19 - Candy for Sorry

Your pov.

I wake up with heavy eyelids and a weak body...The memories of what had happened most likely a few hours ago hit me before I shakily stand up and look around the room.

All of the sudden the door to my room opens and Kanato walks in. My eyes widen at his drunken state, he starts walking towards me making me step backwards until I fell onto the bed. He let's out a laugh before walking into the bathroom.

'Did....Did I do something wrong? W-Why is he drunk?? Why does he look like that??' Questions ran through my mind as I stand up and softly knock on the bathroom door.

"K....Kanato?" I ask in the softest voice possible.

"Shut up." He says in a wierd voice making a small whisper escape me.

"Kanato I-" he cuts me off quickly.

"We're over." Kanato states as he let's out a chuckle.

"What...???" I whisper looking down with wide eyes.

"We.are.over." he says opening the door. "Now you and that Chase guy can finally be together."

"Kanato n-" I amย cut off by getting pinned to the wall, Kanato grabs me by the cheeks harshly and force my head to tilt on one side as his body blocked mine. I try to push him away but I just couldn't. My body refused to move!

Tears ran down my face like a fountain as Kanato bit down into my flesh making it burn. It was like a poisonous snake biting down on your skin, the venom slowly releasing itself creating a liquid burning effect that ran down your body.

Finally I let out a small scream in pain, I felt myself fall numb into Kanato's arms and it was like he knew how much I needed him because he let me fall right onto the cold floor, knocking me out once more.


I wake up once more, with tears running down my cheeks ever so slowly. I once again stand up, slightly falling this time.

I start walking towards the door but manage to fall next to my working table, as I started standing up I see something in the bin....I take it out to see the same Kookie necklace Chase bought me yesterday, I turn it around and see the names "Kanato" and "Y/n" written on it.

I shut my eyes and look down, dissapointed in myself. As quick as lighting, I run down the stairs and start searching for Kanato. When I couldn't find him anywhere, I called his phone and he picked up.

"Kanato!" I yell through the phone.

"Hey, Bitch." He answers swiftly.

"Kanato I am so so sorry! Pl-" I try to appolagise but once again, get cut off.

"Cut the crap-" now I cut him off.

"NO! YOU CUT THE CRAP! Kanato...I know how bad it looked with Chase and I yesterday but Kanato....I love you!" I cry into the phone. Not once did Kanato cut me off.

His strong voice wasn't heard but it was as if I felt his sadness "Oh it looked bad Y/n...It looked really fucking bad...And I don't forgive you." He says before I hear the 'beep' showing that Kanato had hung up.

I feel tears running down my face as my body started to tremble. I had to get my feelings straight....Did I love Kanato....Or Chase more?

Kanato. Deffinatley Kanato.
Now, all I need to do is...Make him forgive me.

I nod to myself and stand up "Okay, Candy...I'm coming for you!" I say proudly as I run down the stairs and out of that house.
20 minutes later I made it to the best Candy store I've ever seen, they.had.EVERYTHING.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The man at the counter smiles while looking at me.

"Hi, I need the best and the sweetest candy you have! Mostly with chocolate please." I say quickly.

The man thinks for a moment before showing me some deserts. I look at all of them before telling the man that I'm buying all of them. Which costed me 55$ by the way so Kanato better forgive me!

I sit on the couch -in the living room- waiting for Kanato to get back from wherever he was.

Like 3 hours later the door opens and Kanato walks it, he looks completely normal so maybe he will forgive me!

"Hey Kanato!" I smile running over to him and giving him a tight hug. Before he could say anything, I cut him off "I got something for You"
I walk off to the deserts I bought and showed them to Kanato.

He looked at them with a big smile before digging in. I smile looking at him, acting like the happiest 5 year old on planet earth.

When he finally finished... EVERYTHING, I sit on his lap and look at him sadly.

Kanato looks to the side as his hands set themselves on my hips "Y/n-" he starts but I cut him off just like before.

"Wait...Kanato you know me. You know I wouldn't cheat. And to be completely honest I...I wasn't sure who I liked more, you...Or Chase but now....Now I know" I say as simply as I can.

Kanato groans and looks up to my eyes, his amazing Purple eyes scanning my whole face. "And?" He asks.

"You. I love you so much more!" I explain.

"Yeah. Sure, now get off-" He tries to push me off but I pin him to the table behind us and lean in to his neck, I quickly give it a bite making him stop from doing anything.

I continue to bite his neck gently, leaving hickeys everytime I bite. A few seconds later Kanato grabs me and pins me to the table, making me gasp lightly.

And I am pretty sure you can imagine what happened later. C;

Kanato kisses my neck as we both continue to pant, sweat all over our faces as we both try catching our breath.

"You are mine. Forever." Kanato states as he picks me up and walks us both to my room.

I smirk and kiss his neck as he lays us both down on the bed.

"I own myself. Nothing you can do about it" I say in a sweet voice.

Kanato groans and entangles our fingers together "marry me then" he says simply.

I look back over at him "again?" I ask with a giggle.

"Just say yes" he says kissing my hand.

"Mmmm okay. In a few years" I say withย  a smile.

"Fine by me" Kanato smirks before pushing me off the bed.

"O-Ow!!" I gasp looking up on the bed to see Kanato laying Teddy on the bed. He shrugs at me before laying back down and closing his eyes.

I glare at Kanato before going over to his side and pulling him off of the bed making him gasp "If I'm not on the bed, neither are you" I say simply as I lay down on the fluffy, warm bed.

I hear Kanato groan before feeling him get in the bed next to me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

Finally! I get to sleep in the bed!!!
Life goal achieved!

Bam! Hope you liked it and all that. Also, I can't be the only one who thinks I used the word 'Bed' way to many times...Oh well, I love my bed so that's DEFINITELY why ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜
Either way, thank you to all the amazing comments and all the people who put up with my old spelling. Love chu~โ™ก
