Angel ( Final Chapter )

Elsa POV

My eyes are sore and my body feels beat down. Now that we all were safe and back in the house we originally stayed at, I am lying on my bed watching Anna rock my baby.

"She's beautiful Els," Anna compliments.

"I know.." I whisper.

She then glances at my face. "Elsa... I'm so sorry..." she utters, staring at me with a very sad expression.

I don't answer her, and stare at the wall in front of me.

I don't know what to say, do...

I don't know how this can be real.

I feel completely numb, and just dead inside.

"I know you feel horrible. But look at your daughter," she says. My eyes turn to the precious babe Anna was currently holding tightly to her chest.

"Out of all the horrible things that took place earlier... a miracle took place too," she says, handing me my baby.

Tears well in my eyes as I stare into her sleeping face.

"You're completely glorious," I whisper to her, touching her white blonde hair.

She turns in my arms, and yawns. "I'll be here... always. I won't go anywhere my love," I tell her.

"You are the world to me, baby girl. You're such an Angel," I continue, admiring her completely adorable figure.

Anna comes in closer, playing with her fingers.

"Angel," I say suddenly.

Anna looks at me.

"Her name is Angel," I conclude. Anna smiles. "Hi Angel," she whispers.

"You're one special kid."


Jack POV

I glance at Hiccup, panting excessively.

"Hey, you alright?" I shout.

He groans, trying to sit up.

Thank God for snow globes.

"Where are we anyway?" he asks.

I glance around the area. We are in some dark room, which was very.. very big.

It seemed like some kinda prison however, seeing the dark grey metal bars that is currently forbidding us from going any further.

"I don't know," I reply.

I groan. "We need to get out of here. They all probably think we are dead- and my kid was just born!" I shout.

"But how? We don't even know what this place is, and we have no more portals," he replies.

I sigh.

Anger rises in me and I slam my fist on the cold wall.

"God!" I shout.

Hiccup slowly slumps to the ground, looking drained.

"All I know is that we have to get out." he says.
