Chapter 90: The Dark Lord's Gift

When All is Lost, One is Found

Author: Rinoaebastel

Chapter 90: The Dark Lord's Gift

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter and gain no profit from this fanfiction other than writing practice. JK Rowling owns Harry Potter.

AN: This story may contain scenes taken from the Harry Potter movies and books, but it's not exact dialogue, just rewording of dialogue or omission. It is not marked.

Screams of victory tortured his ears as he walked on the stone path leading to the Malfoy manor entrance. Every Death Eater raised their wands, sending a spurt of magic to the sky as he passed them.

It made him sick. He wanted to find a quiet place and let his mind wander. He wanted to remember the warmth he'd felt just half an hour ago, but his current environment reminded him that he was a murderer.

He should be mourning the loss of Dumbledore, not being praised for it.

This was his life now. With taking Dumbledore's life, he brought darkness to the world. It would spread with almost no resistance. Almost. He knew many that would fight until their last breath. That would make sure the Dark Lord would have the hardest time possible succeeding in his goals.

That brought him hope.

When he got to the end of the path, he stepped up on the first of several marble stairs. The cries of victory went silent when the Dark Lord, who was standing on the top stair, raised his hand.

He bowed. Now, despite all his emotions running wild, the guilt, the affection, the pride, and the regret, he had to continue Dumbledore's plan.

"Severus. You made this day one of the most joyful of my life." He felt a cold hand on his shoulder. He wanted to fight the Dark Lord there, try anything to destroy him. "Raise, my friend. All of your comrades know what you did for me, and you will be awarded for it."

He did as ordered, letting his thoughts fall under his mental shields. The Dark Lord guided him to his side. He looked at the small inner circle. All of them were bowing.

Despite what he'd done, a sick satisfaction rushed through him. These people had always hated him, and now they knelt. He'd once wanted it to happen, so he'd have a sense of power and belonging. He wanted to see these people's pride destroyed.
Sadly, he knew they were doing it out of requirement and because of fear. They didn't respect him at all. They would've already tried to kill him if it weren't for the Dark Lord. Any of them would stab him in the back if they got a chance.

But they all knew. If anyone were going to take his life, it would be the Dark Lord.

"I only wish to serve," he responded with humility as he closed his eyes. The Death Eaters released another victory cry.

"Still, it will make me happy to give you one of my skills, Severus."

He knew he could not reject it, so he said, "If it is your desire, I will accept it, my lord." The fact that the Dark Lord would give something so substantial was proof he trusted him. He was selfish and had never shared a substantial portion of his power or knowledge with anyone.

"Come. Let's go inside while your brothers revel in our victory." The Dark Lord turned and walked inside the manor. He waited a few seconds and watched as the Death Eaters disappeared one by one. He hoped they wouldn't cause too many casualties on muggles and muggleborns.

At least, Granger was still safe at Hogwarts. For now at least.

He followed the Dark Lord until he stopped in a small study at the far end of the manor. To his shock, he put up a few wards. This had to be a substantial gift if the Dark Lord was being so cautious.

But what would be the consequences such a gift would have on his body. What if he could not handle it?

"Severus." The smile the Dark Lord had sent chills through him, but his face, remained stoic. "From the first time I saw you as a young man, I knew you would do great things. I knew you would be an excellent hand to aid on my quest. One in which I could trust. You and Bellatrix are my most faithful servants, but you went beyond my expectations. You did what no one else could. And for that I want to gift you something in addition to the leadership of Hogwarts."

The Dark Lord pointed his wand at his own chest.

Severus remained quiet and watched the wizard's every move, being sure not to react to what he was doing.

When the wand touched the Dark Lord's skin, a black substance appeared. It twisted around the wooden material, stopping a centimeter from his long nails.

"Can I ask what you're offering, my lord? I've never seen this technique used." His voice displayed inquisitiveness more than worry.

"Ever curious aren't you, Severus. You will see. Do not worry. I won't let one of my best men fall ill for long." The reassurance was enough to calm him. As evil as this man could be, he needed him alive. So he could be sure, that whatever the Dark Lord was gifting wouldn't kill him right now.

"I am honored," he said and kneeled. The Dark Lord pointed the wand towards him. The substance shot off the wand and slammed into him. He stiffened and steadied himself so he wouldn't fall backward.

For the first few seconds, his body grew hot, as if flames surrounded him. Then, the skin all over his body felt like it was being pierced but several thousand small needles. He clinched his teeth and kept his lips shut, acting as if it didn't hurt. It reminded him of the feeling of taking the Dark Mark, but much more bearable.

The pain eased to a steady ache that was no worse than a light muscle cramp. He slowly let himself relax, so the Dark Lord wouldn't notice how much pain he'd experienced. He looked down at his hand and noticed it was bleeding. He stood and began rubbing the blood away.

"The sensation will fade," the Dark Lord said. "When it does, the skill will meld with your powers, letting you use the ability to cross the skies at your desire as I do. You should be able to do it easily considering your intelligence."

His eyes widened. Truthfully, that was a power of the Dark Lord's that he always envied, so to have it now was exciting.

The gift was of no consequence to the Dark Lord, for it didn't threaten his position and power.

He was grateful that was all the gift was. It was easily hidden and would not raise envy in the other Death Eaters. He already had enough to worry about.

The Death Eater's joy wouldn't last forever. Soon it would be back to the plotting, the backstabbing, and them doing anything to get his position. He had to be ready for that.

And ready for any attacks coming from the Order.

He had solidified his position and his life was more at risk than ever. Right now, he was the most hated wizard in the world for both killing Dumbledore and being favoured by the Dark Lord.

But he was ready for this. Because of her, he was ready.

He was alone physically, but out there, he knew she was supporting him. And that support gave him courage and a will to continue.

Until the day he died. He would never be truly alone.

AN: Strong man but... still a man. Hope you liked it and let me know what you think. See you next Saturday.
