15 - you're scared

~Tuesday Afternoon~
You're Pov.

Kanato hasn't been acting normally since the Doctor incident, he's nearly always alone and me never really eats. He only talks to me when I walk out of my room and down stairs and that's to ask me where I'm going.....I've stayed in my mom's room a couple of times.....Just to smell her perfume and pretending she was here, scolding me.....I haven't gone to school and neither has Kanato...

I was getting so alone so I decided on talking to Kanato, I walked to my room and opened the door to find out Kanato was in the Bathroom taking a shower. I sighed angrily and opened the door to the bathroom. I then walked over to the shower and pulled open the door only to get splashed by cold as hell water. "KANATO!!" I exclaim.

"Huh Y/n?? What are you doing here??" He asks in an angry voice while turning the water off.

"I'm alone and now need a shower!" I say quickly stripping myself and entering the shower while closing the door. I quickly put warm-ish water on and put the water on me "ahhh that's better....."

"Ugh I'm getting out" he says slightly opening to door only for men to close it "hey-!" He tries to slap my hand away but then I realise something....

"Kanato!" I gasp pinning him to the wall and looking down at his now bloody hands and stomach "what h-" I say only above a whisper getting a chuckle from him.

"Don't bother. I know you already know what this is.....It's blood....Blood of the people I killed and drank the blood from" he smirks leaning in to my neck.

I quickly pin him to the wall, his face softened when he saw how angry I looked "Kanato. Promise me you'll NEVER suck another person's blood" I order.

He looks at me angrily before sighing "fine" he smirks.

I smile and start helping him wash his body while he helped me, again no touching was involved.

As I was cooking in the kitchen I heard the doorbell ring. I stopped humming a random song and ran over to the door to see three police officers.

I opened the door to see a blonde girl and two males "Hello officers, may I help you?"

"We hoped you could. Y/n L/n?"

"Yes" I confirmed.

"May we come in?" The woman asked nicely.

I nod and open the door so they could come in. We all sat down in the living room.

"You must be wondering why are these old guys here?" One of the older men says with a chuckle.

"Actually I was wondering why you guys smell so bad but that works to" I say making them laugh.

"Oh yeah we're sorry about that. We've had quite the day" the woman says with a sweet smile.

"Anyway all jokes aside. We are here because it has come to our concern of you being 18 and living on you're own. Normally this wouldn't be a problem but taking note of what you have and are going through this isn't the best life......Alone-" one of the younger males starts saying but I cut him off quickly.

"I don't live alone actually. I live with my boyfriend, he's 19......" I explain.

"Oh. M-" The woman gets cut off when the smell of something burning comes to her nose.

"OH NO THE PIZZA!" I exclaim running to the kitchen and stopping the stove. I sigh and get the Pizza out.....Hey it actually looked good!

I put the Pizza on a plate and walked back to the living room.

"Sorry officers. Nothing bad happened" I smile happily.

"Right. As I was saying we can't do nothing and let you're life end up so hard like this so....." The woman looks to the other officer as if there was a surprise waiting for me.

"We have someone that is very happy to stay here and take care of you. He will be arriving tomorrow. Now if you will excuse us we have to leave. Good day" the younger male said before they all left.

'Who's coming.....?' I ask myself before the front door opened and Kanato entered the house.

"Hey. Why was the Police here?" He asks letting the shopping bags down.

"Apparently the town police don't think we can take it alone so someone is coming over tomorrow...." I shrug.

"Do you know who it is??" He asks.

"Nope...." I say walking over to him and grabbing the shopping bags.

"Wait" he says making me drop the bags.

"What-" I'm cut off when he hugs me and kisses my cheek.

"Love you" he blushes.

"Hehe" I smirk bitting his neck.
                         Slight lemon
He remains still before pinning me against the wall and kissing me. The kiss was very lustful and romantic as his hands went under my shirt and they played with my bra.

I moan his name turning him even more on. He kisses and sucks on my neck until he reaches my special spot making me moan louder "louder" he says caressing my inner thigh with his left had while his right hand rips my bra and plays with my breast WHILE kissing my neck.
-hash tag multitasking XD-
I was already a morning mess while he was just enjoying this all. I push him to the ground and got on top of him remembering to kiss and bite his neck while my hands played with his chest. "Damn I want you" he moans "I know" I moan. He turns me over so he was on top and kisses me hard while removing my jeans. His hand slipped in my panties and he rubbed my clint making me moan louder than before. He smirks and enters a finger, I gasp and moan while grabbing his shirt tightly. He kept adding more and more fingers while pumping in and out. After I climaxed he removed his fingers letting me catch my breath. I stood up on my knees so I could take his shirt off. Once I did I started removing his jeans. He laid down so I could do so, when I did I saw a big tent in his boxers. I removed his boxers and didn't take another second before putting his member in my mouth. He moaned and gripped the carpet hard as I pumped my head up and down until he climaxed. Once we were done I looked him in the eyes before leaning in and giving him a loving kiss

Lemon over.

"you're scared" he said pulling my body closer to his. I slowly nod as he kisses my cheek. He grabbed me bridal style and carried me to my room and slowly placed me on the bed. He then got in bed with me and pulled the covers over us, keeping me close to his body so I was warm....I sighed sadly and closed my eyes.


The sound of a doorbell constantly being rang on woke me up. I groaned and stood up, Kanato's had which was around my chest fell down and hit the mattress making him wake up.

He groaned and opened his eyes.
"Morning K-" I smile but he cuts me off.

"No, it's too early for morning- AND ANWSER THE DAMN DOORBELL!" He snaps angrily.

"Naked?" I smirk. Kanato shot up and smirked aswell.

I covered myself up and blushed madly "p-perv!"

"Whatever you say honey" he kisses my cheek making butterflies in my stomach.

Suddenly I get transported in front of the door. My eyes widen 'Kanato!!!' I ran to the livingroom and grabbed the clothes that were there. To get on Kanato's nerves I put on his shirt....It was really comfy and fancy.

I threw the clothes in a corner before running to the door and opening it to a police man and........'W-What......'

Find out in the next chapter! Also I want you guys to GUESS who it is! We'll see who's right.....^-^/ bye!
