picture a snowball in my mind, and make a mega sized snowball.

She grins. "Nice! Now, create an ice dolphin," she tells me.

I try to make one, and it turns out to be a panda. Elsa squints at me. "What the heck Jack," she utters.

"What? A pandas are better than dolphins," I explain, chuckling.

She face palms, and laughs. "You're so cute," she says, still giggling. "You're cuter," I reply, walking towards her.

"Yo, before you create another baby, North needs you inside," Hiccup says, making me chuckle.

We go inside, and everyone is waiting on North to speak. "Get ready to leave. In ten minutes we will start the journey to the compound," he says.

I frown. "Why so early?" I ask.

"The journey is a day and a few hours worth away. We need to leave as soon as possible," he says.

Shoot. It's getting even closer to my death.
