11 - midnight Tree

You're Pov.

I woke up the next morning.....I usually get up angry or happy but now I was just scared......I opened my eyes and saw Kanato sleeping, his face was close to mine so I felt his breath......he looked so peaceful, I snapped out of my trance feeling something heavy around my Waist, I lifted the covers to see Kanato's hand I started turning red seeing my shirt lifted just under my breast. His cold hand suddenly gripped my waist and pulled me to him. I looked up to see him awake smirking at me.

I gulped as he opened his mouth

"Something wrong?" He asked using an innocent tone

"N-No.....You're hand is cold though" I say touching his hand.

He turned red and removed his hand. He got up and stretched before walking to the Bathroom that was connected to my room.

I sighed and got up......I got out of the bed and pulled out my Uniform from my Closet. I looked in the mirror and started undressing myself, I put a purple bra on that went perfectly with my black panties *I'm sorry I don't know why I added that (>.<)*

I turned to look at the bruise my Father had given me...I touched it. I stopped when I heard the Door to the Bathroom open. I ran over to it and shut it hearing Kanato fall over and yell out 'HEY!!'

"SHUT UP I'M GETTING DRESSED!!" I yell back getting silence as a response I turned around and grabbed the dark blue Uniform. After I put it on I turned around to see Kanato dressed in his Uniform smirking at me.

"WHAT- HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN THERE?!" I yell turning 50 shades of red

"Long enough to enjoy the view" he said laughing

"PERVERT!" I yell.

Suddenly I heard something heavy fall. I ran to the door opening it and sprinting downstairs to see my Mother standing up. I ran over to her and helped her up

"Mom?! What happened??" I ask helping her stand up

"Nothing darling, I slipped on some water" she said smiling at me

I nod and walked over to my bowl of cereal. I felt a hand brush my hair, I turned around to see my Mother

"You have such beautiful hair" she panted playfully

"Why thank you m'lady" I say laughing.

-Time skip to School-

I finished my first class, English. And was heading towards my 2nd class, Math.....I got there and entered the class to see Mr M&M.....yes he was still alive, the ass.......

"AHHH miss (y/n) decided to s-" he started saying  but I cut him off

"Not in the mood M&M" I say waving my hand around. I walk to my seat and sit down. I look out of the window but turn feeling a hand on my shoulder

"May I sit here?" Chase asked with a smile

"U-Uhhh y-yes" I say stuttering.

He sat next to me and whispered to me "I'm sorry for what happened yesterday"

"I-It's o-ok" I stutter

-after class-

I was walking out when I felt a hand on my shoulder before I get pulled into a classroom with no one in it

"WHY WERE YOU SITTING NEXT TO THAT FUCK?!" Kanato yelled pinning me to the wall

"Kanato????" I ask getting a growl in return

"Anwser Me!!" He yelled making my body shiver.


"NO! YOU CAN ONLY SIT NEXT TO ME!" he yelled gripping my waist hard


Without knowing we were very close to eachother, Kanato was shouting a comeback at me when the bell ringed.
I sighed and looked at Kanato as he walked off.

-after school since I'm not in the mood to write anything else in school.....-

"Fuck off already" I say to Knato

"Why should I follow you're lead??" He asks crossing his arms

"Ugh!" I yell.

I juped on Kanato and threw his jacket off

"What are y-?!" He started asking

"Shut up" I say in a sexy tone.

I lowered myself and pinned his hands to his side, I then bit his neck the way he did to me, he made a small moan making me want to have him more.....I bit harder before moving to another place on his neck and biting again.

"See....it hurts" I say looking at him

He placed his hands on my waist and pushed me off

"People are so disgusting" he says

"Vamps aren't any better" I say drinking some water

We both continued doing our Homework.

-At Dinner-

I got up from my chair "I'm going to the midnight tree....." I say sadly.

My mother nodded "be back before 7" she says as I opened the door

I nodded and left........


I was walking up the hill to the Midnight tree, I named a big tree on a Hill 'the midnight tree' since My Unkle had died around that place at midnight, I was very close to my Unkle so hearing he had died made me sick.

I had nearly reached it when I heard someone growl and then I felt something touch me. I jumped up and fell face first on the ground, I looked up to see Kanato laughing his ass off.

"You ass!" I yell getting up

"Haha sorry hahaha that was funny as hell" he laughs

"NO IT'S COLD AS HELL" I yell placing my hands on my self trying to warm up.

Kanato walked next to me and placed his hand on mine, he pulled me to the tree and sat next to it, I did the same and he he's hands in front of me, I gave him a curious look and suddenly purple flames came out of his hands
I looked at him in amazement.......he smiled as I warmed up, later I told him about my Unkle and the tree.
I loved talking to him.....he could be so nice....
We looked into each others eyes and without words knew what we were thinking.......Kanato started leaning in, I did the same closing my eyes

His warm lips touched mine and we started moving in sync. He placed his hands on my waist pulling me closer, I smiled and played with his hair, he placed me on the Grass and Kissed me harder, I raised my leg putting it on his thigh, we stopped when there were many sounds of police cars around us, Kanato got off of me and pulled me up, I blushed as a Policeman appeared

"What are you Kid's doing here at this Hour? Don't you know there's a murderer on the loose?! C'mon we have to get you Home." He said and we drove back home, all the way I was a blushing mess while Kanato was just normal

When we arrived home my mother was already outside

"You 2! Inside, room. NOW" she said and I ran with Kanato inside

"I'm so dead" I say.

Just as I said that Kanato pushed me to the Bed and got on top of me

"Don't think you're getting away with Kissing me and making me desire you're blood" he said making me blush.....

(So.....?? What did you think?? I wasn't sure if I should but......Lemon? Yes? No? Comment it and I'll see which one has more votes!! Ok byeeee~!)
