9 - just like old times

I sigh eating my Cereal......mom's always gone......I'm always fighting with Kanato, Chase is in America,  My cousin is in Japan and I'm in (c/n) *Country Name* I hear a laud groan
Coming down the stairs

"Morning?" I ask looking at an annoyed Kanato

"Shut up, I'm not in the mood for you" he says grabbing cereal

"Great....." I say sadly

I finished eating and put my bowl in the sink. I started walking over to the counter where my phone was.

"Hey let's play a game" Kanato says suddenly happy.

"I thought you weren't in the mood for me" I say sarcastically

"I'm not but I'm alone" he says

"Well talk to you're stupid bear!" I snap

His face became dark and he started walking over to me

"What did you say about Teddy?!" He asked glaring daggers at me.

I didn't move and gave him the same look "you heard me" I say through gritted teeth

He suddenly pushed me to the wall. And slapped my face making me fall. I stood up angrily and punched him as hard as I could making him fall into the counter. Teddy fell to the ground as Kanato pushed me again making me kick him, he got back up and pinned me to the wall making me close an eye. He was holding me from behind, his left hand holding my left hand behind me while his other hand held mine next to my head. I felt his breath against my neck. He purred making shivers go up and down my body. I felt his lips brush my nape making a very small moan escape me. He didn't seam to hear it, he then kissed the side of my nape making me shut my eyes tightly......'this feels so right but it's so wrong!' I say in my head.

He licked the same spot he had kissed and suddenly I felt something sharp enter my nape, I screamed in pain as the pain ran through my body. *Kanato fully bit you now.* I didn't move out of fear of the two sharp object might cut my nape. I felt the pain go away as my energy went low. He licked the places where the sharp object were.

"You're so good (y/n)-chan" he purred letting me go

I fell to my knees as I heard him walk away, I growled at my spinning head. I fell on the floor falling asleep......

-A couple of hours later-

I woke up still on the ground, my vision felt like it was 100% better. But that lasted only a couple seconds before I blinked and it went back to normal......I stood up trying to process everything. Once I did I felt the need to murder Kanato. I growled seeing him on the cauch hugging his stupid bear.

"You son of a-" I start saying but he cut me off

"She's can't control her tough can she Teddy?" He asked his stupid bear

"Sit head" I say walking over to him an grabbing his shirt

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?" I ask yelling at him. He chuckled before pushing me on the other end of the cauch and getting on top of me making me blush

"I could show you again" he purred leaning into my neck

I placed my Hands on his chest and slightly pushed him, he laughed at me and laid down on the other end of the couch while watching TV. I looked at him like he was a psycho which he was......before turning to the TV and seeing what was on......'Twilight' we watched the movie together....in the middle of the movie we somehow got next to each other, he was holding me while laying down and I was laying down on his lap....I was comfy so we stayed like that.....everything was normal until.....the dirty part came on. I blushed knowing I was sitting between Kanato's thighs. He starts rubbing my hand as we watch the seen awkwardly. Kanato stood up and walked away, I remained and watched the movie until the end. Afterwards I went on with my day.....

I was walking up to my room when Kanato pushed my shoulder so I fell...I didn't want to fight with him now so I got up and walked past him, his eyes were wide as I walked into my room.

-Time skip to the 2 Day of school 'cause I'm lazy-

I had just left my 3rd class, next up is my favourite class where I can stare at Chase and not pay attention to the stupid teacher.

I was in the Hallway when I fell over something, my face hit the ground and I heard any students laughing

"Finally found you're place (l/n)??" Said a well known voice

"No I found you're Parents!" I yell getting up

"I vote on my Kanato"

"I vote the boy"

"Idiots, my vote is going to (y/n)"

"I agree (y/n) can be a really bad girl"

All the students were voting on who the winner was going to be.

Kanato kicked my in inhumane speed sending me flying back. I stood up and charged at him, he tried dodging but I made a sharp turn and put my hand on his head as he fell down. I started punching him, he got up and held me bridal style making people 'awww' he made a disgusted face and threw me, I landed on my side, I hissed as he approached me, I grabbed his leg and pulled it making him fall

I stood on top of him and started scratching and punching him, he pulled my hair so I fell backwards, he got on top of me holding me by my hair, he slapped me again and again, it wasn't hard but it did sting. I kicked him so he fell his face nearly touched mine but he quickly moved, I pushed him off of me and got onto his back, I pulled his hair the way he pulled mine and started punching his back, he grabbed me and turned over, I fell when he did, he grabbed my neck and started saueezing it. I was in the middle of him and the wall so moving wasn't a choice, my vision got blurry so his grip got looser, once on did I grabbed his hands and kicked him away, we both barely stood up, I was about to fall again when a pair of Hands grabbed me, I looked up to see Chase! My saviour! He lifted me up and flipped Kanato off before walking away to the nurses office......
