4 - that's it!

I woke up to hear a beeping noise, I opened my eyes but shut them back  since the light hurt my eyes, I blinked a few times adjusting my eyes to the light, I stood up and felt my breath hitting something, it as an air mask, I took it off and looked around, I wasn't wearing my usual clothes...I was wearing a hospital robe, I looked around feeling something on my arms, I was like a patient at my Mom's Hospital.......wait I WAS in a hospital, I looked to my right to see Kanato sleeping on a black couch next to the wall, I smiled, his exprcion held Anger all of a sudden, he started moving slightly and he started saying things "No.....please.....stop...." he said turning around and around

I called out to him one time, two times the third time I was angry so I shouted


He started waking up, he stood up and looked at me angrily and sleepily
"What.....??" He asked wiping sweat off his forehead

"You were having a nightmare.....what happened??" I ask looking at my body

"DON'T MOVE THAT FAST! You broke your rib-" he says walking over to the sink to wash his face

"I BROKE MY RIB?! YOU PUNCHED ME!" I yell at him. He turned around to look at me

"Well you got me angry, I don't ever let anyone get away........." he says walking back to the couch and walking to the door

I wanted to say something but he cut me off "not even you" and with that he walks off

I stare at the door as if hoping he would come back.....after a while the door opened and a Doctor came it

-you were let out of the Hospital-

"I can walk you Home?" Kanato says in an unsure and unhappy way

"No" I say walking away "I wouldn't want you walking next to me" I say loud enough for him to hear

-at your House-

"Young lady where were you???" My mother asks angrily

".......here.....I had an accident so I was brought to the Hospital....." I say giving her a piece of paper the Doctor said I should give her

"What happened?? Did you get into a fight again??" My mom asks worringly we rushing over to me and gently hugging me

"Well I just came out of the Hospital so....I'm hungry as hell" I say laughing

"Ok, I'll make something special just for you" she says kissing my forehead

I went up to my room after eating *favourite food*, I changed into a pair of black comfy pants and I pulled out a white tank top with a messege on it 'Sleep, Anime and Sleep' I jumped on my bed and played on my phone before falling asleep. I didn't dream so I slept well

-the Next morning-

I woke up to a strange feeling, I looked around myself to see the Sun barely rising, I couldn't fall back asleep because of the feeling.......I looked around one more time trying to get rid of the strange feeling. I called my Cousin and after about 5 calls she answered

"Mmmm hello??" She said in a sleepy tone

"7 Days" I say with a fake raspy voice


I start laughing and I can feel her eyes on me, staring daggers at me through the Phone

"YOU WOKE ME UP FOR THAT?!" She yells angrily

"No......I decided to not let you sleep since I can't" I say laying back down

"Ugh, I hate you! So why can't you sleep??" She asks still angrily

"I have this strange feeling.......like someone was here.....that I've been watched......" I say seriously

"What......?" She asks concerned "you're not loosing it already right?! We promised to go insane at the same time!" She jokes

"No hahaha........I really feel like this, you know what I bet it's nothing, so anyway tell me how yesterday was" I say

"Meh, Jack was a fuck like always, but something interesting DID happen, on Wednesday Parsley asked me out!" She says happily

"OMG REALLY WOW!" I say trying not to go crazy and wake my mom up

"So......I heard what happened at school, I don't belive it. You fought with that purple head, amazing eyes guy right?" She asks

"You know I can feel your smirk right now. And yes I got in a BIG fight with him" I say groaning

"Oh?? Wait did Purple head Sucker of hatred hit you??" She asks using my old nickname for him

"His name is Kanato-" I say but she cuts me off

"OH!!!! YOU CALLED HIM BY HIS NAME! are you falling for him??" She asks snickering

I pause for a bit thinking myself

"Hmmm you paused! You like him!" She says

"N-No!" I say slapping my face with a pillow

"YES! GIRL YOU CAN'T LIE TO ME!" she says in a evil way

"Ugh I hate you!"

"You love me! Everyone else can kiss my fluffy white but you, you HAVE to Adore me" she says using her Grell voice *Black butler*

"You can kiss MY Fluffy (s/c)! Ok now I feel great thanks for talking to me BYE!" I sing

"YOU LOVE KANAT-" she started saying but I cut her off by hanging up

"No.......I.....I........ugh!" I say getting out of bed, I walk to the Kitchen and grab a glass of Water

-at School-

I walk in my 2nd class since I missed my first one

"Ahh morning (y/n), how are you feeling?" Mrs J asks, she's the best! I adore her, she's our phisic teacher

-end of class-

I walk to my other class and bump into someone on the way

"Move it Bitch" a girl that looked like barbie said

"You're in my way Barbie" I say capitalizing the Barbie. She gasps and flips her hair over her shoulder

"You should be honored to even look at me" she says blinking about 1000 times

"So talking and touching you must be hell" i say making her stomp her foot

She snapped her figures and some other Barbies and Ken's appeared

I huffed "can't take me on on your own?" I ask raising an eyebrow

"Yes I can, I just don't want to get my hands dirty" she says snapping her fingers again

"Oh? Didn't Mommy and daddy get their hands dirty while making you?" I ask

"No, but yours did" she said

"Yes, it made it fun and I came out smart and strong" I say looking at her in disgust

"Yeah well.....You're not rich! Ha!" She says

"Pffft I don't need to be to get you begging me for forgiveness" I say placing my bag down


"OHHH so you're the girl with MAJOR problems that had to go to Dr Phil? Well that's great. Now let me do as you wish, I'll cash you outside" I say as she and I made our way outside

I looked at her as she screamed and charged at me, I stood still not moving a bit, She came next to me and I simply moved out of the way so she fell. I got on top of her back preventing her from standing up

''FUCK YOU" she yells making me hit her back. She screamed out in pain as some guys came and pushed me to the ground

I did a back flip making them fall on the dirt. They growled and 1 more came, he was buff and looked like 20 or so, I sighed and ran towards him, he moved doing the same thing I did with Barbie. I stopped running however and landed a punch in his face, he looked like Kanato, he looked like he didn't feel anything. I hit him where the sun doesn't shine. He winced and sent a punch towards me. I fell down and he started kicking me

I kept my hands on my rib so he couldn't hurt me, he kicked again but I grabbed his foot and made him fall
I got onto him and did what Kanato did to me......I started strangling him. He managed to get me off. He kicked me but I managed to stay up, I kicked him in the rib sending him flying backwards. A hand grabbed mine and threw me to the ground, I screamed out in pain as my broken rib touched the hard ground

Many other guys came and started kicking me I cried out in pain. My body went Numb,  my throat was sore so no scream or word came out of it. Suddenly other screams were heard and the kicking stopped. I opened my eyes and saw Kou beating the guys with his brothers.
