12 - my Blood.

You're Pov.

I blushed as he smirked at me, he leaned in and kissed me roughly, I returned the kiss with the same amount of passion. His hand roamed my body making me moan, he moved to my neck and started kissing it. I didn't want him next to my neck so I pulled him up and kissed him again, we kissed for what seemed like Hours, he had removed my outfit so I was in my underwear and I had removed his jacket and shirt leaving him in his pants, he kissed my thigh making me moan suddenly I felt pain roll through my body.

I screamed out in pain and looked down.....'HE BIT ME?!' I yell to myself as two tears rolled down my cheeks, he moved back up and forcefully bit my neck, I was getting weak....to weak, I tried pushing him but that made it worse, finally he removed his fangs and looked at me with a smirk.

"Thank-you *nick name*-Chan, I'll make sure to do this again some time" he says putting he's shirt back on.

"You.....you...." I start saying angrily.

"No need to be angry *nick name*-chan, I'm a Vampire, I can't love.....I can't feel actually! So yes, I only wanted you're blood, now C'mon you should sleep" he says brushing his hand up my body and getting next to me in bed.


I couldn't sleep.....Kanato was sleeping like the phsyco he was, I silently cried the night for being so stupid. I got out of bed, changed into a black and purple T-shirt then threw on a pair of short black jeans before climbing out the window. I started running, I didn't know where I was running but I was doing it, I ended up in the Forest where I found Kanato.

I bit my lip and walked the path I did to Kanato, once I was there I picked a red rose that was on the ground up and smelled it, it didn't smell like a rose would but I brushed it off, I took the rose and started walking around making sure to remember the way I was going, I managed to get to the Farmacy my mother would send me to get medicine.

"Hello?? Someone there?" I ask looking through the window.

I sighed and tried the knob, once I did it opened, my eyes widen but I still entered.

"Umm hello? The uhhh door was open so I let myself in.....it's like 8 in the morning you guys should be open..." I say walking around.

"Oh hello (y/n)! Did you're mother send you here?" A girl that worked there by the name of March asked sweetly.

"Umm no, I came here.....well I actually came here to be alone..." I say feeling a tear roll down my cheek.

"Oh dear, don't worry, come on I'll make you some hot coco!" She said grabbing my shoulders gently and leading me to the 'staff only' room.

I drank my coco and decided to buy some sweets,Β  l then left. I walked back home to see 2 Police Cars parked outside of my House, I ran inside with the hoodie over my head.

"(Y/N)!!" Kanato yelled running over to me.

He gave me a bone crushing hug followed by a tender kiss of happiness and want.

I gasp and pull for air, Kanato cups my cheek and nuzzle our noses making me giggle a bit.

"Miss *full name*?" A Policeman asked walking up to me and Kanato.

"Uhhh y-yes" I stutter making Kanato grip my waist reassuringly as he walked over to my side.

"We've been looking for you all night, what happened?" The man asked making my eyes grow wide.

"All night???.....Nothing happened! I just took a walk....." I explain holding Kanato's hand.

I talked to the Policeman for a bit until he left, I was left with my now happy Mother and a happy Kanato.

"Honey......I was SO worried! I thought something happened to my little girl!" My mom says hugging me tightly.

"I'm sorry I made you worry mother, I won't do it again!" I say hugging her tighter.

-Time skip-

After my Mom had to go to work I was left alone with Kanato.

He smirks at me who was sitting on the couch.....I notice this and look away from my phone.

"What?" I ask him as he placed Teddy on a counter.

"(Y/n)......You know I hate lies" he says transporting on top of me making me jump slightly.

"And you know you'll get punished if you lie......Right?" He asks leaning in.

U-Ummm y-yes" I stutter out placing my hands on his chest preventing him from coming closer. He notices this and in a blink of an eye my hands were above me pinned hard against a soft cushion on the couch.

"So why do you lie (y/n)-chan?" He asks seducevly making me feel a tingly sansetion in my lower parts.

I don't anwser and he licks my neck making me moan quietly.

"Mhhhhh...... (y/n)-chan......Why do you make me feel this way?" He asks but it sounded more like he was asking himself that.

I moan in response as his hand slowly caresses my thigh.

"Stop" he whispers making me bite my lip.

He kisses my cheek and then my lips, I lifted my head deepening our kiss, he pulls away looking down sadly.

"Kanato.....??" I ask as he stands up.

"Kanato?!" I yell after him as he walks to teddy.

"KANATO!" I yell lauder walking to him.

"DON'T FUCKING IGNORE ME!" I yell making him wipe around and slap my face so hard I fell down.

"FUCKING ASS BITCH! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" he yells making tears run down my face once more.

I stood up and pushed him making his back hit the wall, I continued pushing him against the same wall with all my might. He looked at me with tear filled eyes before grabbing my hair and pushing me against the wall, I scowl at him and kick his privates.

He wimpers and quickly attacks my neck, I felt a stinging sansetion making me scream.

"I'm sorry......I'm so so sorry" he says continuing to bite my neck.

I push him off and pin him to the wall, I kissed his lips before biting them hard making blood run down his lip. I moved to his neck and bit with all my might, he winced and my teeth bit into his flesh, it was so cold, I pulled away and kissed him again, his eyes were wide throughout the hole way.

I smirked and kissed his chest, he moaned as I lifted my knee to his member to rub it slightly. When he wanted me the most I pulled away and ran to my room.

"(Y/N)??" He yells running after me.

"Yup Kanato?" I ask as if none of that happened.

"WHAT?! DON'T ACT LIKE THAT DIDN'T HAPPEN!" he yells punching the nightstand making it brake.

"Hmmm? What?" I ask innocently.

"DON'T GIVE ME THAT! YOU KNOW!" he yells showing me the marks I left on him.

I smirk before speaking, "Oh Kanato it doesn't feel good does it? You always do it to me so I thought I should return the favor!" I smile at him.

He looks down and walks out of my bedroom leaving me alone.....
