5 - Kanato

That same day Kanato and I had another fight, it was a comeback fight of course so I didn't get hurt.

-3 years later-

Kanato left school 3 years ago.....I honestly miss hum but not to much, I easily forget him oh and I dated this guy Named Chase, he ended things though, I cried allot.....he's been trying to talk to me but I always ignored him.

I was home resting on my bed. My phone rang.......Mom

"Hey mom" I say not feeling like talking to her

"Hey Honey! So I need you to go to that Farmacy again......." she says

"Oh well ok......" I say

"Okay baby, Love you bye!" She says before we both hung up

I got to the Woods......I was walking around. I stopped to admire the beautiful sky.......I looked down feeling something weird on my shoes, it was summer so I was wearing those really thin shoes that you can feel anything through......SUMMER BREAK JUST STARTED AND I WAS PLANNING ON HAVING PARTY'S EVERYDAY! But I didn't.......so anyway

I looked down to see a really dark substance, I touched it, it was like water only a dark red colour. I smelled it.......my eyes widen at the smell of blood, I knew it was blood since my mom would teach me stuff like that. I looked around to find a trail of it.

I ran after the trail only to see a boy on the ground.

"HELLO?? ARE YOU OK??" I yelled running towards the person, My eyes widen when I saw who it was.....

"K-Kanato??" I grab Kanato's body, I put his hand over my shoulder, holding his waist I made my way to the Hospital.

My mother took care of him.......I didn't leave his room. I was waiting for him to wake up......he looked so handsome for some reason.....his hair had grown, his body looked more manly and he wasn't that skinny anymore.....or so I hopped, I looked at Teddy, I saw he was dirty as hell. I grabbed him and went to the washroom to clean him.

I walked back with Teddy all cleaned up. I entered the room.....Kanato was still sleeping. I walked over to him and look at his face......'WHAT? I could've sworn his face was bruised... hmm.....' I say in my head......I looke at him again and my eyes landed on his lips.....they looked so dry.....

I put Teddy on the other side of him and left. I sat on a chair and fell asleep. My feet were on one side of the chair while my back was against the other, my head was on a small pillow.

"(Y/n)??? Is that......you?" I hear a voice ask, I stirr awake, I start streching my hands but fell in the process.

"Awww shit......" I say rubbing my head

"YUP deffinetly (y/n). Where am I? And why are YOU here?" The voice asks. I look up and saw Kanato wide awake looking at me. Dam his voice had gotten so deep and....Hot...

"HUH I get you here and all you have to say is 'why are you here'?? Honestly....." I say annoyed while standing up

"Just tell me where I am, Idiot!" He shouts at me.....well he shouted in a low voice

"Ass! Why am I not surprised you're attitude didn't change? Anyway, you're at a Hospital. I got you here, you were really.....umm...." I say trying to find the right words

"....aha....ouch shit!" He yells falling back onto the Bed

I rush over to him "what happened?" I ask worried

"MAKE IT STOP!!" he yells. He made a pained expression, he looks up, and I can see his Veins, I pull the sheets off him, I see that his stomach was bleeding, the Hospital was really busy so I had to do it myself

I cringed knowing he was only in the  Hospital robe he had on, I took the upper part off, I left the under part covered, the scratch he had across his stomach was bleeding, I unstiched it, the hard part was that he was moving and yelling in pain. I managed to bandage him up. I gave him a sleeping syrup so he was asleep for most of it. I sighed and fell back onto the chair. Just then Nurses came running in like crazy making me glare at them

"WHAT DON'T TRUST ME?" I yell angrily "WHY DIDN'T YOU COME WHEN I CALLED?! ugh get out of here NOW" I say and they rushed out of the room as quick as they entered.

Kanato's Pov.

I woke up to (y/n) and an older Woman talking. The woman had blonde hair and pink-ish eyes. She turned to me and smiled

"Well hello Kanato, how are you feeling?" She asks me

"......I'm in a hospital, My body feels numb and I can't remember where I came from, where I live or anything about my family! Yeah sure I'm great!" I snap, (y/n) growls at me slightly while the woman tells her to sit down. She does like she's told and the woman turned to me

"Yes I understand, you have a bit of amnesia......tell me did you remember your name when you got up?" She asks

"No not really......but I know how I look so that's good" I say hugging Teddy

"I see.......Kanato.....you'll be living with us until you remember ok?" She says.

(Y/n) an I both made shocked faces

"NOOO" we both yell

"YOU CAN'T!" (Y/n) yells running up to the woman

"Oh yes I can" the woman says

"Oh wait wow I got my memory back! Ok now can I go?!" I ask desperately

"What's yout last name?" The woman asks me

"...........L-Luis yup Luis!" I say cringing at the name

"How old are you?"

"19! He's 19!" (Y/n) yells quickly

"Shut it! Ok what colour do your eyes have?" She asks

"...........I......I lied ok?! I can't remember! BUT YOU CAN'T TAKE ME! THAT'S KIDNAPPING!" I yell

"No its not, it's for your own good. I don't care what you two have to say about it. You are living with us and that's finall" she says before an alarm went off on her phone. She Looked at us before running out

"I hate you" I say

"Toucè" (y/n) replies
